]> git.immae.eu Git - github/fretlink/terraform-provider-statuscake.git/blob - vendor/github.com/hashicorp/terraform/helper/resource/testing.go
Transfer of provider code
[github/fretlink/terraform-provider-statuscake.git] / vendor / github.com / hashicorp / terraform / helper / resource / testing.go
1 package resource
3 import (
4 "flag"
5 "fmt"
6 "io"
7 "io/ioutil"
8 "log"
9 "os"
10 "path/filepath"
11 "reflect"
12 "regexp"
13 "strings"
14 "testing"
16 "github.com/davecgh/go-spew/spew"
17 "github.com/hashicorp/go-getter"
18 "github.com/hashicorp/go-multierror"
19 "github.com/hashicorp/terraform/config/module"
20 "github.com/hashicorp/terraform/helper/logging"
21 "github.com/hashicorp/terraform/terraform"
22 )
24 // flagSweep is a flag available when running tests on the command line. It
25 // contains a comma seperated list of regions to for the sweeper functions to
26 // run in. This flag bypasses the normal Test path and instead runs functions designed to
27 // clean up any leaked resources a testing environment could have created. It is
28 // a best effort attempt, and relies on Provider authors to implement "Sweeper"
29 // methods for resources.
31 // Adding Sweeper methods with AddTestSweepers will
32 // construct a list of sweeper funcs to be called here. We iterate through
33 // regions provided by the sweep flag, and for each region we iterate through the
34 // tests, and exit on any errors. At time of writing, sweepers are ran
35 // sequentially, however they can list dependencies to be ran first. We track
36 // the sweepers that have been ran, so as to not run a sweeper twice for a given
37 // region.
38 //
39 // WARNING:
40 // Sweepers are designed to be destructive. You should not use the -sweep flag
41 // in any environment that is not strictly a test environment. Resources will be
42 // destroyed.
44 var flagSweep = flag.String("sweep", "", "List of Regions to run available Sweepers")
45 var flagSweepRun = flag.String("sweep-run", "", "Comma seperated list of Sweeper Tests to run")
46 var sweeperFuncs map[string]*Sweeper
48 // map of sweepers that have ran, and the success/fail status based on any error
49 // raised
50 var sweeperRunList map[string]bool
52 // type SweeperFunc is a signature for a function that acts as a sweeper. It
53 // accepts a string for the region that the sweeper is to be ran in. This
54 // function must be able to construct a valid client for that region.
55 type SweeperFunc func(r string) error
57 type Sweeper struct {
58 // Name for sweeper. Must be unique to be ran by the Sweeper Runner
59 Name string
61 // Dependencies list the const names of other Sweeper functions that must be ran
62 // prior to running this Sweeper. This is an ordered list that will be invoked
63 // recursively at the helper/resource level
64 Dependencies []string
66 // Sweeper function that when invoked sweeps the Provider of specific
67 // resources
68 F SweeperFunc
69 }
71 func init() {
72 sweeperFuncs = make(map[string]*Sweeper)
73 }
75 // AddTestSweepers function adds a given name and Sweeper configuration
76 // pair to the internal sweeperFuncs map. Invoke this function to register a
77 // resource sweeper to be available for running when the -sweep flag is used
78 // with `go test`. Sweeper names must be unique to help ensure a given sweeper
79 // is only ran once per run.
80 func AddTestSweepers(name string, s *Sweeper) {
81 if _, ok := sweeperFuncs[name]; ok {
82 log.Fatalf("[ERR] Error adding (%s) to sweeperFuncs: function already exists in map", name)
83 }
85 sweeperFuncs[name] = s
86 }
88 func TestMain(m *testing.M) {
89 flag.Parse()
90 if *flagSweep != "" {
91 // parse flagSweep contents for regions to run
92 regions := strings.Split(*flagSweep, ",")
94 // get filtered list of sweepers to run based on sweep-run flag
95 sweepers := filterSweepers(*flagSweepRun, sweeperFuncs)
96 for _, region := range regions {
97 region = strings.TrimSpace(region)
98 // reset sweeperRunList for each region
99 sweeperRunList = map[string]bool{}
101 log.Printf("[DEBUG] Running Sweepers for region (%s):\n", region)
102 for _, sweeper := range sweepers {
103 if err := runSweeperWithRegion(region, sweeper); err != nil {
104 log.Fatalf("[ERR] error running (%s): %s", sweeper.Name, err)
105 }
106 }
108 log.Printf("Sweeper Tests ran:\n")
109 for s, _ := range sweeperRunList {
110 fmt.Printf("\t- %s\n", s)
111 }
112 }
113 } else {
114 os.Exit(m.Run())
115 }
116 }
118 // filterSweepers takes a comma seperated string listing the names of sweepers
119 // to be ran, and returns a filtered set from the list of all of sweepers to
120 // run based on the names given.
