]> git.immae.eu Git - github/fretlink/edi-parser.git/blob - specification/src/Text/Edifact/D01B/Simples/S6313.hs
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[github/fretlink/edi-parser.git] / specification / src / Text / Edifact / D01B / Simples / S6313.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
3 ---- Machine generated code.
4 ---- Output of edi-parser-scaffolder
6 module Text.Edifact.D01B.Simples.S6313
7 ( simple6313
8 ) where
10 import Text.Edifact.Parsing
11 import Text.Edifact.Types (Value)
13 -- | Derived from this specification:
14 --
15 -- > 6313 Measured attribute code [C]
16 -- >
17 -- > Desc: Code specifying the attribute measured.
18 -- >
19 -- > Repr: an..3
20 -- >
21 -- > A Consolidated weight
22 -- > The measured consolidated weight.
23 -- >
24 -- > AAA Unit net weight
25 -- > [6160] Weight (mass) of goods including any packing
26 -- > normally going with them to a buyer in a retail sale.
27 -- >
28 -- > AAB Unit gross weight
29 -- > [6292] Weight (mass) of goods including packing but
30 -- > excluding the carrier's equipment.
31 -- >
32 -- > AAC Total net weight
33 -- > Total weight of goods excluding packaging.
34 -- >
35 -- > AAD Total gross weight
36 -- > [6292] Weight (mass) of goods including packing but
37 -- > excluding the carrier's equipment.
38 -- >
39 -- > AAE Item gross weight
40 -- > Gross weight at line item level.
41 -- >
42 -- > AAF Net net weight
43 -- > [6048] Weight (mass) of the goods themselves without any
44 -- > packing.
45 -- >
46 -- > AAG Stern thrust
47 -- > Force exerted by a thruster installed at the stern of a
48 -- > vessel.
49 -- >
50 -- > AAH Bow thrust
51 -- > Force exerted by a thruster installed at the bow of a
52 -- > vessel.
53 -- >
54 -- > AAI Hydrate content of an alcoholic product at bottling
55 -- > The hydrate content of an alcoholic product at the
56 -- > moment of bottling.
57 -- >
58 -- > AAJ Number of units per pallet
59 -- > The number of units contained on a pallet.
60 -- >
61 -- > AAK Fat content
62 -- > An indication of the fat content of a product.
63 -- >
64 -- > AAL Net weight
65 -- > [6160] Weight (mass) of goods including any packing
66 -- > normally going with them to a buyer in a retail sale.
67 -- >
68 -- > AAM Gross tonnage of the vessel
69 -- > [6300] The measure of the overall size of a ship
70 -- > determined in accordance with the provisions of the
71 -- > International Convention on Tonnage Measurement of
72 -- > Ships, 1969.
73 -- >
74 -- > AAN Net tonnage of the vessel
75 -- > [6302] The measure of the useful capacity of a ship
76 -- > determined in accordance with the provisions of the
77 -- > International Convention on Tonnage Measurement of
78 -- > Ships, 1969.
79 -- >
80 -- > AAO Humidity
81 -- > Self-explanatory.
82 -- >
83 -- > AAP Voltage
84 -- > Self-explanatory.
85 -- >
86 -- > AAQ Power consumption
87 -- > Value of energy consumption.
88 -- >
89 -- > AAR Heat dissipation
90 -- > Self-explanatory.
91 -- >
92 -- > AAS Air flow
93 -- > Self-explanatory.
94 -- >
95 -- > AAT Shock impact
96 -- > Self-explanatory.
97 -- >
98 -- > AAU Operative temperature
99 -- > Temperature identified system or process works according
100 -- > to specifications.
101 -- >
102 -- > AAV Non operative temperature
103 -- > Temperature identified system or process does not work
104 -- > according to specifications.
105 -- >
106 -- > AAW Gross volume
107 -- > The observed volume unadjusted for factors such as
108 -- > temperature or gravity.
