]> git.immae.eu Git - github/fretlink/terraform-provider-statuscake.git/blob - vendor/github.com/apparentlymart/go-cidr/cidr/cidr.go
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[github/fretlink/terraform-provider-statuscake.git] / vendor / github.com / apparentlymart / go-cidr / cidr / cidr.go
1 // Package cidr is a collection of assorted utilities for computing
2 // network and host addresses within network ranges.
3 //
4 // It expects a CIDR-type address structure where addresses are divided into
5 // some number of prefix bits representing the network and then the remaining
6 // suffix bits represent the host.
7 //
8 // For example, it can help to calculate addresses for sub-networks of a
9 // parent network, or to calculate host addresses within a particular prefix.
10 //
11 // At present this package is prioritizing simplicity of implementation and
12 // de-prioritizing speed and memory usage. Thus caution is advised before
13 // using this package in performance-critical applications or hot codepaths.
14 // Patches to improve the speed and memory usage may be accepted as long as
15 // they do not result in a significant increase in code complexity.
16 package cidr
18 import (
19 "fmt"
20 "math/big"
21 "net"
22 )
24 // Subnet takes a parent CIDR range and creates a subnet within it
25 // with the given number of additional prefix bits and the given
26 // network number.
27 //
28 // For example,, extended by 8 bits, with a network number
29 // of 5, becomes .
30 func Subnet(base *net.IPNet, newBits int, num int) (*net.IPNet, error) {
31 ip := base.IP
32 mask := base.Mask
34 parentLen, addrLen := mask.Size()
35 newPrefixLen := parentLen + newBits
37 if newPrefixLen > addrLen {
38 return nil, fmt.Errorf("insufficient address space to extend prefix of %d by %d", parentLen, newBits)
39 }
41 maxNetNum := uint64(1<<uint64(newBits)) - 1
42 if uint64(num) > maxNetNum {
43 return nil, fmt.Errorf("prefix extension of %d does not accommodate a subnet numbered %d", newBits, num)
44 }
46 return &net.IPNet{
47 IP: insertNumIntoIP(ip, num, newPrefixLen),
48 Mask: net.CIDRMask(newPrefixLen, addrLen),
49 }, nil
50 }
52 // Host takes a parent CIDR range and turns it into a host IP address with
53 // the given host number.
54 //
55 // For example, with a host number of 2 gives
56 func Host(base *net.IPNet, num int) (net.IP, error) {
57 ip := base.IP
58 mask := base.Mask
60 parentLen, addrLen := mask.Size()
61 hostLen := addrLen - parentLen
63 maxHostNum := uint64(1<<uint64(hostLen)) - 1
65 numUint64 := uint64(num)
66 if num < 0 {
67 numUint64 = uint64(-num) - 1
68 num = int(maxHostNum - numUint64)
69 }
71 if numUint64 > maxHostNum {
72 return nil, fmt.Errorf("prefix of %d does not accommodate a host numbered %d", parentLen, num)
73 }
74 var bitlength int
75 if ip.To4() != nil {
76 bitlength = 32
77 } else {
78 bitlength = 128
79 }
80 return insertNumIntoIP(ip, num, bitlength), nil
81 }
83 // AddressRange returns the first and last addresses in the given CIDR range.
84 func AddressRange(network *net.IPNet) (net.IP, net.IP) {
85 // the first IP is easy
86 firstIP := network.IP
88 // the last IP is the network address OR NOT the mask address
89 prefixLen, bits := network.Mask.Size()
90 if prefixLen == bits {
91 // Easy!
92 // But make sure that our two slices are distinct, since they
93 // would be in all other cases.
94 lastIP := make([]byte, len(firstIP))
95 copy(lastIP, firstIP)
96 return firstIP, lastIP
97 }
99 firstIPInt, bits := ipToInt(firstIP)
100 hostLen := uint(bits) - uint(prefixLen)
101 lastIPInt := big.NewInt(1)
102 lastIPInt.Lsh(lastIPInt, hostLen)
103 lastIPInt.Sub(lastIPInt, big.NewInt(1))
104 lastIPInt.Or(lastIPInt, firstIPInt)
106 return firstIP, intToIP(lastIPInt, bits)
107 }
109 // AddressCount returns the number of distinct host addresses within the given
110 // CIDR range.
