--- extends: default rules: braces: # Defaults # min-spaces-inside: 0 # max-spaces-inside: 0 # Keeping 0 min-spaces to not error on empty collection definitions min-spaces-inside: 0 # Allowing one space inside braces to improve code readability max-spaces-inside: 1 brackets: # Defaults # min-spaces-inside: 0 # max-spaces-inside: 0 # Keeping 0 min-spaces to not error on empty collection definitions min-spaces-inside: 0 # Allowing one space inside braces to improve code readability max-spaces-inside: 1 colons: # Defaults # max-spaces-before: 0 # max-spaces-after: 1 max-spaces-before: 0 # Allowing more than one space for code readability max-spaces-after: -1 comments: # Defaults # level: warning # require-starting-space: true # min-spaces-from-content: 2 # Disabling to allow for code comment blocks and #!/usr/bin/ansible-playbook require-starting-space: false indentation: # Defaults # spaces: consistent # indent-sequences: true # check-multi-line-strings: false # Requiring 2 space indentation spaces: 2 # Requiring consistent indentation within a file, either indented or not indent-sequences: consistent # Disabling due to copious amounts of long lines in the code which would # require a code style change to resolve line-length: disable truthy: disable