121 func filterSweepers(f string, source map[string]*Sweeper) map[string]*Sweeper {
122 filterSlice := strings.Split(strings.ToLower(f), ",")
123 if len(filterSlice) == 1 && filterSlice[0] == "" {
124 // if the filter slice is a single element of "" then no sweeper list was
125 // given, so just return the full list
126 return source
127 }
129 sweepers := make(map[string]*Sweeper)
130 for name, sweeper := range source {
131 for _, s := range filterSlice {
132 if strings.Contains(strings.ToLower(name), s) {
133 sweepers[name] = sweeper
134 }
135 }
136 }
137 return sweepers
138 }
140 // runSweeperWithRegion recieves a sweeper and a region, and recursively calls
141 // itself with that region for every dependency found for that sweeper. If there
142 // are no dependencies, invoke the contained sweeper fun with the region, and
143 // add the success/fail status to the sweeperRunList.
144 func runSweeperWithRegion(region string, s *Sweeper) error {
145 for _, dep := range s.Dependencies {
146 if depSweeper, ok := sweeperFuncs[dep]; ok {
147 log.Printf("[DEBUG] Sweeper (%s) has dependency (%s), running..", s.Name, dep)
148 if err := runSweeperWithRegion(region, depSweeper); err != nil {
149 return err
150 }
151 } else {
152 log.Printf("[DEBUG] Sweeper (%s) has dependency (%s), but that sweeper was not found", s.Name, dep)
153 }
154 }
156 if _, ok := sweeperRunList[s.Name]; ok {
157 log.Printf("[DEBUG] Sweeper (%s) already ran in region (%s)", s.Name, region)
158 return nil
159 }
161 runE := s.F(region)
162 if runE == nil {
163 sweeperRunList[s.Name] = true
164 } else {
165 sweeperRunList[s.Name] = false
166 }
168 return runE
169 }
171 const TestEnvVar = "TF_ACC"
173 // TestProvider can be implemented by any ResourceProvider to provide custom
174 // reset functionality at the start of an acceptance test.
175 // The helper/schema Provider implements this interface.
176 type TestProvider interface {
177 TestReset() error
178 }
180 // TestCheckFunc is the callback type used with acceptance tests to check
181 // the state of a resource. The state passed in is the latest state known,
182 // or in the case of being after a destroy, it is the last known state when
183 // it was created.
184 type TestCheckFunc func(*terraform.State) error
186 // ImportStateCheckFunc is the check function for ImportState tests
187 type ImportStateCheckFunc func([]*terraform.InstanceState) error
189 // TestCase is a single acceptance test case used to test the apply/destroy
190 // lifecycle of a resource in a specific configuration.
191 //
192 // When the destroy plan is executed, the config from the last TestStep
193 // is used to plan it.
194 type TestCase struct {
195 // IsUnitTest allows a test to run regardless of the TF_ACC
196 // environment variable. This should be used with care - only for
197 // fast tests on local resources (e.g. remote state with a local
198 // backend) but can be used to increase confidence in correct
199 // operation of Terraform without waiting for a full acctest run.
200 IsUnitTest bool
202 // PreCheck, if non-nil, will be called before any test steps are
203 // executed. It will only be executed in the case that the steps
204 // would run, so it can be used for some validation before running
205 // acceptance tests, such as verifying that keys are setup.
206 PreCheck func()
208 // Providers is the ResourceProvider that will be under test.
