]> git.immae.eu Git - github/shaarli/Shaarli.git/blob - tests/Updater/UpdaterTest.php
doc: server config: basic usage of robots.txt/HTML robots meta-tag/crawler control...
[github/shaarli/Shaarli.git] / tests / Updater / UpdaterTest.php
1 <?php
2 use Shaarli\Config\ConfigJson;
3 use Shaarli\Config\ConfigManager;
4 use Shaarli\Config\ConfigPhp;
5 use Shaarli\Thumbnailer;
7 require_once 'tests/Updater/DummyUpdater.php';
8 require_once 'inc/rain.tpl.class.php';
10 /**
11 * Class UpdaterTest.
12 * Runs unit tests against the Updater class.
13 */
14 class UpdaterTest extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
15 {
16 /**
17 * @var string Path to test datastore.
18 */
19 protected static $testDatastore = 'sandbox/datastore.php';
21 /**
22 * @var string Config file path (without extension).
23 */
24 protected static $configFile = 'sandbox/config';
26 /**
27 * @var ConfigManager
28 */
29 protected $conf;
31 /**
32 * Executed before each test.
33 */
34 public function setUp()
35 {
36 copy('tests/utils/config/configJson.json.php', self::$configFile .'.json.php');
37 $this->conf = new ConfigManager(self::$configFile);
38 }
40 /**
41 * Test read_updates_file with an empty/missing file.
42 */
43 public function testReadEmptyUpdatesFile()
44 {
45 $this->assertEquals(array(), read_updates_file(''));
46 $updatesFile = $this->conf->get('resource.data_dir') . '/updates.txt';
47 touch($updatesFile);
48 $this->assertEquals(array(), read_updates_file($updatesFile));
49 unlink($updatesFile);
50 }
52 /**
53 * Test read/write updates file.
54 */
55 public function testReadWriteUpdatesFile()
56 {
57 $updatesFile = $this->conf->get('resource.data_dir') . '/updates.txt';
58 $updatesMethods = array('m1', 'm2', 'm3');
60 write_updates_file($updatesFile, $updatesMethods);
61 $readMethods = read_updates_file($updatesFile);
62 $this->assertEquals($readMethods, $updatesMethods);
64 // Update
65 $updatesMethods[] = 'm4';
66 write_updates_file($updatesFile, $updatesMethods);
67 $readMethods = read_updates_file($updatesFile);
68 $this->assertEquals($readMethods, $updatesMethods);
69 unlink($updatesFile);
70 }
72 /**
73 * Test errors in write_updates_file(): empty updates file.
74 *
75 * @expectedException Exception
76 * @expectedExceptionMessageRegExp /Updates file path is not set(.*)/
77 */
78 public function testWriteEmptyUpdatesFile()
79 {
80 write_updates_file('', array('test'));
81 }
83 /**
84 * Test errors in write_updates_file(): not writable updates file.
85 *
86 * @expectedException Exception
87 * @expectedExceptionMessageRegExp /Unable to write(.*)/
88 */
89 public function testWriteUpdatesFileNotWritable()
90 {
91 $updatesFile = $this->conf->get('resource.data_dir') . '/updates.txt';
92 touch($updatesFile);
93 chmod($updatesFile, 0444);
94 try {
95 @write_updates_file($updatesFile, array('test'));
96 } catch (Exception $e) {
97 unlink($updatesFile);
98 throw $e;
99 }
100 }
102 /**
103 * Test the update() method, with no update to run.
104 * 1. Everything already run.
105 * 2. User is logged out.
106 */
107 public function testNoUpdates()
108 {
109 $updates = array(
110 'updateMethodDummy1',
111 'updateMethodDummy2',
112 'updateMethodDummy3',
113 'updateMethodException',
114 );
115 $updater = new DummyUpdater($updates, array(), $this->conf, true);
116 $this->assertEquals(array(), $updater->update());
118 $updater = new DummyUpdater(array(), array(), $this->conf, false);
119 $this->assertEquals(array(), $updater->update());
120 }
122 /**
123 * Test the update() method, with all updates to run (except the failing one).