109 -- >
110 -- > AAX Net volume
111 -- > The observed volume after adjustment for factors such as
112 -- > temperature or gravity.
113 -- >
114 -- > AAY Water content
115 -- > Water content in product.
116 -- >
117 -- > AAZ Tensile stress
118 -- > The measured tensile stress.
119 -- >
120 -- > ABA Fibrosity
121 -- > The measured fibrosity.
122 -- >
123 -- > ABB Gauge length
124 -- > The measured gauge length.
125 -- >
126 -- > ABC Radius
127 -- > The measured radius.
128 -- >
129 -- > ABD Straightness
130 -- > Straightness of the item.
131 -- >
132 -- > ABE Strain
133 -- > The measured strain.
134 -- >
135 -- > ABF Item width when unrolled
136 -- > The width of an item when unrolled.
137 -- >
138 -- > ABG Item length when unrolled
139 -- > The length of an item when unrolled.
140 -- >
141 -- > ABH Item area when unrolled
142 -- > The area occupied by an item when unrolled.
143 -- >
144 -- > ABI Original wort
145 -- > Measure of the malt and hops content of beer, before
146 -- > fermentation has taken place.
147 -- >
148 -- > ABJ Volume
149 -- > The amount of air space taken up by the entity
150 -- > identified in the 6311 qualifier.
151 -- >
152 -- > ABS Item weight
153 -- > Weight at line item level.
154 -- >
155 -- > ABX Weight of conveyance
156 -- > Tonnage of conveyance.
157 -- >
158 -- > ABY Conveyance summer dead weight
159 -- > Registered summer dead weight total tonnage of the
160 -- > vessel.
161 -- >
162 -- > ABZ Containerized cargo on vessel's weight
163 -- > Total weight of containerized cargo on vessel.
164 -- >
165 -- > ACA Non-containerized cargo on vessel's weight
166 -- > Total weight of non-containerized cargo on vessel.
167 -- >
168 -- > ACE Weight ascertained
169 -- > [4240] Endorsement of the true weight (mass) as
170 -- > ascertained or verified by the railway (CIM 81).
171 -- >
172 -- > ACG Chargeable weight
173 -- > The weight on which charges are based.
174 -- >
175 -- > ACN Estimated gross weight
176 -- > Estimated weight (mass) of goods, including packing and
177 -- > excluding carrier's.
178 -- >
179 -- > ACP Estimated volume
180 -- > Estimated size or measure of anything in three
181 -- > dimensions.
182 -- >
183 -- > ACS Vessel overall length
184 -- > Total overall length of the vessel.
185 -- >
186 -- > ACV Loading meters
187 -- > The length in a vehicle, whereby the complete width and
188 -- > height over that length is needed for the goods.
189 -- >
190 -- > ACW Number of axles
191 -- > Number of axles of movable equipment or means of
192 -- > transport on wheels.
193 -- >
194 -- > ACX Payload
195 -- > The revenue-producing load carried by a means of
196 -- > transport.
197 -- >
198 -- > ADR Start position in the length
199 -- > The starting position from the beginning of an item
200 -- > located in the length direction.
201 -- >
202 -- > ADS End position in the length
203 -- > The end position from the beginning of an item located
204 -- > in the length direction.
205 -- >
206 -- > ADT Start position in the width
207 -- > The start position from the beginning of an item located
208 -- > in the width direction.
209 -- >
210 -- > ADU End position in the width
211 -- > The end position from the beginning of an item located
212 -- > in the width direction.
213 -- >
214 -- > ADV Start position in the thickness
215 -- > The start position from the beginning of an item located
216 -- > in the thickness direction.
217 -- >
218 -- > ADW End position in the thickness
219 -- > The end position from the beginning of an item located
220 -- > in the thickness direction.
221 -- >
222 -- > ADX Transport container actual filling weight
223 -- > Actual filling weight of a transport container.