209 //
210 // Alternately, ProviderFactories can be specified for the providers
211 // that are valid. This takes priority over Providers.
212 //
213 // The end effect of each is the same: specifying the providers that
214 // are used within the tests.
215 Providers map[string]terraform.ResourceProvider
216 ProviderFactories map[string]terraform.ResourceProviderFactory
218 // PreventPostDestroyRefresh can be set to true for cases where data sources
219 // are tested alongside real resources
220 PreventPostDestroyRefresh bool
222 // CheckDestroy is called after the resource is finally destroyed
223 // to allow the tester to test that the resource is truly gone.
224 CheckDestroy TestCheckFunc
226 // Steps are the apply sequences done within the context of the
227 // same state. Each step can have its own check to verify correctness.
228 Steps []TestStep
230 // The settings below control the "ID-only refresh test." This is
231 // an enabled-by-default test that tests that a refresh can be
232 // refreshed with only an ID to result in the same attributes.
233 // This validates completeness of Refresh.
234 //
235 // IDRefreshName is the name of the resource to check. This will
236 // default to the first non-nil primary resource in the state.
237 //
238 // IDRefreshIgnore is a list of configuration keys that will be ignored.
239 IDRefreshName string
240 IDRefreshIgnore []string
241 }
243 // TestStep is a single apply sequence of a test, done within the
244 // context of a state.
245 //
246 // Multiple TestSteps can be sequenced in a Test to allow testing
247 // potentially complex update logic. In general, simply create/destroy
248 // tests will only need one step.
249 type TestStep struct {
250 // ResourceName should be set to the name of the resource
251 // that is being tested. Example: "aws_instance.foo". Various test
252 // modes use this to auto-detect state information.
253 //
254 // This is only required if the test mode settings below say it is
255 // for the mode you're using.
256 ResourceName string
258 // PreConfig is called before the Config is applied to perform any per-step
259 // setup that needs to happen. This is called regardless of "test mode"
260 // below.
261 PreConfig func()
263 //---------------------------------------------------------------
264 // Test modes. One of the following groups of settings must be
265 // set to determine what the test step will do. Ideally we would've
266 // used Go interfaces here but there are now hundreds of tests we don't
267 // want to re-type so instead we just determine which step logic
268 // to run based on what settings below are set.
269 //---------------------------------------------------------------
271 //---------------------------------------------------------------
272 // Plan, Apply testing
273 //---------------------------------------------------------------
275 // Config a string of the configuration to give to Terraform. If this
276 // is set, then the TestCase will execute this step with the same logic
277 // as a `terraform apply`.
278 Config string
280 // Check is called after the Config is applied. Use this step to
281 // make your own API calls to check the status of things, and to
282 // inspect the format of the ResourceState itself.
283 //
284 // If an error is returned, the test will fail. In this case, a
285 // destroy plan will still be attempted.
286 //
287 // If this is nil, no check is done on this step.
288 Check TestCheckFunc
290 // Destroy will create a destroy plan if set to true.
291 Destroy bool
293 // ExpectNonEmptyPlan can be set to true for specific types of tests that are
294 // looking to verify that a diff occurs
295 ExpectNonEmptyPlan bool
297 // ExpectError allows the construction of test cases that we expect to fail
298 // with an error. The specified regexp must match against the error for the
299 // test to pass.
300 ExpectError *regexp.Regexp
302 // PlanOnly can be set to only run `plan` with this configuration, and not
303 // actually apply it. This is useful for ensuring config changes result in
304 // no-op plans
305 PlanOnly bool
307 // PreventPostDestroyRefresh can be set to true for cases where data sources
308 // are tested alongside real resources
309 PreventPostDestroyRefresh bool
311 //---------------------------------------------------------------
312 // ImportState testing
313 //---------------------------------------------------------------
315 // ImportState, if true, will test the functionality of ImportState
316 // by importing the resource with ResourceName (must be set) and the
317 // ID of that resource.
318 ImportState bool
320 // ImportStateId is the ID to perform an ImportState operation with.
321 // This is optional. If it isn't set, then the resource ID is automatically
322 // determined by inspecting the state for ResourceName's ID.