124 */
125 public function testUpdatesFirstTime()
126 {
127 $updates = array('updateMethodException',);
128 $expectedUpdates = array(
129 'updateMethodDummy1',
130 'updateMethodDummy2',
131 'updateMethodDummy3',
132 );
133 $updater = new DummyUpdater($updates, array(), $this->conf, true);
134 $this->assertEquals($expectedUpdates, $updater->update());
135 }
137 /**
138 * Test the update() method, only one update to run.
139 */
140 public function testOneUpdate()
141 {
142 $updates = array(
143 'updateMethodDummy1',
144 'updateMethodDummy3',
145 'updateMethodException',
146 );
147 $expectedUpdate = array('updateMethodDummy2');
149 $updater = new DummyUpdater($updates, array(), $this->conf, true);
150 $this->assertEquals($expectedUpdate, $updater->update());
151 }
153 /**
154 * Test Update failed.
155 *
156 * @expectedException UpdaterException
157 */
158 public function testUpdateFailed()
159 {
160 $updates = array(
161 'updateMethodDummy1',
162 'updateMethodDummy2',
163 'updateMethodDummy3',
164 );
166 $updater = new DummyUpdater($updates, array(), $this->conf, true);
167 $updater->update();
168 }
170 /**
171 * Test update mergeDeprecatedConfig:
172 * 1. init a config file.
173 * 2. init a options.php file with update value.
174 * 3. merge.
175 * 4. check updated value in config file.
176 */
177 public function testUpdateMergeDeprecatedConfig()
178 {
179 $this->conf->setConfigFile('tests/utils/config/configPhp');
180 $this->conf->reset();
182 $optionsFile = 'tests/Updater/options.php';
183 $options = '<?php
184 $GLOBALS[\'privateLinkByDefault\'] = true;';
185 file_put_contents($optionsFile, $options);
187 // tmp config file.
188 $this->conf->setConfigFile('tests/Updater/config');
190 // merge configs
191 $updater = new Updater(array(), array(), $this->conf, true);
192 // This writes a new config file in tests/Updater/config.php
193 $updater->updateMethodMergeDeprecatedConfigFile();
195 // make sure updated field is changed
196 $this->conf->reload();
197 $this->assertTrue($this->conf->get('privacy.default_private_links'));
198 $this->assertFalse(is_file($optionsFile));
199 // Delete the generated file.
200 unlink($this->conf->getConfigFileExt());
201 }
203 /**
204 * Test mergeDeprecatedConfig in without options file.
205 */
206 public function testMergeDeprecatedConfigNoFile()
207 {
208 $updater = new Updater(array(), array(), $this->conf, true);
209 $updater->updateMethodMergeDeprecatedConfigFile();
211 $this->assertEquals('root', $this->conf->get('credentials.login'));
212 }
214 /**
215 * Test renameDashTags update method.
216 */
217 public function testRenameDashTags()
218 {
219 $refDB = new ReferenceLinkDB();
220 $refDB->write(self::$testDatastore);
221 $linkDB = new LinkDB(self::$testDatastore, true, false);
223 $this->assertEmpty($linkDB->filterSearch(array('searchtags' => 'exclude')));
224 $updater = new Updater(array(), $linkDB, $this->conf, true);
225 $updater->updateMethodRenameDashTags();
226 $this->assertNotEmpty($linkDB->filterSearch(array('searchtags' => 'exclude')));
227 }
229 /**
230 * Convert old PHP config file to JSON config.
231 */
232 public function testConfigToJson()
233 {
234 $configFile = 'tests/utils/config/configPhp';
235 $this->conf->setConfigFile($configFile);
236 $this->conf->reset();
238 // The ConfigIO is initialized with ConfigPhp.
