]> git.immae.eu Git - github/fretlink/hmacaroons.git/blob - src/Crypto/Macaroon/Verifier/Internal.hs
[github/fretlink/hmacaroons.git] / src / Crypto / Macaroon / Verifier / Internal.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
2 {-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
3 {-|
4 Module : Crypto.Macaroon.Verifier.Internal
5 Copyright : (c) 2015 Julien Tanguy
6 License : BSD3
8 Maintainer : julien.tanguy@jhome.fr
9 Stability : experimental
10 Portability : portable
14 -}
15 module Crypto.Macaroon.Verifier.Internal where
17 import Control.Applicative
18 import Control.Monad
19 import Control.Monad.IO.Class
20 import Crypto.Hash
21 import Data.Bool
22 import Data.Byteable
23 import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
24 import Data.Either
25 import Data.Either.Validation
26 import Data.Foldable
27 import Data.Maybe
28 import Data.Monoid
30 import Crypto.Macaroon.Internal
32 -- | Type representing different validation errors.
33 -- Only 'ParseError' and 'ValidatorError' are exported, 'SigMismatch' and
34 -- 'NoVerifier' are used internally and should not be used by the user
35 data ValidationError = SigMismatch -- ^ Signatures do not match
36 | NoVerifier -- ^ No verifier can handle a given caveat
37 | ParseError String -- ^ A verifier had a parse error
38 | ValidatorError String -- ^ A verifier failed
39 deriving (Show,Eq)
41 -- | The 'Monoid' instance is written so 'SigMismatch' is an annihilator,
42 -- and 'NoVerifier' is the identity element
43 instance Monoid ValidationError where
44 mempty = NoVerifier
45 NoVerifier `mappend` e = e
46 e `mappend` NoVerifier = e
47 SigMismatch `mappend` _ = SigMismatch
48 _ `mappend` SigMismatch = SigMismatch
49 (ValidatorError e) `mappend` (ParseError _) = ValidatorError e
50 (ParseError _) `mappend` (ValidatorError e) = ValidatorError e
52 -- | Check that the given macaroon has a correct signature
53 verifySig :: Key -> Macaroon -> Either ValidationError Macaroon
54 verifySig k m = bool (Left SigMismatch) (Right m) $
55 signature m == foldl' hash (toBytes (hmac derivedKey (identifier m) :: HMAC SHA256)) (caveats m)
56 where
57 hash s c = toBytes (hmac s (vid c `BS.append` cid c) :: HMAC SHA256)
58 derivedKey = toBytes (hmac "macaroons-key-generator" k :: HMAC SHA256)
60 -- | Given a list of verifiers, verify each caveat of the given macaroon
61 verifyCavs :: (Functor m, MonadIO m)
62 => [Caveat -> m (Maybe (Either ValidationError ()))]
63 -> Macaroon
64 -> m (Either ValidationError Macaroon)
65 verifyCavs verifiers m = gatherEithers <$> mapM validateCaveat (caveats m)
66 where
67 {-
68 - validateCaveat :: Caveat -> m (Validation String Caveat)
69 - We can use fromJust here safely since we use a `Just Failure` as a
70 - starting value for the foldM. We are guaranteed to have a `Just something`
71 - from it.
72 -}
73 validateCaveat c = fmap (const c) . fromJust <$> foldM (\res v -> mappend res . fmap eitherToValidation <$> v c) (defErr c) verifiers
74 -- defErr :: Caveat -> Maybe (Validation String Caveat)
75 defErr c = Just $ Failure NoVerifier
76 -- gatherEithers :: [Validation String Caveat] -> Either String Caveat
77 gatherEithers vs = case partitionEithers . map validationToEither $ vs of
78 ([],_) -> Right m
79 (errs,_) -> Left (mconcat errs)