]> git.immae.eu Git - github/Chocobozzz/PeerTube.git/blob - server/lib/activitypub/videos.ts
Add compatibility with other Linked Signature algorithms
[github/Chocobozzz/PeerTube.git] / server / lib / activitypub / videos.ts
1 import * as Bluebird from 'bluebird'
2 import * as sequelize from 'sequelize'
3 import * as magnetUtil from 'magnet-uri'
4 import { join } from 'path'
5 import * as request from 'request'
6 import { ActivityIconObject, ActivityUrlObject, ActivityVideoUrlObject, VideoState } from '../../../shared/index'
7 import { VideoTorrentObject } from '../../../shared/models/activitypub/objects'
8 import { VideoPrivacy } from '../../../shared/models/videos'
9 import { sanitizeAndCheckVideoTorrentObject } from '../../helpers/custom-validators/activitypub/videos'
10 import { isVideoFileInfoHashValid } from '../../helpers/custom-validators/videos'
11 import { resetSequelizeInstance, retryTransactionWrapper } from '../../helpers/database-utils'
12 import { logger } from '../../helpers/logger'
13 import { doRequest, doRequestAndSaveToFile } from '../../helpers/requests'
14 import { ACTIVITY_PUB, CONFIG, REMOTE_SCHEME, sequelizeTypescript, VIDEO_MIMETYPE_EXT } from '../../initializers'
15 import { ActorModel } from '../../models/activitypub/actor'
16 import { TagModel } from '../../models/video/tag'
17 import { VideoModel } from '../../models/video/video'
18 import { VideoChannelModel } from '../../models/video/video-channel'
19 import { VideoFileModel } from '../../models/video/video-file'
20 import { getOrCreateActorAndServerAndModel } from './actor'
21 import { addVideoComments } from './video-comments'
22 import { crawlCollectionPage } from './crawl'
23 import { sendCreateVideo, sendUpdateVideo } from './send'
24 import { isArray } from '../../helpers/custom-validators/misc'
25 import { VideoCaptionModel } from '../../models/video/video-caption'
26 import { JobQueue } from '../job-queue'
27 import { ActivitypubHttpFetcherPayload } from '../job-queue/handlers/activitypub-http-fetcher'
28 import { createRates } from './video-rates'
29 import { addVideoShares, shareVideoByServerAndChannel } from './share'
30 import { AccountModel } from '../../models/account/account'
31 import { fetchVideoByUrl, VideoFetchByUrlType } from '../../helpers/video'
33 async function federateVideoIfNeeded (video: VideoModel, isNewVideo: boolean, transaction?: sequelize.Transaction) {
34 // If the video is not private and published, we federate it
35 if (video.privacy !== VideoPrivacy.PRIVATE && video.state === VideoState.PUBLISHED) {
36 // Fetch more attributes that we will need to serialize in AP object
37 if (isArray(video.VideoCaptions) === false) {
38 video.VideoCaptions = await video.$get('VideoCaptions', {
39 attributes: [ 'language' ],
40 transaction
41 }) as VideoCaptionModel[]
42 }
44 if (isNewVideo) {
45 // Now we'll add the video's meta data to our followers
46 await sendCreateVideo(video, transaction)
47 await shareVideoByServerAndChannel(video, transaction)
48 } else {
49 await sendUpdateVideo(video, transaction)
50 }
51 }
52 }
54 async function fetchRemoteVideo (videoUrl: string): Promise<{ response: request.RequestResponse, videoObject: VideoTorrentObject }> {
55 const options = {
56 uri: videoUrl,
57 method: 'GET',
58 json: true,
59 activityPub: true
60 }
62 logger.info('Fetching remote video %s.', videoUrl)
64 const { response, body } = await doRequest(options)
66 if (sanitizeAndCheckVideoTorrentObject(body) === false) {
67 logger.debug('Remote video JSON is not valid.', { body })
68 return { response, videoObject: undefined }
69 }
71 return { response, videoObject: body }
72 }
74 async function fetchRemoteVideoDescription (video: VideoModel) {
75 const host = video.VideoChannel.Account.Actor.Server.host
76 const path = video.getDescriptionAPIPath()
77 const options = {
78 uri: REMOTE_SCHEME.HTTP + '://' + host + path,
79 json: true
80 }
82 const { body } = await doRequest(options)
83 return body.description ? body.description : ''
84 }