239 $this->assertTrue($this->conf->getConfigIO() instanceof ConfigPhp);
241 $updater = new Updater(array(), array(), $this->conf, false);
242 $done = $updater->updateMethodConfigToJson();
243 $this->assertTrue($done);
245 // The ConfigIO has been updated to ConfigJson.
246 $this->assertTrue($this->conf->getConfigIO() instanceof ConfigJson);
247 $this->assertTrue(file_exists($this->conf->getConfigFileExt()));
249 // Check JSON config data.
250 $this->conf->reload();
251 $this->assertEquals('root', $this->conf->get('credentials.login'));
252 $this->assertEquals('lala', $this->conf->get('redirector.url'));
253 $this->assertEquals('data/datastore.php', $this->conf->get('resource.datastore'));
254 $this->assertEquals('1', $this->conf->get('plugins.WALLABAG_VERSION'));
256 rename($configFile . '.save.php', $configFile . '.php');
257 unlink($this->conf->getConfigFileExt());
258 }
260 /**
261 * Launch config conversion update with an existing JSON file => nothing to do.
262 */
263 public function testConfigToJsonNothingToDo()
264 {
265 $filetime = filemtime($this->conf->getConfigFileExt());
266 $updater = new Updater(array(), array(), $this->conf, false);
267 $done = $updater->updateMethodConfigToJson();
268 $this->assertTrue($done);
269 $expected = filemtime($this->conf->getConfigFileExt());
270 $this->assertEquals($expected, $filetime);
271 }
273 /**
274 * Test escapeUnescapedConfig with valid data.
275 */
276 public function testEscapeConfig()
277 {
278 $sandbox = 'sandbox/config';
279 copy(self::$configFile . '.json.php', $sandbox . '.json.php');
280 $this->conf = new ConfigManager($sandbox);
281 $title = '<script>alert("title");</script>';
282 $headerLink = '<script>alert("header_link");</script>';
283 $redirectorUrl = '<script>alert("redirector");</script>';
284 $this->conf->set('general.title', $title);
285 $this->conf->set('general.header_link', $headerLink);
286 $this->conf->set('redirector.url', $redirectorUrl);
287 $updater = new Updater(array(), array(), $this->conf, true);
288 $done = $updater->updateMethodEscapeUnescapedConfig();
289 $this->assertTrue($done);
290 $this->conf->reload();
291 $this->assertEquals(escape($title), $this->conf->get('general.title'));
292 $this->assertEquals(escape($headerLink), $this->conf->get('general.header_link'));
293 $this->assertEquals(escape($redirectorUrl), $this->conf->get('redirector.url'));
294 unlink($sandbox . '.json.php');
295 }
297 /**
298 * Test updateMethodApiSettings(): create default settings for the API (enabled + secret).
299 */
300 public function testUpdateApiSettings()
301 {
302 $confFile = 'sandbox/config';
303 copy(self::$configFile .'.json.php', $confFile .'.json.php');
304 $conf = new ConfigManager($confFile);
305 $updater = new Updater(array(), array(), $conf, true);
307 $this->assertFalse($conf->exists('api.enabled'));
308 $this->assertFalse($conf->exists('api.secret'));
309 $updater->updateMethodApiSettings();
310 $conf->reload();
311 $this->assertTrue($conf->get('api.enabled'));
312 $this->assertTrue($conf->exists('api.secret'));
313 unlink($confFile .'.json.php');
314 }
316 /**
317 * Test updateMethodApiSettings(): already set, do nothing.
318 */
319 public function testUpdateApiSettingsNothingToDo()
320 {
321 $confFile = 'sandbox/config';
322 copy(self::$configFile .'.json.php', $confFile .'.json.php');
323 $conf = new ConfigManager($confFile);
324 $conf->set('api.enabled', false);
325 $conf->set('api.secret', '');
326 $updater = new Updater(array(), array(), $conf, true);
327 $updater->updateMethodApiSettings();
328 $this->assertFalse($conf->get('api.enabled'));
329 $this->assertEmpty($conf->get('api.secret'));
330 unlink($confFile .'.json.php');
331 }
333 /**
334 * Test updateMethodDatastoreIds().
