]> git.immae.eu Git - github/fretlink/squeal-hspec.git/blob - src/Squeal/PostgreSQL/Hspec.hs
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[github/fretlink/squeal-hspec.git] / src / Squeal / PostgreSQL / Hspec.hs
1 {-|
2 Helpers for creating database tests with hspec and squeal, inspired by Jonathan Fischoff's
3 [hspec-pg-transact](http://hackage.haskell.org/package/hspec-pg-transact).
5 This uses @tmp-postgres@ to automatically and connect to a temporary instance of postgres on a random port.
7 Tests can be written with 'itDB' which is wrapper around 'it' that uses the passed in 'TestDB' to run a db transaction automatically for the test.
9 The libary also provides a few other functions for more fine grained control over running transactions in tests.
10 -}
11 {-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
12 {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
13 {-# LANGUAGE MonoLocalBinds #-}
14 {-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
15 {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
16 {-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
17 {-# LANGUAGE TypeInType #-}
18 {-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
19 module Squeal.PostgreSQL.Hspec
20 where
22 import Control.Exception
23 import Control.Monad
24 import Control.Monad.Base (liftBase)
25 import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
26 import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BSC
27 import Database.Postgres.Temp as Temp
28 import Squeal.PostgreSQL
29 import System.Environment (lookupEnv)
30 import Test.Hspec
32 data TestDB a = TestDB
33 { tempDB :: Maybe Temp.DB
34 -- ^ Handle for temporary @postgres@ process
35 , pool :: Pool (K Connection a)
36 -- ^ Pool of 50 connections to the temporary @postgres@
37 , connectionString :: ByteString
38 }
40 type Fixtures db a = (Pool (K Connection db) -> IO a)
41 type Actions db a = PQ db db IO a
42 type FixtureContext db fix = (TestDB db, fix)
43 type Migrations def from to = Path (Migration def) from to
45 testDBEnv :: String
48 getOrCreateConnectionString :: IO (ByteString, Maybe Temp.DB)
49 getOrCreateConnectionString = do
50 hasConnectionString <- lookupEnv testDBEnv
51 maybe createTempDB (pure . (, Nothing) . BSC.pack) hasConnectionString
53 createTempDB :: IO (ByteString, Maybe Temp.DB)
54 createTempDB = do
55 tempDB <- either throwIO return =<< Temp.start
56 let connectionString = Temp.toConnectionString tempDB
57 pure (connectionString, Just tempDB)
59 -- | Start a temporary @postgres@ process and create a pool of connections to it
60 setupDB
61 :: Migratory def (IsoQ (Indexed PQ IO ()))
62 => Migrations def schema0 schema
63 -> Fixtures schema fix
64 -> IO (FixtureContext schema fix)
65 setupDB migration fixtures = do
66 (connectionString, tempDB) <- getOrCreateConnectionString
67 BSC.putStrLn connectionString
68 let singleStripe = 1
69 keepConnectionForOneHour = 3600
70 poolSizeOfFifty = 50
71 pool <- createConnectionPool
72 connectionString
73 singleStripe
74 keepConnectionForOneHour
75 poolSizeOfFifty
76 withConnection connectionString (migrateUp migration)
77 res <- fixtures pool
78 pure (TestDB {..}, res)
80 -- | Drop all the connections and shutdown the @postgres@ process
81 teardownDB
82 :: Migratory def (IsoQ (Indexed PQ IO ()))
83 => Migrations def schema0 schema
84 -> TestDB a
85 -> IO ()
86 teardownDB migration TestDB {..} = do
87 withConnection connectionString (migrateDown migration)
88 destroyConnectionPool pool
89 maybe (pure ()) (void . Temp.stop) tempDB
91 -- | Run an 'IO' action with a connection from the pool
92 withPool :: TestDB db -> Actions db a -> IO a
93 withPool testDB = liftBase . usingConnectionPool (pool testDB)
95 -- | Run an 'DB' transaction, using 'transactionally_'
96 withDB :: Actions db a -> TestDB db -> IO a
97 withDB action testDB =
98 usingConnectionPool (pool testDB) (transactionally_ action)
100 -- | Flipped version of 'withDB'
101 runDB :: TestDB db -> Actions db a -> IO a
102 runDB = flip withDB
104 withFixture :: (fix -> Actions db a) -> FixtureContext db fix -> IO a
105 withFixture action (db, fix) =
106 usingConnectionPool (pool db) (transactionally_ $ action fix)
108 withoutFixture :: Actions db a -> FixtureContext db fix -> IO a
109 withoutFixture action (db, _) =
110 usingConnectionPool (pool db) (transactionally_ action)
112 -- | Helper for writing tests. Wrapper around 'it' that uses the passed
113 -- in 'TestDB' to run a db transaction automatically for the test.
114 itDB :: String -> Actions db a -> SpecWith (FixtureContext db ())
115 itDB msg action = it msg $ void . withoutFixture action
117 -- | Helper for writing tests. Wrapper around 'it' that uses the passed
118 -- in 'TestDB' to run a db transaction automatically for the test,
119 -- plus the result of the fixtures.
120 itDBF :: String -> (fix -> Actions db a) -> SpecWith (FixtureContext db fix)
121 itDBF msg action = it msg $ void . withFixture action
123 itDBF_ :: String -> Actions db a -> SpecWith (FixtureContext db fix)
124 itDBF_ msg action = it msg $ void . withoutFixture action
126 -- | Wraps 'describe' with a
127 --
128 -- @
129 -- 'beforeAll' ('setupDB' migrate)
130 -- @
131 --
132 -- hook for creating a db and a
133 --
134 -- @
135 -- 'afterAll' 'teardownDB'
136 -- @
137 --
138 -- hook for stopping a db.
139 describeDB
140 :: Migratory def (IsoQ (Indexed PQ IO ()))
141 => Migrations def db0 db
142 -> Fixtures db ()
143 -> String
144 -> SpecWith (FixtureContext db ())
145 -> Spec
146 describeDB migrate fixture str =
147 beforeAll (setupDB migrate fixture) . afterAll (teardownDB migrate . fst) . describe str
149 -- | Like `decribeDB`, but allow fixtures to pass
150 -- | a result to all specs
151 describeFixtures
152 :: Migratory def (IsoQ (Indexed PQ IO ()))
153 => Migrations def db0 db
154 -> Fixtures db fix
155 -> String
156 -> SpecWith (FixtureContext db fix)
157 -> Spec
158 describeFixtures migrate fixture str =
159 beforeAll (setupDB migrate fixture) . afterAll (teardownDB migrate . fst) . describe str