86 function fetchRemoteVideoStaticFile (video: VideoModel, path: string, reject: Function) {
87 const host = video.VideoChannel.Account.Actor.Server.host
89 // We need to provide a callback, if no we could have an uncaught exception
90 return request.get(REMOTE_SCHEME.HTTP + '://' + host + path, err => {
91 if (err) reject(err)
92 })
93 }
95 function generateThumbnailFromUrl (video: VideoModel, icon: ActivityIconObject) {
96 const thumbnailName = video.getThumbnailName()
97 const thumbnailPath = join(CONFIG.STORAGE.THUMBNAILS_DIR, thumbnailName)
99 const options = {
100 method: 'GET',
101 uri: icon.url
102 }
103 return doRequestAndSaveToFile(options, thumbnailPath)
104 }
106 function getOrCreateVideoChannelFromVideoObject (videoObject: VideoTorrentObject) {
107 const channel = videoObject.attributedTo.find(a => a.type === 'Group')
108 if (!channel) throw new Error('Cannot find associated video channel to video ' + videoObject.url)
110 return getOrCreateActorAndServerAndModel(channel.id, 'all')
111 }
113 type SyncParam = {
114 likes: boolean
115 dislikes: boolean
116 shares: boolean
117 comments: boolean
118 thumbnail: boolean
119 refreshVideo: boolean
120 }
121 async function syncVideoExternalAttributes (video: VideoModel, fetchedVideo: VideoTorrentObject, syncParam: SyncParam) {
122 logger.info('Adding likes/dislikes/shares/comments of video %s.', video.uuid)
124 const jobPayloads: ActivitypubHttpFetcherPayload[] = []
126 if (syncParam.likes === true) {
127 await crawlCollectionPage<string>(fetchedVideo.likes, items => createRates(items, video, 'like'))
128 .catch(err => logger.error('Cannot add likes of video %s.', video.uuid, { err }))
129 } else {
130 jobPayloads.push({ uri: fetchedVideo.likes, videoId: video.id, type: 'video-likes' as 'video-likes' })
131 }
133 if (syncParam.dislikes === true) {
134 await crawlCollectionPage<string>(fetchedVideo.dislikes, items => createRates(items, video, 'dislike'))
135 .catch(err => logger.error('Cannot add dislikes of video %s.', video.uuid, { err }))
136 } else {
137 jobPayloads.push({ uri: fetchedVideo.dislikes, videoId: video.id, type: 'video-dislikes' as 'video-dislikes' })
138 }
140 if (syncParam.shares === true) {
141 await crawlCollectionPage<string>(fetchedVideo.shares, items => addVideoShares(items, video))
142 .catch(err => logger.error('Cannot add shares of video %s.', video.uuid, { err }))
143 } else {
144 jobPayloads.push({ uri: fetchedVideo.shares, videoId: video.id, type: 'video-shares' as 'video-shares' })
145 }
147 if (syncParam.comments === true) {
148 await crawlCollectionPage<string>(fetchedVideo.comments, items => addVideoComments(items, video))
149 .catch(err => logger.error('Cannot add comments of video %s.', video.uuid, { err }))
150 } else {
151 jobPayloads.push({ uri: fetchedVideo.shares, videoId: video.id, type: 'video-shares' as 'video-shares' })
152 }
154 await Bluebird.map(jobPayloads, payload => JobQueue.Instance.createJob({ type: 'activitypub-http-fetcher', payload }))
155 }
157 async function getOrCreateVideoAndAccountAndChannel (options: {
158 videoObject: VideoTorrentObject | string,
159 syncParam?: SyncParam,
160 fetchType?: VideoFetchByUrlType,
161 refreshViews?: boolean
162 }) {
163 // Default params
164 const syncParam = options.syncParam || { likes: true, dislikes: true, shares: true, comments: true, thumbnail: true, refreshVideo: false }
165 const fetchType = options.fetchType || 'all'
166 const refreshViews = options.refreshViews || false
168 // Get video url
169 const videoUrl = typeof options.videoObject === 'string' ? options.videoObject : options.videoObject.id
171 let videoFromDatabase = await fetchVideoByUrl(videoUrl, fetchType)
172 if (videoFromDatabase) {
173 const refreshOptions = {
174 video: videoFromDatabase,
175 fetchedType: fetchType,
176 syncParam,
177 refreshViews
178 }
179 const p = refreshVideoIfNeeded(refreshOptions)
180 if (syncParam.refreshVideo === true) videoFromDatabase = await p
182 return { video: videoFromDatabase }
183 }
185 const { videoObject: fetchedVideo } = await fetchRemoteVideo(videoUrl)