335 */
336 public function testDatastoreIds()
337 {
338 $links = array(
339 '20121206_182539' => array(
340 'linkdate' => '20121206_182539',
341 'title' => 'Geek and Poke',
342 'url' => 'http://geek-and-poke.com/',
343 'description' => 'desc',
344 'tags' => 'dev cartoon tag1 tag2 tag3 tag4 ',
345 'updated' => '20121206_190301',
346 'private' => false,
347 ),
348 '20121206_172539' => array(
349 'linkdate' => '20121206_172539',
350 'title' => 'UserFriendly - Samba',
351 'url' => 'http://ars.userfriendly.org/cartoons/?id=20010306',
352 'description' => '',
353 'tags' => 'samba cartoon web',
354 'private' => false,
355 ),
356 '20121206_142300' => array(
357 'linkdate' => '20121206_142300',
358 'title' => 'UserFriendly - Web Designer',
359 'url' => 'http://ars.userfriendly.org/cartoons/?id=20121206',
360 'description' => 'Naming conventions... #private',
361 'tags' => 'samba cartoon web',
362 'private' => true,
363 ),
364 );
365 $refDB = new ReferenceLinkDB();
366 $refDB->setLinks($links);
367 $refDB->write(self::$testDatastore);
368 $linkDB = new LinkDB(self::$testDatastore, true, false);
370 $checksum = hash_file('sha1', self::$testDatastore);
372 $this->conf->set('resource.data_dir', 'sandbox');
373 $this->conf->set('resource.datastore', self::$testDatastore);
375 $updater = new Updater(array(), $linkDB, $this->conf, true);
376 $this->assertTrue($updater->updateMethodDatastoreIds());
378 $linkDB = new LinkDB(self::$testDatastore, true, false);
380 $backup = glob($this->conf->get('resource.data_dir') . '/datastore.'. date('YmdH') .'*.php');
381 $backup = $backup[0];
383 $this->assertFileExists($backup);
384 $this->assertEquals($checksum, hash_file('sha1', $backup));
385 unlink($backup);
387 $this->assertEquals(3, count($linkDB));
388 $this->assertTrue(isset($linkDB[0]));
389 $this->assertFalse(isset($linkDB[0]['linkdate']));
390 $this->assertEquals(0, $linkDB[0]['id']);
391 $this->assertEquals('UserFriendly - Web Designer', $linkDB[0]['title']);
392 $this->assertEquals('http://ars.userfriendly.org/cartoons/?id=20121206', $linkDB[0]['url']);
393 $this->assertEquals('Naming conventions... #private', $linkDB[0]['description']);
394 $this->assertEquals('samba cartoon web', $linkDB[0]['tags']);
395 $this->assertTrue($linkDB[0]['private']);
396 $this->assertEquals(DateTime::createFromFormat(LinkDB::LINK_DATE_FORMAT, '20121206_142300'), $linkDB[0]['created']);
398 $this->assertTrue(isset($linkDB[1]));
399 $this->assertFalse(isset($linkDB[1]['linkdate']));
400 $this->assertEquals(1, $linkDB[1]['id']);
401 $this->assertEquals('UserFriendly - Samba', $linkDB[1]['title']);
402 $this->assertEquals(DateTime::createFromFormat(LinkDB::LINK_DATE_FORMAT, '20121206_172539'), $linkDB[1]['created']);
404 $this->assertTrue(isset($linkDB[2]));
405 $this->assertFalse(isset($linkDB[2]['linkdate']));
406 $this->assertEquals(2, $linkDB[2]['id']);
407 $this->assertEquals('Geek and Poke', $linkDB[2]['title']);
408 $this->assertEquals(DateTime::createFromFormat(LinkDB::LINK_DATE_FORMAT, '20121206_182539'), $linkDB[2]['created']);
409 $this->assertEquals(DateTime::createFromFormat(LinkDB::LINK_DATE_FORMAT, '20121206_190301'), $linkDB[2]['updated']);
410 }
412 /**
413 * Test updateMethodDatastoreIds() with the update already applied: nothing to do.