224 -- >
225 -- > ADY Transport container maximum capacity
226 -- > Maximum capacity of a transport container.
227 -- >
228 -- > ADZ Declared net weight
229 -- > The declared net weight of a product or products used
230 -- > for invoicing, customs or transport purposes.
231 -- >
232 -- > AEA Loading height
233 -- > Maximum height of products or packages loaded onto a
234 -- > given transportation device or equipment such as a
235 -- > pallet.
236 -- >
237 -- > AEB Stacking height
238 -- > Maximum height up to which the same product or package
239 -- > may be placed one upon the other for storage purposes.
240 -- >
241 -- > AEC Calculated weight
242 -- > The calculated weight of the item based on the ordered
243 -- > dimensions.
244 -- >
245 -- > AED Ferrite
246 -- > The chemical composition ferrite.
247 -- >
248 -- > AEE Impurity
249 -- > The impurity of the product i.e. the measurement of
250 -- > other chemical elements not normally appearing in a
251 -- > product.
252 -- >
253 -- > AEF Grain size
254 -- > The grain size.
255 -- >
256 -- > AEG Lanthanides
257 -- > The chemical element Lanthanides.
258 -- >
259 -- > AEH Elasticity
260 -- > The value of the elasticity.
261 -- >
262 -- > AEI Drained weight
263 -- > The weight of a product when all liquids used in the
264 -- > packaging of the product have been removed.
265 -- >
266 -- > AEJ Gallium
267 -- > Measurement of the gallium component.
268 -- >
269 -- > AEK Strontium
270 -- > Measurement of the strontium component.
271 -- >
272 -- > AEM Equipment storage limitation
273 -- > Maximum storage limit of the equipment.
274 -- >
275 -- > AEN Radioactive index of transport
276 -- > The index of transport determines the maximum radiation
277 -- > level at a distance of 1m from the external surface.
278 -- >
279 -- > AEO Radioactivity
280 -- > Activity of radioactive material.
281 -- >
282 -- > AEP Average gross weight
283 -- > Weight which is the outcome of the division of the total
284 -- > gross weight by the number of units.
285 -- >
286 -- > AEQ Forward draft
287 -- > Depth of water from the surface of water to the bottom
288 -- > of the vessel measured at the draft mark of the bow.
289 -- >
290 -- > AER After draft
291 -- > Depth of water from the surface of water to the bottom
292 -- > of the vessel measured at the draft mark of the stern.
293 -- >
294 -- > AET Transport equipment gross weight
295 -- > Weight of a transport equipment including the cargo and
296 -- > carrier's equipment.
297 -- >
298 -- > AEU Total transport equipment gross weight
299 -- > Total weight of all transport equipment including the
300 -- > cargo and carrier's equipment.
301 -- >
302 -- > AEV Acidity of juice
303 -- > Acid measurement of juice.
304 -- >
305 -- > AEW Penetrometry
306 -- > Measurement of force required to drive a standard
307 -- > penetrating stamp.
308 -- >
309 -- > AEX Durofel
310 -- > Measurement of the elastic force using a standard
311 -- > penetrating stamp.
312 -- >
313 -- > AEY Juice weight per 100 grams
314 -- > Measurement of weight of juice, based on 100 grams of
315 -- > the entire weight.
316 -- >
317 -- > AEZ Fruit skin colour
318 -- > Measurement of the colouring of the epidermis of a
319 -- > fruit.
320 -- >
321 -- > AF Angle of bend
322 -- > The measured angle of bend.
323 -- >
324 -- > AFA Fixed incremental measurement
325 -- > The measurement of the fixed increment.
326 -- >
327 -- > AFB Durofel D10
328 -- > Measure of the elastic force of the pulp of a fruit. It
329 -- > is measured with a penetrating stamp with diameter 10.
330 -- >
331 -- > AFC Durofel D25
332 -- > Measure of the elastic force of the pulp of a fruit. It
333 -- > is measured with a penetrating stamp with diameter 25.