186 if (!fetchedVideo) throw new Error('Cannot fetch remote video with url: ' + videoUrl)
188 const channelActor = await getOrCreateVideoChannelFromVideoObject(fetchedVideo)
189 const video = await retryTransactionWrapper(createVideo, fetchedVideo, channelActor, syncParam.thumbnail)
191 await syncVideoExternalAttributes(video, fetchedVideo, syncParam)
193 return { video }
194 }
196 async function updateVideoFromAP (options: {
197 video: VideoModel,
198 videoObject: VideoTorrentObject,
199 account: AccountModel,
200 channel: VideoChannelModel,
201 updateViews: boolean,
202 overrideTo?: string[]
203 }) {
204 logger.debug('Updating remote video "%s".', options.videoObject.uuid)
205 let videoFieldsSave: any
207 try {
208 await sequelizeTypescript.transaction(async t => {
209 const sequelizeOptions = {
210 transaction: t
211 }
213 videoFieldsSave = options.video.toJSON()
215 // Check actor has the right to update the video
216 const videoChannel = options.video.VideoChannel
217 if (videoChannel.Account.id !== options.account.id) {
218 throw new Error('Account ' + options.account.Actor.url + ' does not own video channel ' + videoChannel.Actor.url)
219 }
221 const to = options.overrideTo ? options.overrideTo : options.videoObject.to
222 const videoData = await videoActivityObjectToDBAttributes(options.channel, options.videoObject, to)
223 options.video.set('name', videoData.name)
224 options.video.set('uuid', videoData.uuid)
225 options.video.set('url', videoData.url)
226 options.video.set('category', videoData.category)
227 options.video.set('licence', videoData.licence)
228 options.video.set('language', videoData.language)
229 options.video.set('description', videoData.description)
230 options.video.set('support', videoData.support)
231 options.video.set('nsfw', videoData.nsfw)
232 options.video.set('commentsEnabled', videoData.commentsEnabled)
233 options.video.set('waitTranscoding', videoData.waitTranscoding)
234 options.video.set('state', videoData.state)
235 options.video.set('duration', videoData.duration)
236 options.video.set('createdAt', videoData.createdAt)
237 options.video.set('publishedAt', videoData.publishedAt)
238 options.video.set('privacy', videoData.privacy)
239 options.video.set('channelId', videoData.channelId)
241 if (options.updateViews === true) options.video.set('views', videoData.views)
242 await options.video.save(sequelizeOptions)
244 // Don't block on request
245 generateThumbnailFromUrl(options.video, options.videoObject.icon)
246 .catch(err => logger.warn('Cannot generate thumbnail of %s.', options.videoObject.id, { err }))
248 {
249 const videoFileAttributes = videoFileActivityUrlToDBAttributes(options.video, options.videoObject)
250 const newVideoFiles = videoFileAttributes.map(a => new VideoFileModel(a))
252 // Remove video files that do not exist anymore
253 const destroyTasks = options.video.VideoFiles
254 .filter(f => !newVideoFiles.find(newFile => newFile.hasSameUniqueKeysThan(f)))
255 .map(f => f.destroy(sequelizeOptions))
256 await Promise.all(destroyTasks)
258 // Update or add other one
259 const upsertTasks = videoFileAttributes.map(a => {
260 return VideoFileModel.upsert<VideoFileModel>(a, { returning: true, transaction: t })
261 .then(([ file ]) => file)
262 })
264 options.video.VideoFiles = await Promise.all(upsertTasks)
265 }
267 {
268 // Update Tags
269 const tags = options.videoObject.tag.map(tag => tag.name)
270 const tagInstances = await TagModel.findOrCreateTags(tags, t)
271 await options.video.$set('Tags', tagInstances, sequelizeOptions)
272 }
274 {
275 // Update captions
276 await VideoCaptionModel.deleteAllCaptionsOfRemoteVideo(options.video.id, t)
278 const videoCaptionsPromises = options.videoObject.subtitleLanguage.map(c => {
279 return VideoCaptionModel.insertOrReplaceLanguage(options.video.id, c.identifier, t)
280 })
281 options.video.VideoCaptions = await Promise.all(videoCaptionsPromises)
282 }
283 })
285 logger.info('Remote video with uuid %s updated', options.videoObject.uuid)