323 ImportStateId string
325 // ImportStateIdPrefix is the prefix added in front of ImportStateId.
326 // This can be useful in complex import cases, where more than one
327 // attribute needs to be passed on as the Import ID. Mainly in cases
328 // where the ID is not known, and a known prefix needs to be added to
329 // the unset ImportStateId field.
330 ImportStateIdPrefix string
332 // ImportStateCheck checks the results of ImportState. It should be
333 // used to verify that the resulting value of ImportState has the
334 // proper resources, IDs, and attributes.
335 ImportStateCheck ImportStateCheckFunc
337 // ImportStateVerify, if true, will also check that the state values
338 // that are finally put into the state after import match for all the
339 // IDs returned by the Import.
340 //
341 // ImportStateVerifyIgnore are fields that should not be verified to
342 // be equal. These can be set to ephemeral fields or fields that can't
343 // be refreshed and don't matter.
344 ImportStateVerify bool
345 ImportStateVerifyIgnore []string
346 }
348 // Test performs an acceptance test on a resource.
349 //
350 // Tests are not run unless an environmental variable "TF_ACC" is
351 // set to some non-empty value. This is to avoid test cases surprising
352 // a user by creating real resources.
353 //
354 // Tests will fail unless the verbose flag (`go test -v`, or explicitly
355 // the "-test.v" flag) is set. Because some acceptance tests take quite
356 // long, we require the verbose flag so users are able to see progress
357 // output.
358 func Test(t TestT, c TestCase) {
359 // We only run acceptance tests if an env var is set because they're
360 // slow and generally require some outside configuration. You can opt out
361 // of this with OverrideEnvVar on individual TestCases.
362 if os.Getenv(TestEnvVar) == "" && !c.IsUnitTest {
363 t.Skip(fmt.Sprintf(
364 "Acceptance tests skipped unless env '%s' set",
365 TestEnvVar))
366 return
367 }
369 logWriter, err := logging.LogOutput()
370 if err != nil {
371 t.Error(fmt.Errorf("error setting up logging: %s", err))
372 }
373 log.SetOutput(logWriter)
375 // We require verbose mode so that the user knows what is going on.
376 if !testTesting && !testing.Verbose() && !c.IsUnitTest {
377 t.Fatal("Acceptance tests must be run with the -v flag on tests")
378 return
379 }
381 // Run the PreCheck if we have it
382 if c.PreCheck != nil {
383 c.PreCheck()
384 }
386 ctxProviders, err := testProviderFactories(c)
387 if err != nil {
388 t.Fatal(err)
389 }
390 opts := terraform.ContextOpts{Providers: ctxProviders}
392 // A single state variable to track the lifecycle, starting with no state
393 var state *terraform.State
395 // Go through each step and run it
396 var idRefreshCheck *terraform.ResourceState
397 idRefresh := c.IDRefreshName != ""
398 errored := false
399 for i, step := range c.Steps {
400 var err error
401 log.Printf("[WARN] Test: Executing step %d", i)
403 // Determine the test mode to execute
404 if step.Config != "" {
405 state, err = testStepConfig(opts, state, step)
406 } else if step.ImportState {
407 state, err = testStepImportState(opts, state, step)
408 } else {
409 err = fmt.Errorf(
410 "unknown test mode for step. Please see TestStep docs\n\n%#v",
411 step)
412 }
414 // If there was an error, exit
415 if err != nil {
416 // Perhaps we expected an error? Check if it matches
417 if step.ExpectError != nil {
418 if !step.ExpectError.MatchString(err.Error()) {
419 errored = true
420 t.Error(fmt.Sprintf(
421 "Step %d, expected error:\n\n%s\n\nTo match:\n\n%s\n\n",
422 i, err, step.ExpectError))
423 break
424 }
425 } else {
426 errored = true
427 t.Error(fmt.Sprintf(
428 "Step %d error: %s", i, err))
429 break
430 }
431 }
433 // If we've never checked an id-only refresh and our state isn't
434 // empty, find the first resource and test it.