414 */
415 public function testDatastoreIdsNothingToDo()
416 {
417 $refDB = new ReferenceLinkDB();
418 $refDB->write(self::$testDatastore);
419 $linkDB = new LinkDB(self::$testDatastore, true, false);
421 $this->conf->set('resource.data_dir', 'sandbox');
422 $this->conf->set('resource.datastore', self::$testDatastore);
424 $checksum = hash_file('sha1', self::$testDatastore);
425 $updater = new Updater(array(), $linkDB, $this->conf, true);
426 $this->assertTrue($updater->updateMethodDatastoreIds());
427 $this->assertEquals($checksum, hash_file('sha1', self::$testDatastore));
428 }
430 /**
431 * Test defaultTheme update with default settings: nothing to do.
432 */
433 public function testDefaultThemeWithDefaultSettings()
434 {
435 $sandbox = 'sandbox/config';
436 copy(self::$configFile . '.json.php', $sandbox . '.json.php');
437 $this->conf = new ConfigManager($sandbox);
438 $updater = new Updater([], [], $this->conf, true);
439 $this->assertTrue($updater->updateMethodDefaultTheme());
441 $this->assertEquals('tpl/', $this->conf->get('resource.raintpl_tpl'));
442 $this->assertEquals('default', $this->conf->get('resource.theme'));
443 $this->conf = new ConfigManager($sandbox);
444 $this->assertEquals('tpl/', $this->conf->get('resource.raintpl_tpl'));
445 $this->assertEquals('default', $this->conf->get('resource.theme'));
446 unlink($sandbox . '.json.php');
447 }
449 /**
450 * Test defaultTheme update with a custom theme in a subfolder
451 */
452 public function testDefaultThemeWithCustomTheme()
453 {
454 $theme = 'iamanartist';
455 $sandbox = 'sandbox/config';
456 copy(self::$configFile . '.json.php', $sandbox . '.json.php');
457 $this->conf = new ConfigManager($sandbox);
458 mkdir('sandbox/'. $theme);
459 touch('sandbox/'. $theme .'/linklist.html');
460 $this->conf->set('resource.raintpl_tpl', 'sandbox/'. $theme .'/');
461 $updater = new Updater([], [], $this->conf, true);
462 $this->assertTrue($updater->updateMethodDefaultTheme());
464 $this->assertEquals('sandbox', $this->conf->get('resource.raintpl_tpl'));
465 $this->assertEquals($theme, $this->conf->get('resource.theme'));
466 $this->conf = new ConfigManager($sandbox);
467 $this->assertEquals('sandbox', $this->conf->get('resource.raintpl_tpl'));
468 $this->assertEquals($theme, $this->conf->get('resource.theme'));
469 unlink($sandbox . '.json.php');
470 unlink('sandbox/'. $theme .'/linklist.html');
471 rmdir('sandbox/'. $theme);
472 }
474 /**
475 * Test updateMethodEscapeMarkdown with markdown plugin enabled
476 * => setting markdown_escape set to false.
477 */
478 public function testEscapeMarkdownSettingToFalse()
479 {
480 $sandboxConf = 'sandbox/config';
481 copy(self::$configFile . '.json.php', $sandboxConf . '.json.php');
482 $this->conf = new ConfigManager($sandboxConf);
484 $this->conf->set('general.enabled_plugins', ['markdown']);
485 $updater = new Updater([], [], $this->conf, true);
486 $this->assertTrue($updater->updateMethodEscapeMarkdown());
487 $this->assertFalse($this->conf->get('security.markdown_escape'));
489 // reload from file
490 $this->conf = new ConfigManager($sandboxConf);
491 $this->assertFalse($this->conf->get('security.markdown_escape'));
492 }
495 /**
496 * Test updateMethodEscapeMarkdown with markdown plugin disabled
497 * => setting markdown_escape set to true.
