]> git.immae.eu Git - github/fretlink/haskell-graylog.git/blob - src/Graylog/UDP.hs
Added readme, license, and light commenting.
[github/fretlink/haskell-graylog.git] / src / Graylog / UDP.hs
1 -- | UDP Chunked support for sending messages to graylog.
2 module Graylog.UDP
3 ( sendLog
5 , module Export
6 ) where
8 import Data.Aeson
9 import Data.ByteString.Builder
10 import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as LBS
11 import Data.Monoid
12 import Data.Word
13 import Network.Socket.ByteString.Lazy
14 import System.Random
16 import Graylog.Gelf as Export
17 import Graylog.Types as Export
19 sendLog :: Graylog -> GELF -> IO ()
20 sendLog glog msg = do
21 cks <- chunky glog raw
22 mapM_ (send $ _graylogSocket glog) cks
23 where
24 raw = encode msg
26 chunky :: Graylog -> LBS.ByteString -> IO [LBS.ByteString]
27 chunky glog raw = do
28 groupId <- randomIO
29 let groups = divide totalNum raw
30 return $ append groupId groups seqNums
31 where
32 magic = word8 0x1e <> word8 0x0f
33 seqNums = [0..] :: [Word8]
34 totalNum = if excess > 0 then count + 1 else count
35 (count, excess) = quotRem (LBS.length raw) gsize
36 hlen = 12
37 gsize = (fromIntegral (_graylogChunkSize glog)) - hlen
39 divide 0 dat = [dat]
40 divide num dat = let (pre, post) = LBS.splitAt gsize dat
41 in pre : divide (num - 1) post
43 append _ [] _ = []
44 append _ _ [] = error "the impossible has happened."
45 append gid (g:gs) (s:ss) = (toLazyByteString
46 $ magic
47 <> word64BE gid
48 <> word8 s
49 <> word8 (fromIntegral totalNum)
50 <> lazyByteString g) : append gid gs ss