334 -- >
335 -- > AFD Durofel D50
336 -- > Measure of the elastic force of the pulp of a fruit. It
337 -- > is measured with a penetrating stamp with diameter 50.
338 -- >
339 -- > AFE Maximum stacking weight
340 -- > The maximum weight which may be stacked upon a product
341 -- > or package without the product or packaging being
342 -- > crushed.
343 -- >
344 -- > AFF Gross measure cube
345 -- > The total cubic space occupied by an item, taking into
346 -- > account any protruding components, arrived at by
347 -- > multiplying the maximum length, width and height.
348 -- >
349 -- > AFG Percentage fat content in dry matter
350 -- > The percentage of fat content in dry matter.
351 -- >
352 -- > AFH Saccharometric content
353 -- > Measurement of the sugar content of a solution.
354 -- >
355 -- > AFI Hydrate content of an alcoholic product after bottling
356 -- > The hydrate content which occurs in an alcoholic product
357 -- > after bottling.
358 -- >
359 -- > AFJ Anhydrous content
360 -- > The non-water content.
361 -- >
362 -- > AFK Certified weight
363 -- > Weight which has been certified.
364 -- >
365 -- > B Billed weight
366 -- > The measured billed weight.
367 -- >
368 -- > BL Breaking load
369 -- > The measured breaking load.
370 -- >
371 -- > BMY Platinum
372 -- > The measurement of the platinum component.
373 -- >
374 -- > BMZ Silver
375 -- > The measurement of the silver component.
376 -- >
377 -- > BNA List
378 -- > The leaning or inclination of a vessel expressed in
379 -- > degrees port or starboard.
380 -- >
381 -- > BNB Trim
382 -- > The condition of a vessel with reference to its
383 -- > longitudinal axis.
384 -- >
385 -- > BNC Free water
386 -- > The volume of water present in a container that is not
387 -- > in suspension in the contained liquid.
388 -- >
389 -- > BND Bands
390 -- > The measured bands.
391 -- >
392 -- > BNE API (American Petroleum Institute) gravity
393 -- > The relative density of petroleum liquids as specified
394 -- > by a standard developed by the API.
395 -- >
396 -- > BNF Petroleum gross observed volume
397 -- > The total volume of all petroleum liquids and sediment
398 -- > and water, excluding free water, at observed temperature
399 -- > and pressure.
400 -- >
401 -- > BNG Petroleum gross standard volume
402 -- > The total volume of all petroleum liquids, sediment, and
403 -- > water excluding free water, corrected by the appropriate
404 -- > volume correction factor for the observed temperature
405 -- > and American Petroleum Institute relative density, or
406 -- > density to a standard temperature.
407 -- >
408 -- > BNH Volume variance
409 -- > The change in the volume measurement.
410 -- >
411 -- > BNI Petroleum net standard volume
412 -- > The total volume of all petroleum liquids, excluding
413 -- > sediment and water and free water, corrected by the
414 -- > appropriate volume correction factor for the observed
415 -- > temperature and American Petroleum Institute gravity
416 -- > relative to density or to a standard temperature.
417 -- >
418 -- > BNJ Material on-board quantity, after discharge
419 -- > The material in vessel tanks, void spaces, and pipelines
420 -- > after discharge.
421 -- >
422 -- > BNK Petroleum total calculated volume
423 -- > The total volume of all petroleum liquids, sediment and
424 -- > water corrected by the appropriate volume correction
425 -- > factor for the observed temperature and American
426 -- > Petroleum Institute (API) gravity, relative density, or
427 -- > density to a standard temperature.
428 -- >
429 -- > BNL Petroleum total observed volume
430 -- > The total volume of all petroleum liquids, sediment and
431 -- > water and free water at observed temperature and
432 -- > pressure.
433 -- >
434 -- > BNM Innage gauge distance
435 -- > The measured distance from the surface of the liquid to
436 -- > a fixed datum plate or to the tank bottom.
