]> git.immae.eu Git - github/wallabag/wallabag.git/blob - src/Wallabag/CoreBundle/Resources/views/themes/baggy/Entry/entry.html.twig
Add annotator in baggy theme
[github/wallabag/wallabag.git] / src / Wallabag / CoreBundle / Resources / views / themes / baggy / Entry / entry.html.twig
1 {% extends "WallabagCoreBundle::layout.html.twig" %}
3 {% block title %}{{ entry.title|raw }} ({{ entry.domainName|removeWww }}){% endblock %}
5 {% block content %}
6 <div id="article">
7 <header class="mbm">
8 <h1>{{ entry.title|raw }} <a href="{{ path('edit', { 'id': entry.id }) }}" title="{% trans %}Edit title{% endtrans %}">✎</a></h1>
9 </header>
11 <div id="article_toolbar">
12 <ul class="links">
13 <li class="topPosF"><a href="#top" title="{% trans %}Back to top{% endtrans %}" class="tool top icon icon-arrow-up-thick"><span>{% trans %}Back to top{% endtrans %}</span></a></li>
14 <li><a href="{{ entry.url|e }}" target="_blank" title="{% trans %}original{% endtrans %} : {{ entry.title|e }}" class="tool link icon icon-link"><span>{{ entry.domainName|removeWww }}</span></a></li>
15 <li><a title="{% trans %}Re-fetch content{% endtrans %}" class="tool icon icon-reload" href="{{ path('reload_entry', { 'id': entry.id }) }}"><span>{% trans %}Re-fetch content{% endtrans %}</span></a></li>
16 <li><a title="{% if entry.isArchived == 0 %}{% trans %}Mark as read{% endtrans %}{% else %}{% trans %}Mark as unread{% endtrans %}{% endif %}" class="tool icon icon-check {% if entry.isArchived == 0 %}archive-off{% else %}archive{% endif %}" href="{{ path('archive_entry', { 'id': entry.id }) }}"><span>{% if entry.isArchived == 0 %}{% trans %}Mark as read{% endtrans %}{% else %}{% trans %}Mark as unread{% endtrans %}{% endif %}</span></a></li>
17 <li><a title="{% trans %}Favorite{% endtrans %}" class="tool icon icon-star {% if entry.isStarred == 0 %}fav-off{% else %}fav{% endif %}" href="{{ path('star_entry', { 'id': entry.id }) }}"><span>{% trans %}Toggle favorite{% endtrans %}</span></a></li>
18 <li><a id="nav-btn-add-tag" title="{% trans %}Add a tag{% endtrans %}"><span>{% trans %}Tag{% endtrans %}</span></a></li>
19 <li><a title="{% trans %}Delete{% endtrans %}" class="tool delete icon icon-trash" href="{{ path('delete_entry', { 'id': entry.id }) }}"><span>{% trans %}Delete{% endtrans %}</span></a></li>
20 {% if craue_setting('share_twitter') %}<li><a href="https://twitter.com/home?status={{entry.title|url_encode}}%20{{ entry.url|url_encode }}%20via%20@wallabagapp" target="_blank" class="tool twitter icon icon-twitter" title="{% trans %}Tweet{% endtrans %}"><span>{% trans %}Tweet{% endtrans %}</span></a></li>{% endif %}
21 {% if craue_setting('share_mail') %}<li><a href="mailto:?subject={{ entry.title|url_encode }}&amp;body={{ entry.url|url_encode }}%20via%20@wallabagapp" class="tool email icon icon-mail" title="{% trans %}Email{% endtrans %}"><span>{% trans %}Email{% endtrans %}</span></a></li>{% endif %}
22 {% if craue_setting('share_shaarli') %}<li><a href="{{ craue_setting('shaarli_url') }}/index.php?post={{ entry.url|url_encode }}&amp;title={{ entry.title|url_encode }}" target="_blank" class="tool shaarli" title="{% trans %}shaarli{% endtrans %}"><span>{% trans %}shaarli{% endtrans %}</span></a></li>{% endif %}
23 {% if craue_setting('share_diaspora') %}<li><a href="{{ craue_setting('diaspora_url') }}/bookmarklet?url={{ entry.url|url_encode }}&title={{ entry.title|url_encode }}&notes=&v=1&noui=1&jump=doclose" target="_blank" class="tool diaspora icon-image icon-image--diaspora" title="{% trans %}diaspora{% endtrans %}"><span>{% trans %}diaspora{% endtrans %}</span></a></li>{% endif %}
24 {% if craue_setting('carrot') %}<li><a href="https://secure.carrot.org/GiveAndGetBack.do?url={{ entry.url|url_encode }}&title={{ entry.title|url_encode }}" class="tool carrot icon-image icon-image--carrot" target="_blank" title="{% trans %}carrot{% endtrans %}"><span>Carrot</span></a></li>{% endif %}