498 */
499 public function testEscapeMarkdownSettingToTrue()
500 {
501 $sandboxConf = 'sandbox/config';
502 copy(self::$configFile . '.json.php', $sandboxConf . '.json.php');
503 $this->conf = new ConfigManager($sandboxConf);
505 $this->conf->set('general.enabled_plugins', []);
506 $updater = new Updater([], [], $this->conf, true);
507 $this->assertTrue($updater->updateMethodEscapeMarkdown());
508 $this->assertTrue($this->conf->get('security.markdown_escape'));
510 // reload from file
511 $this->conf = new ConfigManager($sandboxConf);
512 $this->assertTrue($this->conf->get('security.markdown_escape'));
513 }
515 /**
516 * Test updateMethodEscapeMarkdown with nothing to do (setting already enabled)
517 */
518 public function testEscapeMarkdownSettingNothingToDoEnabled()
519 {
520 $sandboxConf = 'sandbox/config';
521 copy(self::$configFile . '.json.php', $sandboxConf . '.json.php');
522 $this->conf = new ConfigManager($sandboxConf);
523 $this->conf->set('security.markdown_escape', true);
524 $updater = new Updater([], [], $this->conf, true);
525 $this->assertTrue($updater->updateMethodEscapeMarkdown());
526 $this->assertTrue($this->conf->get('security.markdown_escape'));
527 }
529 /**
530 * Test updateMethodEscapeMarkdown with nothing to do (setting already disabled)
531 */
532 public function testEscapeMarkdownSettingNothingToDoDisabled()
533 {
534 $this->conf->set('security.markdown_escape', false);
535 $updater = new Updater([], [], $this->conf, true);
536 $this->assertTrue($updater->updateMethodEscapeMarkdown());
537 $this->assertFalse($this->conf->get('security.markdown_escape'));
538 }
540 /**
541 * Test updateMethodPiwikUrl with valid data
542 */
543 public function testUpdatePiwikUrlValid()
544 {
545 $sandboxConf = 'sandbox/config';
546 copy(self::$configFile . '.json.php', $sandboxConf . '.json.php');
547 $this->conf = new ConfigManager($sandboxConf);
548 $url = 'mypiwik.tld';
549 $this->conf->set('plugins.PIWIK_URL', $url);
550 $updater = new Updater([], [], $this->conf, true);
551 $this->assertTrue($updater->updateMethodPiwikUrl());
552 $this->assertEquals('http://'. $url, $this->conf->get('plugins.PIWIK_URL'));
554 // reload from file
555 $this->conf = new ConfigManager($sandboxConf);
556 $this->assertEquals('http://'. $url, $this->conf->get('plugins.PIWIK_URL'));
557 }
559 /**
560 * Test updateMethodPiwikUrl without setting
561 */
562 public function testUpdatePiwikUrlEmpty()
563 {
564 $updater = new Updater([], [], $this->conf, true);
565 $this->assertTrue($updater->updateMethodPiwikUrl());
566 $this->assertEmpty($this->conf->get('plugins.PIWIK_URL'));
567 }
569 /**
570 * Test updateMethodPiwikUrl: valid URL, nothing to do
571 */
572 public function testUpdatePiwikUrlNothingToDo()
573 {
574 $url = 'https://mypiwik.tld';
575 $this->conf->set('plugins.PIWIK_URL', $url);
576 $updater = new Updater([], [], $this->conf, true);
577 $this->assertTrue($updater->updateMethodPiwikUrl());
578 $this->assertEquals($url, $this->conf->get('plugins.PIWIK_URL'));
579 }
581 /**
582 * Test updateMethodAtomDefault with show_atom set to false
583 * => update to true.