437 -- >
438 -- > BNN Petroleum net standard weight
439 -- > The total weight of all petroleum liquids excluding
440 -- > sediments, water and free water.
441 -- >
442 -- > BNO Sediment and water in petroleum
443 -- > The measurement of non-hydrocarbon solid material and
444 -- > water in suspension in petroleum liquid.
445 -- >
446 -- > BNP Observed reference height, tank
447 -- > The observed distance from the tank bottom or datum
448 -- > plate to the established reference point.
449 -- >
450 -- > BNQ Reference height, tank
451 -- > The measured distance from the tank bottom or datum
452 -- > plate to the established reference point.
453 -- >
454 -- > BNR Ullage gauge distance
455 -- > The measured distance from the cargo liquid surface to
456 -- > the reference point.
457 -- >
458 -- > BNS Trim correction
459 -- > The correction applied to the observed gauge or observed
460 -- > volume when a vessel is not on an even keel.
461 -- >
462 -- > BNT Bow to bridge distance
463 -- > The distance between the bow and the bridge of a vessel.
464 -- >
465 -- > BR Brightness
466 -- > The measured brightness.
467 -- >
468 -- > BRA Brakes
469 -- > The measured brakes.
470 -- >
471 -- > BRE Break
472 -- > The measured break.
473 -- >
474 -- > BS Breaking strength
475 -- > The measured breaking strength.
476 -- >
477 -- > BSW Breaking strength wet
478 -- > The measured breaking strength when wet.
479 -- >
480 -- > BW Basis weight
481 -- > The measured basis weight.
482 -- >
483 -- > CHN Change
484 -- > The measured change.
485 -- >
486 -- > CM Colour
487 -- > The measured colour.
488 -- >
489 -- > CT Contents of package
490 -- > In combination with the other data elements of the
491 -- > actual segment this code indicates the measured content
492 -- > of a package.
493 -- >
494 -- > CV Commercial weight
495 -- > Item weight considering its maximum possible humidity.
496 -- >
497 -- > CZ Core length
498 -- > To specify length of core on which product is to be
499 -- > placed.
500 -- >
501 -- > D Destination weight agreement
502 -- > The agreed weight of despatched goods whose weight may
503 -- > change during transport.
504 -- >
505 -- > DI Diameter
506 -- > Diameter of an article.
507 -- >
508 -- > DL Delta value L
509 -- > The measured delta value L.
510 -- >
511 -- > DN Density
512 -- > The measured density.
513 -- >
514 -- > DP Depth
515 -- > The measured depth.
516 -- >
517 -- > DR Denier
518 -- > The measured fineness of a material.
519 -- >
520 -- > DS Distance between points
521 -- > The measured distance between points.
522 -- >
523 -- > DW Width, boxcar door
524 -- > The measured width of a boxcar door.
525 -- >
526 -- > E Estimated new weight
527 -- > The measured estimated new weight.
528 -- >
529 -- > EA Elongation
530 -- > The measured elongation.
531 -- >
532 -- > F Deficit weight
533 -- > The measured deficit weight.
534 -- >
535 -- > FI Filament count
536 -- > Used e.g. in textile, print industries.
537 -- >
538 -- > FL Longitudinal flatness
539 -- > The measured longitudinal flatness.
540 -- >
541 -- > FN Flatness
542 -- > The measured flatness.
543 -- >
544 -- > FV Transverse flatness
545 -- > The measured transverse flatness.
546 -- >
547 -- > G Gross weight
548 -- > [6292] Weight (mass) of goods including packing but
549 -- > excluding the carrier's equipment.
550 -- >
551 -- > GG Gauge
552 -- > The measured gauge.
553 -- >
554 -- > GW Gross weight, maximum
555 -- > The measured maximum gross weight.
556 -- >
557 -- > HF Hardness
558 -- > The measured hardness.
559 -- >
560 -- > HM Height, maximum
561 -- > The measured maximum height.
