]> git.immae.eu Git - github/fretlink/purs-loader.git/blob - src/Loader.purs
Merge branch 'master' of github.com:ethul/purs-loader
[github/fretlink/purs-loader.git] / src / Loader.purs
1 module PursLoader.Loader
2 ( LoaderEff()
3 , loader
4 , loaderFn
5 ) where
7 import Control.Monad.Aff (Aff(), runAff)
8 import Control.Monad.Eff (Eff())
9 import Control.Monad.Eff.Class (liftEff)
10 import Control.Monad.Eff.Exception (error)
12 import Data.Array ((!!), catMaybes, concat, filter, null)
13 import Data.Foldable (foldl)
14 import Data.Function (Fn2(), mkFn2)
15 import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..), fromMaybe, maybe)
16 import Data.Set (Set(), empty, insert, member, toList, unions)
17 import Data.String (joinWith, split)
18 import Data.String.Regex (Regex(), match, noFlags, regex)
19 import Data.StrMap (StrMap(), fromList, lookup)
20 import Data.Traversable (sequence)
21 import Data.Tuple.Nested (tuple2)
23 import PursLoader.ChildProcess (ChildProcess(), spawn)
24 import PursLoader.FS (FS(), readFileUtf8, readFileUtf8Sync)
25 import PursLoader.Glob (Glob(), glob)
26 import PursLoader.LoaderRef (LoaderRef(), Loader(), async, cacheable, clearDependencies, addDependency, query, resourcePath)
27 import PursLoader.LoaderUtil (getRemainingRequest, parseQuery)
28 import PursLoader.OS (eol)
29 import PursLoader.Options (loaderSrcOption, pscMakeOptions, pscMakeDefaultOutput, pscMakeOutputOption)
30 import PursLoader.Path (dirname, join, relative, resolve)
32 foreign import cwd "var cwd = process.cwd();" :: String
34 moduleRegex = regex "(?:^|\\n)module\\s+([\\w\\.]+)" noFlags { ignoreCase = true }
36 importRegex = regex "^\\s*import\\s+(?:qualified\\s+)?([\\w\\.]+)" noFlags { ignoreCase = true }
38 bowerPattern = join [ "bower_components", "purescript-*", "src" ]
40 pscMakeCommand = "psc-make"
42 indexFilename = "index.js"
44 (!!!) = flip (!!)
46 pursPattern :: [String] -> String
47 pursPattern srcs = join [ "{" ++ joinWith "," ([ bowerPattern ] <> srcs) ++ "}"
48 , "**"
49 , "*.purs"
50 ]
52 type GraphModule = { file :: String, imports :: [String] }
54 type Graph = StrMap GraphModule
56 mkGraph :: forall eff. [String] -> Eff (fs :: FS | eff) Graph
57 mkGraph files = (fromList <<< catMaybes) <$> sequence (parse <$> files)
58 where parse file = do source <- readFileUtf8Sync file
59 let key = match moduleRegex source >>= (!!!) 1
60 lines = split eol source
61 imports = catMaybes $ (\a -> match importRegex a >>= (!!!) 1) <$> lines
62 return $ (\a -> tuple2 a { file: file, imports: imports }) <$> key
64 mkDeps :: forall eff. String -> Graph -> [String]
65 mkDeps key graph = toList $ go empty key
66 where
67 go :: Set String -> String -> Set String
68 go acc key =
69 let node = fromMaybe {file: "", imports: []} (lookup key graph)
70 uniq = filter (not <<< flip member acc) node.imports
71 acc' = foldl (flip insert) acc node.imports
72 in if null uniq
73 then acc'
74 else unions $ go acc' <$> uniq
76 addDeps :: forall eff. LoaderRef -> Graph -> [String] -> Eff (loader :: Loader | eff) Unit
77 addDeps ref graph deps = const unit <$> (sequence $ add <$> deps)
78 where add dep = let res = lookup dep graph
79 path = (\a -> resolve a.file) <$> res
80 in maybe (pure unit) (addDependency ref) path
82 type LoaderAff eff a = Aff (loader :: Loader, glob :: Glob, cp :: ChildProcess, fs :: FS | eff) a
84 loader' :: forall eff. LoaderRef -> String -> LoaderAff eff (Maybe String)
85 loader' ref source = do
86 liftEff $ cacheable ref
88 let request = getRemainingRequest ref
89 parsed = parseQuery $ query ref
90 srcs = loaderSrcOption parsed
91 opts = pscMakeOptions parsed
92 pattern = pursPattern $ fromMaybe [] srcs
93 key = match moduleRegex source >>= (!!!) 1
95 files <- glob pattern
96 graph <- liftEff $ mkGraph files
98 let deps = fromMaybe [] $ flip mkDeps graph <$> key
99 outputPath = fromMaybe pscMakeDefaultOutput $ pscMakeOutputOption parsed
100 indexPath = (\a -> join [ outputPath, a, indexFilename ]) <$> key
102 liftEff $ clearDependencies ref
103 liftEff $ addDependency ref (resourcePath ref)
104 liftEff $ addDeps ref graph deps
106 spawn pscMakeCommand (opts <> files)
107 indexFile <- sequence $ readFileUtf8 <$> indexPath
108 return indexFile
110 type LoaderEff eff a = Eff (loader :: Loader, glob :: Glob, cp :: ChildProcess, fs :: FS | eff) a
112 loader :: forall eff. LoaderRef -> String -> LoaderEff eff Unit
113 loader ref source = do
114 callback <- async ref
115 runAff (\e -> callback (Just e) "")
116 (maybe (callback (Just $ error "Loader has failed to run") "")
117 (callback Nothing))
118 (loader' ref source)
120 loaderFn :: forall eff. Fn2 LoaderRef String (LoaderEff eff Unit)
121 loaderFn = mkFn2 loader