584 */
585 public function testUpdateMethodAtomDefault()
586 {
587 $sandboxConf = 'sandbox/config';
588 copy(self::$configFile . '.json.php', $sandboxConf . '.json.php');
589 $this->conf = new ConfigManager($sandboxConf);
590 $this->conf->set('feed.show_atom', false);
591 $updater = new Updater([], [], $this->conf, true);
592 $this->assertTrue($updater->updateMethodAtomDefault());
593 $this->assertTrue($this->conf->get('feed.show_atom'));
594 // reload from file
595 $this->conf = new ConfigManager($sandboxConf);
596 $this->assertTrue($this->conf->get('feed.show_atom'));
597 }
598 /**
599 * Test updateMethodAtomDefault with show_atom not set.
600 * => nothing to do
601 */
602 public function testUpdateMethodAtomDefaultNoExist()
603 {
604 $sandboxConf = 'sandbox/config';
605 copy(self::$configFile . '.json.php', $sandboxConf . '.json.php');
606 $this->conf = new ConfigManager($sandboxConf);
607 $updater = new Updater([], [], $this->conf, true);
608 $this->assertTrue($updater->updateMethodAtomDefault());
609 $this->assertTrue($this->conf->get('feed.show_atom'));
610 }
611 /**
612 * Test updateMethodAtomDefault with show_atom set to true.
613 * => nothing to do
614 */
615 public function testUpdateMethodAtomDefaultAlreadyTrue()
616 {
617 $sandboxConf = 'sandbox/config';
618 copy(self::$configFile . '.json.php', $sandboxConf . '.json.php');
619 $this->conf = new ConfigManager($sandboxConf);
620 $this->conf->set('feed.show_atom', true);
621 $updater = new Updater([], [], $this->conf, true);
622 $this->assertTrue($updater->updateMethodAtomDefault());
623 $this->assertTrue($this->conf->get('feed.show_atom'));
624 }
626 /**
627 * Test updateMethodDownloadSizeAndTimeoutConf, it should be set if none is already defined.
628 */
629 public function testUpdateMethodDownloadSizeAndTimeoutConf()
630 {
631 $sandboxConf = 'sandbox/config';
632 copy(self::$configFile . '.json.php', $sandboxConf . '.json.php');
633 $this->conf = new ConfigManager($sandboxConf);
634 $updater = new Updater([], [], $this->conf, true);
635 $this->assertTrue($updater->updateMethodDownloadSizeAndTimeoutConf());
636 $this->assertEquals(4194304, $this->conf->get('general.download_max_size'));
637 $this->assertEquals(30, $this->conf->get('general.download_timeout'));
639 $this->conf = new ConfigManager($sandboxConf);
640 $this->assertEquals(4194304, $this->conf->get('general.download_max_size'));
641 $this->assertEquals(30, $this->conf->get('general.download_timeout'));
642 }
644 /**
645 * Test updateMethodDownloadSizeAndTimeoutConf, it shouldn't be set if it is already defined.
646 */
647 public function testUpdateMethodDownloadSizeAndTimeoutConfIgnore()
648 {
649 $sandboxConf = 'sandbox/config';
650 copy(self::$configFile . '.json.php', $sandboxConf . '.json.php');
651 $this->conf = new ConfigManager($sandboxConf);
652 $this->conf->set('general.download_max_size', 38);
653 $this->conf->set('general.download_timeout', 70);
654 $updater = new Updater([], [], $this->conf, true);
655 $this->assertTrue($updater->updateMethodDownloadSizeAndTimeoutConf());
656 $this->assertEquals(38, $this->conf->get('general.download_max_size'));
657 $this->assertEquals(70, $this->conf->get('general.download_timeout'));
658 }
660 /**
661 * Test updateMethodDownloadSizeAndTimeoutConf, only the maz size should be set here.
