]> git.immae.eu Git - github/fretlink/hmacaroons.git/blob - src/Crypto/Macaroon/Internal.hs
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[github/fretlink/hmacaroons.git] / src / Crypto / Macaroon / Internal.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
2 {-|
3 Module : Crypto.Macaroon.Internal
4 Copyright : (c) 2015 Julien Tanguy
5 License : BSD3
7 Maintainer : julien.tanguy@jhome.fr
8 Stability : experimental
9 Portability : portable
12 Internal representation of a macaroon
13 -}
14 module Crypto.Macaroon.Internal where
17 import Control.DeepSeq
18 import Crypto.Cipher.AES
19 import Crypto.Hash
20 import Data.Byteable
21 import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
22 import qualified Data.ByteString.Base64 as B64
23 import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B8
24 import Data.Hex
25 import Data.List
27 -- |Type alias for Macaroons and Caveat keys and identifiers
28 type Key = BS.ByteString
30 -- |Type alias for Macaroons and Caveat locations
31 type Location = BS.ByteString
33 -- |Type alias for Macaroons signatures
34 type Sig = BS.ByteString
36 -- | Main structure of a macaroon
37 data Macaroon = MkMacaroon { location :: Location
38 -- ^ Target location
39 , identifier :: Key
40 -- ^ Macaroon Identifier
41 , caveats :: [Caveat]
42 -- ^ List of caveats
43 , signature :: Sig
44 -- ^ Macaroon HMAC signature
45 } deriving (Eq)
47 -- | show instance conforming to the @inspect@ "specification"
48 instance Show Macaroon where
49 -- We use intercalate because unlines would add a trailing newline
50 show (MkMacaroon l i c s) = intercalate "\n" [
51 "location " ++ B8.unpack l
52 , "identifier " ++ B8.unpack i
53 , concatMap show c
54 , "signature " ++ B8.unpack (hex s)
55 ]
57 -- | NFData instance for use in the benchmark
58 instance NFData Macaroon where
59 rnf (MkMacaroon loc ident cavs sig) = rnf loc `seq` rnf ident `seq` rnf cavs `seq` rnf sig
62 -- | Caveat structure
63 data Caveat = MkCaveat { cid :: Key
64 -- ^ Caveat identifier
65 , vid :: Key
66 -- ^ Caveat verification key identifier
67 , cl :: Location
68 -- ^ Caveat target location
70 } deriving (Eq)
72 -- | show instance conforming to the @inspect@ "specification"
73 instance Show Caveat where
74 show (MkCaveat c v l) | v == BS.empty = "cid " ++ B8.unpack c
75 | otherwise = unlines [ "cid " ++ B8.unpack c
76 , "vid " ++ B8.unpack v
77 , "cl " ++ B8.unpack l
78 ]
81 -- | NFData instance for use in the benchmark
82 instance NFData Caveat where
83 rnf (MkCaveat cid vid cl) = rnf cid `seq` rnf vid `seq` rnf cl
85 -- | Primitive to add a First or Third party caveat to a macaroon
86 -- For internal use only
87 addCaveat :: Location
88 -> Key
89 -> Key
90 -> Macaroon
91 -> Macaroon
92 addCaveat loc cid vid m = m { caveats = cavs ++ [cav'], signature = sig}
93 where
94 cavs = caveats m
95 cav' = MkCaveat cid vid loc
96 sig = toBytes (hmac (signature m) (BS.append vid cid) :: HMAC SHA256)