562 -- >
563 -- > HT Height dimension
564 -- > Numeric value of height.
565 -- >
566 -- > IB Impact energy
567 -- > The measured impact energy.
568 -- >
569 -- > ID Inside diameter
570 -- > The measured inside diameter.
571 -- >
572 -- > L Legal weight
573 -- > The measured legal weight.
574 -- >
575 -- > LM Length, maximum
576 -- > The measured maximum length.
577 -- >
578 -- > LN Length dimension
579 -- > (6168) Length of pieces or packages stated for transport
580 -- > purposes.
581 -- >
582 -- > LND Lost end
583 -- > The measured lost end.
584 -- >
585 -- > M Minimum weight
586 -- > The measured minimum weight.
587 -- >
588 -- > MO Moisture
589 -- > Measurement application is the moisture content of the
590 -- > item.
591 -- >
592 -- > MW Maximum weight
593 -- > The measured maximum weight.
594 -- >
595 -- > N Actual net weight
596 -- > The actual weight of the goods excluding packaging.
597 -- >
598 -- > OD Outside diameter
599 -- > The measured outside diameter.
600 -- >
601 -- > PRS Pre stretch
602 -- > Measurement identifying the amount an item has been
603 -- > stretched prior to use.
604 -- >
605 -- > PTN Per tonne
606 -- > A measurement per tonne.
607 -- >
608 -- > RA Relative humidity
609 -- > The measured relative humidity.
610 -- >
611 -- > RF Resistivity
612 -- > The measured resistivity.
613 -- >
614 -- > RJ Rockwell C
615 -- > Hardness in the Rockwell C scale.
616 -- >
617 -- > RMW Ream weight
618 -- > Measurement indication for paper.
619 -- >
620 -- > RP Reduction of area
621 -- > The measured reduction of area.
622 -- >
623 -- > RUN Run (process)
624 -- > The measured run (process).
625 -- >
626 -- > RY Ratio
627 -- > The measured ratio.
628 -- >
629 -- > SQ Shipped quantity
630 -- > The measured shipped quantity.
631 -- >
632 -- > T Tare weight
633 -- > Weight excluding goods and loose accessories.
634 -- >
635 -- > TC Temperature
636 -- > A measurement in relation to temperature.
637 -- >
638 -- > TH Thickness
639 -- > The measured thickness.
640 -- >
641 -- > TN Time period
642 -- > Measurement of a specific length of time.
643 -- >
644 -- > TT Time
645 -- > The measured time.
646 -- >
647 -- > U Weight per unit
648 -- > [6150] Numeric value of weight.
649 -- >
650 -- > VH Height, van door
651 -- > The height of the door of a van or container.
652 -- >
653 -- > VW Width, van door
654 -- > The width of the door of a van or container.
655 -- >
656 -- > WA Weight per unit of area
657 -- > The weight per unit of an area.
658 -- >
659 -- > WD Width dimension
660 -- > Numeric value of width.
661 -- >
662 -- > WM Width, maximum
663 -- > The maximum distance from side to side.
664 -- >
665 -- > WT Weight
666 -- > [6150] Numeric value of weight.
667 -- >
668 -- > WU Weight per unit of length
669 -- > The weight per unit of length.
670 -- >
671 -- > XH Side height, flat bed with removable sides
672 -- > The height of the removable sides of a flat bed truck.
673 -- >
674 -- > XQ Squareness
675 -- > The measured squareness.
676 -- >
677 -- > XZ Spool size
678 -- > The measured spool size.
679 -- >
680 -- > YS Yield stress
681 -- > The measured yield stress.
682 -- >
683 -- > ZAL Aluminium
684 -- > The measured chemical element aluminium.
685 -- >
686 -- > ZAS Arsenic
687 -- > The measured chemical element arsenic.
688 -- >
689 -- > ZB Boron
690 -- > The measured chemical element boron.