662 */
663 public function testUpdateMethodDownloadSizeAndTimeoutConfOnlySize()
664 {
665 $sandboxConf = 'sandbox/config';
666 copy(self::$configFile . '.json.php', $sandboxConf . '.json.php');
667 $this->conf = new ConfigManager($sandboxConf);
668 $this->conf->set('general.download_max_size', 38);
669 $updater = new Updater([], [], $this->conf, true);
670 $this->assertTrue($updater->updateMethodDownloadSizeAndTimeoutConf());
671 $this->assertEquals(38, $this->conf->get('general.download_max_size'));
672 $this->assertEquals(30, $this->conf->get('general.download_timeout'));
673 }
675 /**
676 * Test updateMethodDownloadSizeAndTimeoutConf, only the time out should be set here.
677 */
678 public function testUpdateMethodDownloadSizeAndTimeoutConfOnlyTimeout()
679 {
680 $sandboxConf = 'sandbox/config';
681 copy(self::$configFile . '.json.php', $sandboxConf . '.json.php');
682 $this->conf = new ConfigManager($sandboxConf);
683 $this->conf->set('general.download_timeout', 3);
684 $updater = new Updater([], [], $this->conf, true);
685 $this->assertTrue($updater->updateMethodDownloadSizeAndTimeoutConf());
686 $this->assertEquals(4194304, $this->conf->get('general.download_max_size'));
687 $this->assertEquals(3, $this->conf->get('general.download_timeout'));
688 }
690 /**
691 * Test updateMethodWebThumbnailer with thumbnails enabled.
692 */
693 public function testUpdateMethodWebThumbnailerEnabled()
694 {
695 $this->conf->remove('thumbnails');
696 $this->conf->set('thumbnail.enable_thumbnails', true);
697 $updater = new Updater([], [], $this->conf, true, $_SESSION);
698 $this->assertTrue($updater->updateMethodWebThumbnailer());
699 $this->assertFalse($this->conf->exists('thumbnail'));
700 $this->assertEquals(\Shaarli\Thumbnailer::MODE_ALL, $this->conf->get('thumbnails.mode'));
701 $this->assertEquals(125, $this->conf->get('thumbnails.width'));
702 $this->assertEquals(90, $this->conf->get('thumbnails.height'));
703 $this->assertContains('You have enabled or changed thumbnails', $_SESSION['warnings'][0]);
704 }
706 /**
707 * Test updateMethodWebThumbnailer with thumbnails disabled.
708 */
709 public function testUpdateMethodWebThumbnailerDisabled()
710 {
711 $this->conf->remove('thumbnails');
712 $this->conf->set('thumbnail.enable_thumbnails', false);
713 $updater = new Updater([], [], $this->conf, true, $_SESSION);
714 $this->assertTrue($updater->updateMethodWebThumbnailer());
715 $this->assertFalse($this->conf->exists('thumbnail'));
716 $this->assertEquals(Thumbnailer::MODE_NONE, $this->conf->get('thumbnails.mode'));
717 $this->assertEquals(125, $this->conf->get('thumbnails.width'));
718 $this->assertEquals(90, $this->conf->get('thumbnails.height'));
719 $this->assertTrue(empty($_SESSION['warnings']));
720 }
722 /**
723 * Test updateMethodWebThumbnailer with thumbnails disabled.
724 */
725 public function testUpdateMethodWebThumbnailerNothingToDo()
726 {
727 $updater = new Updater([], [], $this->conf, true, $_SESSION);
728 $this->assertTrue($updater->updateMethodWebThumbnailer());
729 $this->assertFalse($this->conf->exists('thumbnail'));
730 $this->assertEquals(Thumbnailer::MODE_COMMON, $this->conf->get('thumbnails.mode'));
731 $this->assertEquals(90, $this->conf->get('thumbnails.width'));
732 $this->assertEquals(53, $this->conf->get('thumbnails.height'));
733 $this->assertTrue(empty($_SESSION['warnings']));
734 }
735 }