435 if idRefresh && idRefreshCheck == nil && !state.Empty() {
436 // Find the first non-nil resource in the state
437 for _, m := range state.Modules {
438 if len(m.Resources) > 0 {
439 if v, ok := m.Resources[c.IDRefreshName]; ok {
440 idRefreshCheck = v
441 }
443 break
444 }
445 }
447 // If we have an instance to check for refreshes, do it
448 // immediately. We do it in the middle of another test
449 // because it shouldn't affect the overall state (refresh
450 // is read-only semantically) and we want to fail early if
451 // this fails. If refresh isn't read-only, then this will have
452 // caught a different bug.
453 if idRefreshCheck != nil {
454 log.Printf(
455 "[WARN] Test: Running ID-only refresh check on %s",
456 idRefreshCheck.Primary.ID)
457 if err := testIDOnlyRefresh(c, opts, step, idRefreshCheck); err != nil {
458 log.Printf("[ERROR] Test: ID-only test failed: %s", err)
459 t.Error(fmt.Sprintf(
460 "[ERROR] Test: ID-only test failed: %s", err))
461 break
462 }
463 }
464 }
465 }
467 // If we never checked an id-only refresh, it is a failure.
468 if idRefresh {
469 if !errored && len(c.Steps) > 0 && idRefreshCheck == nil {
470 t.Error("ID-only refresh check never ran.")
471 }
472 }
474 // If we have a state, then run the destroy
475 if state != nil {
476 lastStep := c.Steps[len(c.Steps)-1]
477 destroyStep := TestStep{
478 Config: lastStep.Config,
479 Check: c.CheckDestroy,
480 Destroy: true,
481 PreventPostDestroyRefresh: c.PreventPostDestroyRefresh,
482 }
484 log.Printf("[WARN] Test: Executing destroy step")
485 state, err := testStep(opts, state, destroyStep)
486 if err != nil {
487 t.Error(fmt.Sprintf(
488 "Error destroying resource! WARNING: Dangling resources\n"+
489 "may exist. The full state and error is shown below.\n\n"+
490 "Error: %s\n\nState: %s",
491 err,
492 state))
493 }
494 } else {
495 log.Printf("[WARN] Skipping destroy test since there is no state.")
496 }
497 }
499 // testProviderFactories is a helper to build the ResourceProviderFactory map
500 // with pre instantiated ResourceProviders, so that we can reset them for the
501 // test, while only calling the factory function once.
502 // Any errors are stored so that they can be returned by the factory in
503 // terraform to match non-test behavior.
504 func testProviderFactories(c TestCase) (map[string]terraform.ResourceProviderFactory, error) {
505 ctxProviders := c.ProviderFactories // make(map[string]terraform.ResourceProviderFactory)
506 if ctxProviders == nil {
507 ctxProviders = make(map[string]terraform.ResourceProviderFactory)
508 }
509 // add any fixed providers
510 for k, p := range c.Providers {
511 ctxProviders[k] = terraform.ResourceProviderFactoryFixed(p)
512 }
514 // reset the providers if needed
515 for k, pf := range ctxProviders {
516 // we can ignore any errors here, if we don't have a provider to reset
517 // the error will be handled later
518 p, err := pf()
519 if err != nil {
520 return nil, err
521 }
522 if p, ok := p.(TestProvider); ok {
523 err := p.TestReset()
524 if err != nil {
525 return nil, fmt.Errorf("[ERROR] failed to reset provider %q: %s", k, err)
526 }
527 }
528 }
530 return ctxProviders, nil
531 }
533 // UnitTest is a helper to force the acceptance testing harness to run in the
534 // normal unit test suite. This should only be used for resource that don't
535 // have any external dependencies.
536 func UnitTest(t TestT, c TestCase) {
537 c.IsUnitTest = true
538 Test(t, c)
539 }
541 func testIDOnlyRefresh(c TestCase, opts terraform.ContextOpts, step TestStep, r *terraform.ResourceState) error {
542 // TODO: We guard by this right now so master doesn't explode. We
543 // need to remove this eventually to make this part of the normal tests.