25 {% if craue_setting('show_printlink') %}<li><a title="{% trans %}Print{% endtrans %}" class="tool icon icon-print" href="javascript: window.print();"><span>{% trans %}Print{% endtrans %}</span></a></li>{% endif %}
26 {% if craue_setting('export_epub') %}<li><a href="?epub&amp;method=id&amp;value={{ entry.id }}" title="Generate ePub file">EPUB</a></li>{% endif %}
27 {% if craue_setting('export_mobi') %}<li><a href="?mobi&amp;method=id&amp;value={{ entry.id }}" title="Generate Mobi file">MOBI</a></li>{% endif %}
28 {% if craue_setting('export_pdf') %}<li><a href="?pdf&amp;method=id&amp;value={{ entry.id }}" title="Generate PDF file">PDF</a></li>{% endif %}
29 <li><a href="mailto:hello@wallabag.org?subject=Wrong%20display%20in%20wallabag&amp;body={{ entry.url|url_encode }}" title="{% trans %}Does this article appear wrong?{% endtrans %}" class="tool bad-display icon icon-delete"><span>{% trans %}Does this article appear wrong?{% endtrans %}</span></a></li>
30 </ul>
31 </div>
33 <aside class="tags">
34 {% for tag in entry.tags %}
35 <span class="mdi-action-label-outline">{{ tag.label }}</span> <a href="{{ path('remove_tag', { 'entry': entry.id, 'tag': tag.id }) }}"><i>✘</i></a>
36 {% endfor %}
37 <div class="input-field nav-panel-add-tag" style="display: none">
38 {{ render(controller( "WallabagCoreBundle:Tag:addTagForm", { 'id': entry.id } )) }}
39 </div>
40 </aside>
41 {% if entry.previewPicture is not null %}
42 <div><img class="preview" src="{{ entry.previewPicture }}" alt="{{ entry.title|raw }}" /></div>
43 {% endif %}
44 <article>
45 {{ entry.content | raw }}
46 </article>
47 </div>
48 <script src="{{ asset('bundles/wallabagcore/themes/_global/js/restoreScroll.js')}}"></script>
49 <script type="text/javascript">
50 $(document).ready(function() {
52 // toggle read property of current article
53 /* $('#markAsRead').click(function(){
54 $("body").css("cursor", "wait");
55 $.ajax( { url: '{{ path('archive_entry', { 'id': entry.id }) }}' }).done(
56 function( data ) {
57 if ( data == '1' ) {
58 if ( $('#markAsRead').hasClass("archive-off") ) {
59 $('#markAsRead').removeClass("archive-off");
60 $('#markAsRead').addClass("archive");
61 }
62 else {
63 $('#markAsRead').removeClass("archive");
64 $('#markAsRead').addClass("archive-off");
65 }
66 }
67 else {
68 alert('Error! Pls check if you are logged in.');
69 }
70 });
71 $("body").css("cursor", "auto");
72 });*/
74 // toggle favorite property of current article
75 /* $('#setFav').click(function(){
76 $("body").css("cursor", "wait");
77 $.ajax( { url: '{{ path('star_entry', { 'id': entry.id }) }}' }).done(
78 function( data ) {
79 if ( data == '1' ) {
80 if ( $('#setFav').hasClass("fav-off") ) {
81 $('#setFav').removeClass("fav-off");
82 $('#setFav').addClass("fav");
83 }
84 else {
85 $('#setFav').removeClass("fav");
86 $('#setFav').addClass("fav-off");
87 }
88 }
89 else {
90 alert('Error! Pls check if you are logged in.');
91 }
92 });
93 $("body").css("cursor", "auto");
94 });*/
96 $(window).scroll(function(e){
97 var scrollTop = $(window).scrollTop();
98 var docHeight = $(document).height();
99 var scrollPercent = (scrollTop) / (docHeight);
100 var scrollPercentRounded = Math.round(scrollPercent*100)/100;
101 savePercent({{ entry.id }}, scrollPercentRounded);
102 });
104 retrievePercent({{ entry.id }});
106 $(window).resize(function(){
107 retrievePercent({{ entry.id }});
108 });
109 });
111 var app = new annotator.App();
112 app.include(annotator.ui.main, {
113 element: document.querySelector('article')
114 });
115 app.include(annotator.storage.http, {
116 prefix: '',
117 urls: {
118 create: '{{ path('annotations_post_annotation', { 'entry': entry.id }) }}',
119 update: '{{ path('annotations_put_annotation', { 'comment': 'idComment' }) }}',
120 destroy: '{{ path('annotations_delete_annotation', { 'comment': 'idComment' }) }}',
121 search: '{{ path('annotations_get_annotations', { 'entry': entry.id }) }}'
122 }
123 });
124 app
125 .start()
126 .then(function () {
127 app.annotations.load({entry: {{ entry.id }}});
128 });
129 </script>
131 {% endblock %}