]> git.immae.eu Git - github/shaarli/Shaarli.git/blob - tests/bookmark/BookmarkTest.php
Merge pull request #1572 from ArthurHoaro/feature/php8
[github/shaarli/Shaarli.git] / tests / bookmark / BookmarkTest.php
1 <?php
3 namespace Shaarli\Bookmark;
5 use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase;
6 use Shaarli\Bookmark\Exception\InvalidBookmarkException;
8 /**
9 * Class BookmarkTest
10 */
11 class BookmarkTest extends TestCase
12 {
13 /**
14 * Test fromArray() with a link with full data
15 */
16 public function testFromArrayFull()
17 {
18 $data = [
19 'id' => 1,
20 'shorturl' => 'abc',
21 'url' => 'https://domain.tld/oof.html?param=value#anchor',
22 'title' => 'This is an array link',
23 'description' => 'HTML desc<br><p>hi!</p>',
24 'thumbnail' => 'https://domain.tld/pic.png',
25 'sticky' => true,
26 'created' => new \DateTime('-1 minute'),
27 'tags' => ['tag1', 'tag2', 'chair'],
28 'updated' => new \DateTime(),
29 'private' => true,
30 ];
32 $bookmark = (new Bookmark())->fromArray($data);
33 $this->assertEquals($data['id'], $bookmark->getId());
34 $this->assertEquals($data['shorturl'], $bookmark->getShortUrl());
35 $this->assertEquals($data['url'], $bookmark->getUrl());
36 $this->assertEquals($data['title'], $bookmark->getTitle());
37 $this->assertEquals($data['description'], $bookmark->getDescription());
38 $this->assertEquals($data['thumbnail'], $bookmark->getThumbnail());
39 $this->assertEquals($data['sticky'], $bookmark->isSticky());
40 $this->assertEquals($data['created'], $bookmark->getCreated());
41 $this->assertEquals($data['tags'], $bookmark->getTags());
42 $this->assertEquals('tag1 tag2 chair', $bookmark->getTagsString());
43 $this->assertEquals($data['updated'], $bookmark->getUpdated());
44 $this->assertEquals($data['private'], $bookmark->isPrivate());
45 $this->assertFalse($bookmark->isNote());
46 }
48 /**
49 * Test fromArray() with a link with minimal data.
50 * Note that I use null values everywhere but this should not happen in the real world.
51 */
52 public function testFromArrayMinimal()
53 {
54 $data = [
55 'id' => null,
56 'shorturl' => null,
57 'url' => null,
58 'title' => null,
59 'description' => null,
60 'created' => null,
61 'tags' => null,
62 'private' => null,
63 ];
65 $bookmark = (new Bookmark())->fromArray($data);
66 $this->assertNull($bookmark->getId());
67 $this->assertNull($bookmark->getShortUrl());
68 $this->assertNull($bookmark->getUrl());
69 $this->assertNull($bookmark->getTitle());
70 $this->assertEquals('', $bookmark->getDescription());
71 $this->assertNull($bookmark->getCreated());
72 $this->assertEquals([], $bookmark->getTags());
73 $this->assertEquals('', $bookmark->getTagsString());
74 $this->assertNull($bookmark->getUpdated());
75 $this->assertFalse($bookmark->getThumbnail());
76 $this->assertFalse($bookmark->isSticky());
77 $this->assertFalse($bookmark->isPrivate());
78 $this->assertTrue($bookmark->isNote());
79 }
81 /**
82 * Test validate() with a valid minimal bookmark
83 */
84 public function testValidateValidFullBookmark()
85 {
86 $bookmark = new Bookmark();
87 $bookmark->setId(2);
88 $bookmark->setShortUrl('abc');
89 $bookmark->setCreated($date = \DateTime::createFromFormat('Ymd_His', '20190514_200102'));
90 $bookmark->setUpdated($dateUp = \DateTime::createFromFormat('Ymd_His', '20190514_210203'));
91 $bookmark->setUrl($url = 'https://domain.tld/oof.html?param=value#anchor');
92 $bookmark->setTitle($title = 'This is an array link');
93 $bookmark->setDescription($desc = 'HTML desc<br><p>hi!</p>');
94 $bookmark->setTags($tags = ['tag1', 'tag2', 'chair']);
95 $bookmark->setThumbnail($thumb = 'https://domain.tld/pic.png');
96 $bookmark->setPrivate(true);
97 $bookmark->validate();
99 $this->assertEquals(2, $bookmark->getId());
100 $this->assertEquals('abc', $bookmark->getShortUrl());
101 $this->assertEquals($date, $bookmark->getCreated());
102 $this->assertEquals($dateUp, $bookmark->getUpdated());
103 $this->assertEquals($url, $bookmark->getUrl());
104 $this->assertEquals($title, $bookmark->getTitle());
105 $this->assertEquals($desc, $bookmark->getDescription());
106 $this->assertEquals($tags, $bookmark->getTags());
107 $this->assertEquals(implode(' ', $tags), $bookmark->getTagsString());
108 $this->assertEquals($thumb, $bookmark->getThumbnail());
109 $this->assertTrue($bookmark->isPrivate());
110 $this->assertFalse($bookmark->isNote());
111 }
113 /**
114 * Test validate() with a valid minimal bookmark
115 */
116 public function testValidateValidMinimalBookmark()
117 {
118 $bookmark = new Bookmark();
119 $bookmark->setId(1);
120 $bookmark->setShortUrl('abc');
121 $bookmark->setCreated($date = \DateTime::createFromFormat('Ymd_His', '20190514_200102'));
122 $bookmark->validate();
124 $this->assertEquals(1, $bookmark->getId());
125 $this->assertEquals('abc', $bookmark->getShortUrl());
126 $this->assertEquals($date, $bookmark->getCreated());
127 $this->assertEquals('/shaare/abc', $bookmark->getUrl());
128 $this->assertEquals('/shaare/abc', $bookmark->getTitle());
129 $this->assertEquals('', $bookmark->getDescription());
130 $this->assertEquals([], $bookmark->getTags());
131 $this->assertEquals('', $bookmark->getTagsString());
132 $this->assertFalse($bookmark->getThumbnail());
133 $this->assertFalse($bookmark->isPrivate());
134 $this->assertTrue($bookmark->isNote());
135 $this->assertNull($bookmark->getUpdated());
136 }
138 /**
139 * Test validate() with a a bookmark without ID.