544 if os.Getenv("TF_ACC_IDONLY") == "" {
545 return nil
546 }
548 name := fmt.Sprintf("%s.foo", r.Type)
550 // Build the state. The state is just the resource with an ID. There
551 // are no attributes. We only set what is needed to perform a refresh.
552 state := terraform.NewState()
553 state.RootModule().Resources[name] = &terraform.ResourceState{
554 Type: r.Type,
555 Primary: &terraform.InstanceState{
556 ID: r.Primary.ID,
557 },
558 }
560 // Create the config module. We use the full config because Refresh
561 // doesn't have access to it and we may need things like provider
562 // configurations. The initial implementation of id-only checks used
563 // an empty config module, but that caused the aforementioned problems.
564 mod, err := testModule(opts, step)
565 if err != nil {
566 return err
567 }
569 // Initialize the context
570 opts.Module = mod
571 opts.State = state
572 ctx, err := terraform.NewContext(&opts)
573 if err != nil {
574 return err
575 }
576 if ws, es := ctx.Validate(); len(ws) > 0 || len(es) > 0 {
577 if len(es) > 0 {
578 estrs := make([]string, len(es))
579 for i, e := range es {
580 estrs[i] = e.Error()
581 }
582 return fmt.Errorf(
583 "Configuration is invalid.\n\nWarnings: %#v\n\nErrors: %#v",
584 ws, estrs)
585 }
587 log.Printf("[WARN] Config warnings: %#v", ws)
588 }
590 // Refresh!
591 state, err = ctx.Refresh()
592 if err != nil {
593 return fmt.Errorf("Error refreshing: %s", err)
594 }
596 // Verify attribute equivalence.
597 actualR := state.RootModule().Resources[name]
598 if actualR == nil {
599 return fmt.Errorf("Resource gone!")
600 }
601 if actualR.Primary == nil {
602 return fmt.Errorf("Resource has no primary instance")
603 }
604 actual := actualR.Primary.Attributes
605 expected := r.Primary.Attributes
606 // Remove fields we're ignoring
607 for _, v := range c.IDRefreshIgnore {
608 for k, _ := range actual {
609 if strings.HasPrefix(k, v) {
610 delete(actual, k)
611 }
612 }
613 for k, _ := range expected {
614 if strings.HasPrefix(k, v) {
615 delete(expected, k)
616 }
617 }
618 }
620 if !reflect.DeepEqual(actual, expected) {
621 // Determine only the different attributes
622 for k, v := range expected {
623 if av, ok := actual[k]; ok && v == av {
624 delete(expected, k)
625 delete(actual, k)
626 }
627 }
629 spewConf := spew.NewDefaultConfig()
630 spewConf.SortKeys = true
631 return fmt.Errorf(
632 "Attributes not equivalent. Difference is shown below. Top is actual, bottom is expected."+
633 "\n\n%s\n\n%s",
634 spewConf.Sdump(actual), spewConf.Sdump(expected))
635 }
637 return nil
638 }
640 func testModule(
641 opts terraform.ContextOpts,
642 step TestStep) (*module.Tree, error) {
643 if step.PreConfig != nil {
644 step.PreConfig()
645 }
647 cfgPath, err := ioutil.TempDir("", "tf-test")
648 if err != nil {
649 return nil, fmt.Errorf(
650 "Error creating temporary directory for config: %s", err)
651 }
652 defer os.RemoveAll(cfgPath)
654 // Write the configuration
655 cfgF, err := os.Create(filepath.Join(cfgPath, "main.tf"))
656 if err != nil {
657 return nil, fmt.Errorf(
658 "Error creating temporary file for config: %s", err)
659 }
661 _, err = io.Copy(cfgF, strings.NewReader(step.Config))
662 cfgF.Close()
663 if err != nil {
664 return nil, fmt.Errorf(
665 "Error creating temporary file for config: %s", err)
666 }
668 // Parse the configuration
669 mod, err := module.NewTreeModule("", cfgPath)
670 if err != nil {
671 return nil, fmt.Errorf(
672 "Error loading configuration: %s", err)
673 }
675 // Load the modules
676 modStorage := &getter.FolderStorage{
677 StorageDir: filepath.Join(cfgPath, ".tfmodules"),
678 }
679 err = mod.Load(modStorage, module.GetModeGet)
680 if err != nil {
681 return nil, fmt.Errorf("Error downloading modules: %s", err)
682 }
684 return mod, nil
685 }
687 func testResource(c TestStep, state *terraform.State) (*terraform.ResourceState, error) {
688 if c.ResourceName == "" {
689 return nil, fmt.Errorf("ResourceName must be set in TestStep")
690 }
692 for _, m := range state.Modules {
693 if len(m.Resources) > 0 {
694 if v, ok := m.Resources[c.ResourceName]; ok {
695 return v, nil
696 }
697 }
698 }
700 return nil, fmt.Errorf(
701 "Resource specified by ResourceName couldn't be found: %s", c.ResourceName)
702 }
704 // ComposeTestCheckFunc lets you compose multiple TestCheckFuncs into
705 // a single TestCheckFunc.