691 -- >
692 -- > ZBI Bismuth
693 -- > The measured chemical element bismuth.
694 -- >
695 -- > ZC Carbon
696 -- > The measured chemical element carbon.
697 -- >
698 -- > ZCA Calcium
699 -- > The measured chemical element calcium.
700 -- >
701 -- > ZCB Columbium
702 -- > The measured chemical element columbium.
703 -- >
704 -- > ZCE Cerium
705 -- > The measured chemical element cerium.
706 -- >
707 -- > ZCL Chlorine
708 -- > The measured chemical element chlorine.
709 -- >
710 -- > ZCO Cobalt
711 -- > The measured chemical element cobalt.
712 -- >
713 -- > ZCR Chromium
714 -- > The measured chemical element chromium.
715 -- >
716 -- > ZCU Copper
717 -- > The measured chemical element copper.
718 -- >
719 -- > ZFE Iron
720 -- > The measured chemical element iron.
721 -- >
722 -- > ZFS Iron plus silicon
723 -- > The measured substance iron plus silicon.
724 -- >
725 -- > ZGE Germanium
726 -- > The measured chemical element germanium.
727 -- >
728 -- > ZH Hydrogen
729 -- > The measured chemical element hydrogen.
730 -- >
731 -- > ZK Potassium
732 -- > The measured chemical element potassium.
733 -- >
734 -- > ZMG Magnesium
735 -- > The measured chemical element magnesium.
736 -- >
737 -- > ZMN Manganese
738 -- > The measured chemical element manganese.
739 -- >
740 -- > ZMO Molybdenum
741 -- > The measured chemical element molybdenum.
742 -- >
743 -- > ZN Nitrogen
744 -- > The measured chemical element nitrogen.
745 -- >
746 -- > ZNA Sodium
747 -- > The measured chemical element sodium.
748 -- >
749 -- > ZNB Niobium
750 -- > Self-explanatory.
751 -- >
752 -- > ZNI Nickel
753 -- > The measured chemical element nickel.
754 -- >
755 -- > ZO Oxygen
756 -- > The measured chemical element oxygen.
757 -- >
758 -- > ZP Phosphorus
759 -- > The measured chemical element phosphorus.
760 -- >
761 -- > ZPB Lead
762 -- > The measured chemical element lead.
763 -- >
764 -- > ZS Sulphur
765 -- > The measured chemical element sulphur.
766 -- >
767 -- > ZSB Antimony
768 -- > The measured chemical element antimony.
769 -- >
770 -- > ZSE Selenium
771 -- > The measured chemical element selenium.
772 -- >
773 -- > ZSI Silicon
774 -- > The measured chemical element silicon.
775 -- >
776 -- > ZSL Silicium oxyd
777 -- > The measured substance silicium oxyd.
778 -- >
779 -- > ZSN Tin
780 -- > The measured chemical element tin.
781 -- >
782 -- > ZTA Tantalium
783 -- > The measured chemical element tantalium.
784 -- >
785 -- > ZTE Tellurium
786 -- > The measured chemical element tellurium.
787 -- >
788 -- > ZTI Titanium
789 -- > The measured chemical element titanium.
790 -- >
791 -- > ZV Vanadium
792 -- > The measured chemical element vanadium.
793 -- >
794 -- > ZW Tungsten
795 -- > The measured chemical element tungsten.
796 -- >
797 -- > ZWA Waste content
798 -- > The measured waste content.
799 -- >
800 -- > ZZN Zinc
801 -- > The measured chemical element zinc.
802 -- >
803 -- > ZZR Zirconium
804 -- > The measured chemical element zirconium.
805 -- >
806 -- > ZZZ Mutually defined
807 -- > A code assigned within a code list to be used on an
808 -- > interim basis and as defined among trading partners
809 -- > until a precise code can be assigned to the code list.
810 simple6313 :: Parser Value
811 simple6313 = simple "6313" (alphaNumeric `upTo` 3)