140 */
141 public function testValidateNotValidNoId()
142 {
143 $bookmark = new Bookmark();
144 $bookmark->setShortUrl('abc');
145 $bookmark->setCreated(\DateTime::createFromFormat('Ymd_His', '20190514_200102'));
146 $exception = null;
147 try {
148 $bookmark->validate();
149 } catch (InvalidBookmarkException $e) {
150 $exception = $e;
151 }
152 $this->assertNotNull($exception);
153 $this->assertContains('- ID: '. PHP_EOL, $exception->getMessage());
154 }
156 /**
157 * Test validate() with a a bookmark with a non integer ID.
158 */
159 public function testValidateNotValidStringId()
160 {
161 $bookmark = new Bookmark();
162 $bookmark->setId('str');
163 $bookmark->setShortUrl('abc');
164 $bookmark->setCreated(\DateTime::createFromFormat('Ymd_His', '20190514_200102'));
165 $exception = null;
166 try {
167 $bookmark->validate();
168 } catch (InvalidBookmarkException $e) {
169 $exception = $e;
170 }
171 $this->assertNotNull($exception);
172 $this->assertContains('- ID: str'. PHP_EOL, $exception->getMessage());
173 }
175 /**
176 * Test validate() with a a bookmark without short url.
177 */
178 public function testValidateNotValidNoShortUrl()
179 {
180 $bookmark = new Bookmark();
181 $bookmark->setId(1);
182 $bookmark->setCreated(\DateTime::createFromFormat('Ymd_His', '20190514_200102'));
183 $bookmark->setShortUrl(null);
184 $exception = null;
185 try {
186 $bookmark->validate();
187 } catch (InvalidBookmarkException $e) {
188 $exception = $e;
189 }
190 $this->assertNotNull($exception);
191 $this->assertContains('- ShortUrl: '. PHP_EOL, $exception->getMessage());
192 }
194 /**
195 * Test validate() with a a bookmark without created datetime.
196 */
197 public function testValidateNotValidNoCreated()
198 {
199 $bookmark = new Bookmark();
200 $bookmark->setId(1);
201 $bookmark->setShortUrl('abc');
202 $bookmark->setCreated(null);
203 $exception = null;
204 try {
205 $bookmark->validate();
206 } catch (InvalidBookmarkException $e) {
207 $exception = $e;
208 }
209 $this->assertNotNull($exception);
210 $this->assertContains('- Created: '. PHP_EOL, $exception->getMessage());
211 }
213 /**
214 * Test validate() with a a bookmark with a bad created datetime.
215 */
216 public function testValidateNotValidBadCreated()
217 {
218 $bookmark = new Bookmark();
219 $bookmark->setId(1);
220 $bookmark->setShortUrl('abc');
221 $bookmark->setCreated('hi!');
222 $exception = null;
223 try {
224 $bookmark->validate();
225 } catch (InvalidBookmarkException $e) {
226 $exception = $e;
227 }
228 $this->assertNotNull($exception);
229 $this->assertContains('- Created: Not a DateTime object'. PHP_EOL, $exception->getMessage());
230 }
232 /**
233 * Test setId() and make sure that default fields are generated.
234 */
235 public function testSetIdEmptyGeneratedFields()
236 {
237 $bookmark = new Bookmark();
238 $bookmark->setId(2);
240 $this->assertEquals(2, $bookmark->getId());
241 $this->assertRegExp('/[\w\-]{6}/', $bookmark->getShortUrl());
242 $this->assertTrue(new \DateTime('5 seconds ago') < $bookmark->getCreated());
243 }
245 /**
246 * Test setId() and with generated fields already set.