706 //
707 // As a user testing their provider, this lets you decompose your checks
708 // into smaller pieces more easily.
709 func ComposeTestCheckFunc(fs ...TestCheckFunc) TestCheckFunc {
710 return func(s *terraform.State) error {
711 for i, f := range fs {
712 if err := f(s); err != nil {
713 return fmt.Errorf("Check %d/%d error: %s", i+1, len(fs), err)
714 }
715 }
717 return nil
718 }
719 }
721 // ComposeAggregateTestCheckFunc lets you compose multiple TestCheckFuncs into
722 // a single TestCheckFunc.
723 //
724 // As a user testing their provider, this lets you decompose your checks
725 // into smaller pieces more easily.
726 //
727 // Unlike ComposeTestCheckFunc, ComposeAggergateTestCheckFunc runs _all_ of the
728 // TestCheckFuncs and aggregates failures.
729 func ComposeAggregateTestCheckFunc(fs ...TestCheckFunc) TestCheckFunc {
730 return func(s *terraform.State) error {
731 var result *multierror.Error
733 for i, f := range fs {
734 if err := f(s); err != nil {
735 result = multierror.Append(result, fmt.Errorf("Check %d/%d error: %s", i+1, len(fs), err))
736 }
737 }
739 return result.ErrorOrNil()
740 }
741 }
743 // TestCheckResourceAttrSet is a TestCheckFunc which ensures a value
744 // exists in state for the given name/key combination. It is useful when
745 // testing that computed values were set, when it is not possible to
746 // know ahead of time what the values will be.
747 func TestCheckResourceAttrSet(name, key string) TestCheckFunc {
748 return func(s *terraform.State) error {
749 is, err := primaryInstanceState(s, name)
750 if err != nil {
751 return err
752 }
754 if val, ok := is.Attributes[key]; ok && val != "" {
755 return nil
756 }
758 return fmt.Errorf("%s: Attribute '%s' expected to be set", name, key)
759 }
760 }
762 // TestCheckResourceAttr is a TestCheckFunc which validates
763 // the value in state for the given name/key combination.
764 func TestCheckResourceAttr(name, key, value string) TestCheckFunc {
765 return func(s *terraform.State) error {
766 is, err := primaryInstanceState(s, name)
767 if err != nil {
768 return err
769 }
771 if v, ok := is.Attributes[key]; !ok || v != value {
772 if !ok {
773 return fmt.Errorf("%s: Attribute '%s' not found", name, key)
774 }
776 return fmt.Errorf(
777 "%s: Attribute '%s' expected %#v, got %#v",
778 name,
779 key,
780 value,
781 v)
782 }
784 return nil
785 }
786 }
788 // TestCheckNoResourceAttr is a TestCheckFunc which ensures that
789 // NO value exists in state for the given name/key combination.
790 func TestCheckNoResourceAttr(name, key string) TestCheckFunc {
791 return func(s *terraform.State) error {
792 is, err := primaryInstanceState(s, name)
793 if err != nil {
794 return err
795 }
797 if _, ok := is.Attributes[key]; ok {
798 return fmt.Errorf("%s: Attribute '%s' found when not expected", name, key)
799 }
801 return nil
802 }
803 }
805 // TestMatchResourceAttr is a TestCheckFunc which checks that the value
806 // in state for the given name/key combination matches the given regex.
