--- dist: bionic language: python python: "3.8" # Test on all supported PG versions on both debian stretch and debian buster env: - POSTGRESQL_VERSION=9.5 DEBIAN_RELEASE=stretch - POSTGRESQL_VERSION=9.6 DEBIAN_RELEASE=stretch - POSTGRESQL_VERSION=10 DEBIAN_RELEASE=stretch - POSTGRESQL_VERSION=11 DEBIAN_RELEASE=stretch - POSTGRESQL_VERSION=12 DEBIAN_RELEASE=stretch - POSTGRESQL_VERSION=9.5 DEBIAN_RELEASE=buster - POSTGRESQL_VERSION=9.6 DEBIAN_RELEASE=buster - POSTGRESQL_VERSION=10 DEBIAN_RELEASE=buster - POSTGRESQL_VERSION=11 DEBIAN_RELEASE=buster - POSTGRESQL_VERSION=12 DEBIAN_RELEASE=buster # Install pip addons: apt: packages: - python-pip # Tests are using docker to spawn fake instances services: - docker install: # Install ansible - pip install -r test/requirements.txt # Check ansible version - ansible --version - ansible-galaxy install -r test/requirements.yml -p test/roles/ script: # Basic role syntax check - ansible-playbook test/main.yml -i test/hosts --syntax-check # Run the tests - ansible-playbook test/main.yml -i test/hosts -e "postgres_version=${POSTGRESQL_VERSION}" -e "debian_release=${DEBIAN_RELEASE}" # FAILS - ansible-playbook test/main.yml -i test/hosts # Even if Docker and docker-py module are present, the tests fail on Travis # The error on Travis is: # => {"changed": false, "item": {"image": "python:3.7-stretch", "links": ["postgres_barman", "postgres_one"], "name": "postgres_three"}, "msg": "Failed to import docker or docker-py - No module named docker. Try `pip install docker` or `pip install docker-py` (Python 2.6)"} notifications: webhooks: https://galaxy.ansible.com/api/v1/notifications/