247 */
248 public function testSetIdSetGeneratedFields()
249 {
250 $bookmark = new Bookmark();
251 $bookmark->setShortUrl('abc');
252 $bookmark->setCreated($date = \DateTime::createFromFormat('Ymd_His', '20190514_200102'));
253 $bookmark->setId(2);
255 $this->assertEquals(2, $bookmark->getId());
256 $this->assertEquals('abc', $bookmark->getShortUrl());
257 $this->assertEquals($date, $bookmark->getCreated());
258 }
260 /**
261 * Test setUrl() and make sure it accepts custom protocols
262 */
263 public function testGetUrlWithValidProtocols()
264 {
265 $bookmark = new Bookmark();
266 $bookmark->setUrl($url = 'myprotocol://helloworld', ['myprotocol']);
267 $this->assertEquals($url, $bookmark->getUrl());
269 $bookmark->setUrl($url = 'https://helloworld.tld', ['myprotocol']);
270 $this->assertEquals($url, $bookmark->getUrl());
271 }
273 /**
274 * Test setUrl() and make sure it accepts custom protocols
275 */
276 public function testGetUrlWithNotValidProtocols()
277 {
278 $bookmark = new Bookmark();
279 $bookmark->setUrl('myprotocol://helloworld', []);
280 $this->assertEquals('http://helloworld', $bookmark->getUrl());
282 $bookmark->setUrl($url = 'https://helloworld.tld', []);
283 $this->assertEquals($url, $bookmark->getUrl());
284 }
286 /**
287 * Test setTagsString() with exotic data
288 */
289 public function testSetTagsString()
290 {
291 $bookmark = new Bookmark();
293 $str = 'tag1 tag2 tag3.tag3-2, tag4 , -tag5 ';
294 $bookmark->setTagsString($str);
295 $this->assertEquals(
296 [
297 'tag1',
298 'tag2',
299 'tag3.tag3-2',
300 'tag4',
301 'tag5',
302 ],
303 $bookmark->getTags()
304 );
305 }
307 /**
308 * Test setTags() with exotic data
309 */
310 public function testSetTags()
311 {
312 $bookmark = new Bookmark();
314 $array = [
315 'tag1 ',
316 ' tag2',
317 'tag3.tag3-2,',
318 ', tag4',
319 ', ',
320 '-tag5 ',
321 ];
322 $bookmark->setTags($array);
323 $this->assertEquals(
324 [
325 'tag1',
326 'tag2',
327 'tag3.tag3-2',
328 'tag4',
329 'tag5',
330 ],
331 $bookmark->getTags()
332 );
333 }
335 /**
336 * Test renameTag()
337 */
338 public function testRenameTag()
339 {
340 $bookmark = new Bookmark();
341 $bookmark->setTags(['tag1', 'tag2', 'chair']);
342 $bookmark->renameTag('chair', 'table');
343 $this->assertEquals(['tag1', 'tag2', 'table'], $bookmark->getTags());
344 $bookmark->renameTag('tag1', 'tag42');
345 $this->assertEquals(['tag42', 'tag2', 'table'], $bookmark->getTags());
346 $bookmark->renameTag('tag42', 'tag43');
347 $this->assertEquals(['tag43', 'tag2', 'table'], $bookmark->getTags());
348 $bookmark->renameTag('table', 'desk');
349 $this->assertEquals(['tag43', 'tag2', 'desk'], $bookmark->getTags());
350 }
352 /**
353 * Test renameTag() with a tag that is not present in the bookmark
354 */
355 public function testRenameTagNotExists()
356 {
357 $bookmark = new Bookmark();
358 $bookmark->setTags(['tag1', 'tag2', 'chair']);
359 $bookmark->renameTag('nope', 'table');
360 $this->assertEquals(['tag1', 'tag2', 'chair'], $bookmark->getTags());
361 }
363 /**
364 * Test deleteTag()
365 */
366 public function testDeleteTag()
367 {
368 $bookmark = new Bookmark();
369 $bookmark->setTags(['tag1', 'tag2', 'chair']);
370 $bookmark->deleteTag('chair');
371 $this->assertEquals(['tag1', 'tag2'], $bookmark->getTags());
372 $bookmark->deleteTag('tag1');
373 $this->assertEquals(['tag2'], $bookmark->getTags());
374 $bookmark->deleteTag('tag2');
375 $this->assertEquals([], $bookmark->getTags());
376 }
378 /**
379 * Test deleteTag() with a tag that is not present in the bookmark
380 */
381 public function testDeleteTagNotExists()
382 {
383 $bookmark = new Bookmark();
384 $bookmark->setTags(['tag1', 'tag2', 'chair']);
385 $bookmark->deleteTag('nope');
386 $this->assertEquals(['tag1', 'tag2', 'chair'], $bookmark->getTags());
387 }
388 }