807 func TestMatchResourceAttr(name, key string, r *regexp.Regexp) TestCheckFunc {
808 return func(s *terraform.State) error {
809 is, err := primaryInstanceState(s, name)
810 if err != nil {
811 return err
812 }
814 if !r.MatchString(is.Attributes[key]) {
815 return fmt.Errorf(
816 "%s: Attribute '%s' didn't match %q, got %#v",
817 name,
818 key,
819 r.String(),
820 is.Attributes[key])
821 }
823 return nil
824 }
825 }
827 // TestCheckResourceAttrPtr is like TestCheckResourceAttr except the
828 // value is a pointer so that it can be updated while the test is running.
829 // It will only be dereferenced at the point this step is run.
830 func TestCheckResourceAttrPtr(name string, key string, value *string) TestCheckFunc {
831 return func(s *terraform.State) error {
832 return TestCheckResourceAttr(name, key, *value)(s)
833 }
834 }
836 // TestCheckResourceAttrPair is a TestCheckFunc which validates that the values
837 // in state for a pair of name/key combinations are equal.
838 func TestCheckResourceAttrPair(nameFirst, keyFirst, nameSecond, keySecond string) TestCheckFunc {
839 return func(s *terraform.State) error {
840 isFirst, err := primaryInstanceState(s, nameFirst)
841 if err != nil {
842 return err
843 }
844 vFirst, ok := isFirst.Attributes[keyFirst]
845 if !ok {
846 return fmt.Errorf("%s: Attribute '%s' not found", nameFirst, keyFirst)
847 }
849 isSecond, err := primaryInstanceState(s, nameSecond)
850 if err != nil {
851 return err
852 }
853 vSecond, ok := isSecond.Attributes[keySecond]
854 if !ok {
855 return fmt.Errorf("%s: Attribute '%s' not found", nameSecond, keySecond)
856 }
858 if vFirst != vSecond {
859 return fmt.Errorf(
860 "%s: Attribute '%s' expected %#v, got %#v",
861 nameFirst,
862 keyFirst,
863 vSecond,
864 vFirst)
865 }
867 return nil
868 }
869 }
871 // TestCheckOutput checks an output in the Terraform configuration
872 func TestCheckOutput(name, value string) TestCheckFunc {
873 return func(s *terraform.State) error {
874 ms := s.RootModule()
875 rs, ok := ms.Outputs[name]
876 if !ok {
877 return fmt.Errorf("Not found: %s", name)
878 }
880 if rs.Value != value {
881 return fmt.Errorf(
882 "Output '%s': expected %#v, got %#v",
883 name,
884 value,
885 rs)
886 }
888 return nil
889 }
890 }
892 func TestMatchOutput(name string, r *regexp.Regexp) TestCheckFunc {
893 return func(s *terraform.State) error {
894 ms := s.RootModule()
895 rs, ok := ms.Outputs[name]
896 if !ok {
897 return fmt.Errorf("Not found: %s", name)
898 }
900 if !r.MatchString(rs.Value.(string)) {
901 return fmt.Errorf(
902 "Output '%s': %#v didn't match %q",
903 name,
904 rs,
905 r.String())
906 }
908 return nil
909 }
910 }
912 // TestT is the interface used to handle the test lifecycle of a test.
913 //
914 // Users should just use a *testing.T object, which implements this.
915 type TestT interface {
916 Error(args ...interface{})
917 Fatal(args ...interface{})
918 Skip(args ...interface{})
919 }
921 // This is set to true by unit tests to alter some behavior
922 var testTesting = false
924 // primaryInstanceState returns the primary instance state for the given resource name.
925 func primaryInstanceState(s *terraform.State, name string) (*terraform.InstanceState, error) {
926 ms := s.RootModule()
927 rs, ok := ms.Resources[name]
928 if !ok {
929 return nil, fmt.Errorf("Not found: %s", name)
930 }
932 is := rs.Primary
933 if is == nil {
934 return nil, fmt.Errorf("No primary instance: %s", name)
935 }
937 return is, nil
938 }