]> git.immae.eu Git - github/fretlink/text-pipes.git/blob - test/Test.hs
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[github/fretlink/text-pipes.git] / test / Test.hs
1 import Utils
3 import Test.QuickCheck
4 import Test.QuickCheck.Monadic
5 import Test.Framework (Test, testGroup, defaultMain)
6 import Test.Framework.Providers.QuickCheck2 (testProperty)
8 import Control.Exception (catch)
9 import Data.Char (chr, isDigit, isHexDigit, isLower, isSpace, isUpper, ord)
10 import Data.Monoid (Monoid(..))
11 import Control.Monad
12 import Data.String (fromString)
13 import Data.Text.Encoding.Error
14 import qualified Data.List as L
16 import qualified Data.Bits as Bits (shiftL, shiftR)
17 import qualified Data.ByteString as B
18 import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL
19 import qualified Data.Text as T
20 import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as TL
21 import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as E
22 import qualified Pipes.Text.Internal as PE
23 import qualified Pipes.Text as TP
24 import qualified Pipes.ByteString as BP
25 import qualified Pipes as P
27 main :: IO ()
28 main = defaultMain [tests]
29 -- >>> :main -a 10000
30 tests = testGroup "stream_decode" [
31 -- testProperty "t_utf8_incr_valid" t_utf8_incr_valid,
32 testProperty "t_utf8_incr_mixed" t_utf8_incr_mixed ,
33 testProperty "t_utf8_incr_pipe" t_utf8_incr_pipe,
34 testProperty "t_utf8_incr_decoding" t_utf8_incr_decoding,
35 testProperty "t_utf8_dec_some" t_utf8_dec_some]
37 t_utf8_incr_valid = do
38 Positive n <- arbitrary
39 forAll genUnicode $ recode n `eq` id
40 where recode n = T.concat . feedChunksOf n PE.streamDecodeUtf8 . E.encodeUtf8
41 feedChunksOf :: Int -> (B.ByteString -> PE.Decoding) -> B.ByteString
42 -> [T.Text]
43 feedChunksOf n f bs
44 | B.null bs = []
45 | otherwise = let (a,b) = B.splitAt n bs
46 PE.Some t _ f' = f a
47 in case f a of
48 PE.Some t _ f' -> t : feedChunksOf n f' b
49 _ -> []
51 t_utf8_incr_mixed = do
52 Positive n <- arbitrary
53 txt <- genUnicode
54 let chunkSize = mod n 7 + 1
55 forAll (vector 9) $
56 (roundtrip . chunk chunkSize . appendBytes txt) `eq` (appendBytes txt)
57 where
58 roundtrip :: [B.ByteString] -> B.ByteString
59 roundtrip bss = go PE.streamDecodeUtf8 B.empty bss where
60 go dec acc [] = acc
61 go dec acc [bs] = case dec bs of
62 PE.Some t l dec' -> acc <> E.encodeUtf8 t <> l
63 PE.Other t bs' -> acc <> E.encodeUtf8 t <> bs'
64 go dec acc (bs:bss) = case dec bs of
65 PE.Some t l dec' -> go dec' (acc <> E.encodeUtf8 t) bss
66 PE.Other t bs' -> acc <> E.encodeUtf8 t <> bs' <> B.concat bss
67 chunk n bs = let (a,b) = B.splitAt n bs in if B.null a then [] else a : chunk n b
68 appendBytes txt bts = E.encodeUtf8 txt <> B.pack bts ; (<>) = B.append
70 t_utf8_incr_pipe = do
71 Positive m <- arbitrary
72 Positive n <- arbitrary
73 txt <- genUnicode
74 let chunkSize = mod n 7 + 1
75 bytesLength = mod 10 m
76 forAll (vector bytesLength) $
77 (BL.toStrict . BP.toLazy . roundtrip . P.each . chunk chunkSize . appendBytes txt)
78 `eq`
79 appendBytes txt
80 where
81 roundtrip :: Monad m => P.Producer B.ByteString m r -> P.Producer B.ByteString m r
82 roundtrip p = join (TP.decodeUtf8 p P.>-> TP.encodeUtf8)
83 chunk n bs = let (a,b) = B.splitAt n bs in if B.null a then [] else a : chunk n b
84 appendBytes txt bts = E.encodeUtf8 txt <> B.pack bts ; (<>) = B.append
86 --
87 t_utf8_incr_decoding = do
88 Positive m <- arbitrary
89 Positive n <- arbitrary
90 txt <- genUnicode
91 let chunkSize = mod n 7 + 1
92 bytesLength = mod 10 m
93 forAll (vector bytesLength) $
94 (BL.toStrict . BP.toLazy . roundtrip . P.each . chunk chunkSize . appendBytes txt)
95 `eq`
96 appendBytes txt
97 where
98 roundtrip :: Monad m => P.Producer B.ByteString m r -> P.Producer B.ByteString m r
99 roundtrip p = join (TP.decode utf8_start p P.>-> TP.encodeUtf8)
100 chunk n bs = let (a,b) = B.splitAt n bs in if B.null a then [] else a : chunk n b
101 appendBytes txt bts = E.encodeUtf8 txt <> B.pack bts ; (<>) = B.append
102 utf8_start = PE.Some T.empty B.empty (PE.codecDecode PE.utf8)
103 t_utf8_dec_some = do
104 Positive m <- arbitrary
105 txt <- genUnicode
106 let bytesLength = mod 10 m :: Int
107 forAll (vector bytesLength) $
108 (roundtrip . appendBytes txt)
109 `eq`
110 appendBytes txt
111 where
112 roundtrip bs = case PE.decodeSomeUtf8 bs of
113 (txt,bys) -> E.encodeUtf8 txt <> bys
114 appendBytes txt bts = E.encodeUtf8 txt <> B.pack bts ; (<>) = B.append