]> git.immae.eu Git - github/fretlink/hmacaroons.git/blob - test/Crypto/Macaroon/Verifier/Tests.hs
Add basic macaroon verification
[github/fretlink/hmacaroons.git] / test / Crypto / Macaroon / Verifier / Tests.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
2 {-|
3 Copyright : (c) 2015 Julien Tanguy
4 License : BSD3
6 Maintainer : julien.tanguy@jhome.fr
9 This test suite is based on the pymacaroons test suite:
10 <https://github.com/ecordell/pymacaroons>
11 -}
12 module Crypto.Macaroon.Verifier.Tests where
15 import Data.List
16 import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B8
17 import Test.Tasty
18 -- import Test.Tasty.HUnit
19 import Test.Tasty.QuickCheck
21 import Crypto.Macaroon
22 import Crypto.Macaroon.Verifier
24 import Crypto.Macaroon.Instances
26 tests :: TestTree
27 tests = testGroup "Crypto.Macaroon.Verifier" [ sigs
28 , firstParty
29 ]
31 {-
32 - Test fixtures
33 -}
34 sec = B8.pack "this is our super secret key; only we should know it"
36 m :: Macaroon
37 m = create sec key loc
38 where
39 key = B8.pack "we used our sec key"
40 loc = B8.pack "http://mybank/"
42 m2 :: Macaroon
43 m2 = addFirstPartyCaveat "test = caveat" m
45 m3 :: Macaroon
46 m3 = addFirstPartyCaveat "value = 42" m2
48 exTC = verifyExact "test" "caveat" (many' letter_ascii) <???> "test = caveat"
49 exTZ = verifyExact "test" "bleh" (many' letter_ascii) <???> "test = bleh"
50 exV42 = verifyExact "value" 42 decimal <???> "value = 42"
51 exV43 = verifyExact "value" 43 decimal <???> "value = 43"
53 funTCPre = verifyFun "test" ("cav" `isPrefixOf`) (many' letter_ascii) <???> "test startsWith cav"
54 funTV43lte = verifyFun "value" (<= 43) decimal <???> "value <= 43"
56 allvs = [exTC, exTZ, exV42, exV43, funTCPre, funTV43lte]
58 {-
59 - Tests
60 -}
61 sigs = testProperty "Signatures" $ \sm -> verifySig (secret sm) (macaroon sm) == Ok
63 firstParty = testGroup "First party caveats" [
64 testGroup "Pure verifiers" [
65 testProperty "Zero caveat" $
66 forAll (sublistOf allvs) (\vs -> Ok == verifyCavs vs m)
67 , testProperty "One caveat" $
68 forAll (sublistOf allvs) (\vs -> disjoin [
69 Ok == verifyCavs vs m2 .&&. any (`elem` vs) [exTC,funTCPre] .&&. (exTZ `notElem` vs)
70 , Failed === verifyCavs vs m2
71 ])
72 , testProperty "Two Exact" $
73 forAll (sublistOf allvs) (\vs -> disjoin [
74 Ok == verifyCavs vs m3 .&&.
75 any (`elem` vs) [exTC,funTCPre] .&&. (exTZ `notElem` vs) .&&.
76 any (`elem` vs) [exV42,funTV43lte] .&&. (exV43 `notElem` vs)
77 , Failed === verifyCavs vs m3
78 ])
79 ]
80 , testGroup "Pure verifiers with sig" [
81 testProperty "Zero caveat" $
82 forAll (sublistOf allvs) (\vs -> Ok == verifyMacaroon sec vs m)
83 , testProperty "One caveat" $
84 forAll (sublistOf allvs) (\vs -> disjoin [
85 Ok == verifyMacaroon sec vs m2 .&&. any (`elem` vs) [exTC,funTCPre] .&&. (exTZ `notElem` vs)
86 , Failed === verifyMacaroon sec vs m2
87 ])
88 , testProperty "Two Exact" $
89 forAll (sublistOf allvs) (\vs -> disjoin [
90 Ok == verifyMacaroon sec vs m3 .&&.
91 any (`elem` vs) [exTC,funTCPre] .&&. (exTZ `notElem` vs) .&&.
92 any (`elem` vs) [exV42,funTV43lte] .&&. (exV43 `notElem` vs)
93 , Failed === verifyMacaroon sec vs m3
94 ])
95 ]
96 ]