111 //
112 // Since the result is a uint64, this function returns meaningful information
113 // only for IPv4 ranges and IPv6 ranges with a prefix size of at least 65.
114 func AddressCount(network *net.IPNet) uint64 {
115 prefixLen, bits := network.Mask.Size()
116 return 1 << (uint64(bits) - uint64(prefixLen))
117 }
119 //VerifyNoOverlap takes a list subnets and supernet (CIDRBlock) and verifies
120 //none of the subnets overlap and all subnets are in the supernet
121 //it returns an error if any of those conditions are not satisfied
122 func VerifyNoOverlap(subnets []*net.IPNet, CIDRBlock *net.IPNet) error {
123 firstLastIP := make([][]net.IP, len(subnets))
124 for i, s := range subnets {
125 first, last := AddressRange(s)
126 firstLastIP[i] = []net.IP{first, last}
127 }
128 for i, s := range subnets {
129 if !CIDRBlock.Contains(firstLastIP[i][0]) || !CIDRBlock.Contains(firstLastIP[i][1]) {
130 return fmt.Errorf("%s does not fully contain %s", CIDRBlock.String(), s.String())
131 }
132 for j := i + 1; j < len(subnets); j++ {
133 first := firstLastIP[j][0]
134 last := firstLastIP[j][1]
135 if s.Contains(first) || s.Contains(last) {
136 return fmt.Errorf("%s overlaps with %s", subnets[j].String(), s.String())
137 }
138 }
139 }
140 return nil
141 }
143 // PreviousSubnet returns the subnet of the desired mask in the IP space
144 // just lower than the start of IPNet provided. If the IP space rolls over
145 // then the second return value is true
146 func PreviousSubnet(network *net.IPNet, prefixLen int) (*net.IPNet, bool) {
147 startIP := checkIPv4(network.IP)
148 previousIP := make(net.IP, len(startIP))
149 copy(previousIP, startIP)
150 cMask := net.CIDRMask(prefixLen, 8*len(previousIP))
151 previousIP = Dec(previousIP)
152 previous := &net.IPNet{IP: previousIP.Mask(cMask), Mask: cMask}
153 if startIP.Equal(net.IPv4zero) || startIP.Equal(net.IPv6zero) {
154 return previous, true
155 }
156 return previous, false
157 }
159 // NextSubnet returns the next available subnet of the desired mask size
160 // starting for the maximum IP of the offset subnet
161 // If the IP exceeds the maxium IP then the second return value is true
162 func NextSubnet(network *net.IPNet, prefixLen int) (*net.IPNet, bool) {
163 _, currentLast := AddressRange(network)
164 mask := net.CIDRMask(prefixLen, 8*len(currentLast))
165 currentSubnet := &net.IPNet{IP: currentLast.Mask(mask), Mask: mask}
166 _, last := AddressRange(currentSubnet)
167 last = Inc(last)
168 next := &net.IPNet{IP: last.Mask(mask), Mask: mask}
169 if last.Equal(net.IPv4zero) || last.Equal(net.IPv6zero) {
170 return next, true
171 }
172 return next, false
173 }
175 //Inc increases the IP by one this returns a new []byte for the IP
176 func Inc(IP net.IP) net.IP {
177 IP = checkIPv4(IP)
178 incIP := make([]byte, len(IP))
179 copy(incIP, IP)
180 for j := len(incIP) - 1; j >= 0; j-- {
181 incIP[j]++
182 if incIP[j] > 0 {
183 break
184 }
185 }
186 return incIP
187 }
189 //Dec decreases the IP by one this returns a new []byte for the IP
190 func Dec(IP net.IP) net.IP {
191 IP = checkIPv4(IP)
192 decIP := make([]byte, len(IP))
193 copy(decIP, IP)
194 decIP = checkIPv4(decIP)
195 for j := len(decIP) - 1; j >= 0; j-- {
196 decIP[j]--
197 if decIP[j] < 255 {
198 break
199 }
200 }
201 return decIP
202 }
204 func checkIPv4(ip net.IP) net.IP {
205 // Go for some reason allocs IPv6len for IPv4 so we have to correct it
206 if v4 := ip.To4(); v4 != nil {
207 return v4
208 }
209 return ip
210 }