286 } catch (err) {
287 if (options.video !== undefined && videoFieldsSave !== undefined) {
288 resetSequelizeInstance(options.video, videoFieldsSave)
289 }
291 // This is just a debug because we will retry the insert
292 logger.debug('Cannot update the remote video.', { err })
293 throw err
294 }
295 }
297 export {
298 updateVideoFromAP,
299 federateVideoIfNeeded,
300 fetchRemoteVideo,
301 getOrCreateVideoAndAccountAndChannel,
302 fetchRemoteVideoStaticFile,
303 fetchRemoteVideoDescription,
304 generateThumbnailFromUrl,
305 getOrCreateVideoChannelFromVideoObject
306 }
308 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
310 function isActivityVideoUrlObject (url: ActivityUrlObject): url is ActivityVideoUrlObject {
311 const mimeTypes = Object.keys(VIDEO_MIMETYPE_EXT)
313 const urlMediaType = url.mediaType || url.mimeType
314 return mimeTypes.indexOf(urlMediaType) !== -1 && urlMediaType.startsWith('video/')
315 }
317 async function createVideo (videoObject: VideoTorrentObject, channelActor: ActorModel, waitThumbnail = false) {
318 logger.debug('Adding remote video %s.', videoObject.id)
320 const videoCreated: VideoModel = await sequelizeTypescript.transaction(async t => {
321 const sequelizeOptions = { transaction: t }
323 const videoData = await videoActivityObjectToDBAttributes(channelActor.VideoChannel, videoObject, videoObject.to)
324 const video = VideoModel.build(videoData)
326 const videoCreated = await video.save(sequelizeOptions)
328 // Process files
329 const videoFileAttributes = videoFileActivityUrlToDBAttributes(videoCreated, videoObject)
330 if (videoFileAttributes.length === 0) {
331 throw new Error('Cannot find valid files for video %s ' + videoObject.url)
332 }
334 const videoFilePromises = videoFileAttributes.map(f => VideoFileModel.create(f, { transaction: t }))
335 await Promise.all(videoFilePromises)
337 // Process tags
338 const tags = videoObject.tag.map(t => t.name)
339 const tagInstances = await TagModel.findOrCreateTags(tags, t)
340 await videoCreated.$set('Tags', tagInstances, sequelizeOptions)
342 // Process captions
343 const videoCaptionsPromises = videoObject.subtitleLanguage.map(c => {
344 return VideoCaptionModel.insertOrReplaceLanguage(videoCreated.id, c.identifier, t)
345 })
346 await Promise.all(videoCaptionsPromises)
348 logger.info('Remote video with uuid %s inserted.', videoObject.uuid)
350 videoCreated.VideoChannel = channelActor.VideoChannel
351 return videoCreated
352 })
354 const p = generateThumbnailFromUrl(videoCreated, videoObject.icon)
355 .catch(err => logger.warn('Cannot generate thumbnail of %s.', videoObject.id, { err }))
357 if (waitThumbnail === true) await p
359 return videoCreated
360 }
362 async function refreshVideoIfNeeded (options: {
363 video: VideoModel,
364 fetchedType: VideoFetchByUrlType,
365 syncParam: SyncParam,
366 refreshViews: boolean
367 }): Promise<VideoModel> {
368 if (!options.video.isOutdated()) return options.video
370 // We need more attributes if the argument video was fetched with not enough joints
371 const video = options.fetchedType === 'all' ? options.video : await VideoModel.loadByUrlAndPopulateAccount(options.video.url)
373 try {
374 const { response, videoObject } = await fetchRemoteVideo(video.url)
375 if (response.statusCode === 404) {
376 logger.info('Cannot refresh remote video %s: video does not exist anymore. Deleting it.', video.url)
378 // Video does not exist anymore
379 await video.destroy()
380 return undefined
381 }
383 if (videoObject === undefined) {
384 logger.warn('Cannot refresh remote video %s: invalid body.', video.url)
385 return video
386 }
388 const channelActor = await getOrCreateVideoChannelFromVideoObject(videoObject)
389 const account = await AccountModel.load(channelActor.VideoChannel.accountId)
391 const updateOptions = {
392 video,
393 videoObject,
394 account,
395 channel: channelActor.VideoChannel,
396 updateViews: options.refreshViews
397 }
398 await retryTransactionWrapper(updateVideoFromAP, updateOptions)
399 await syncVideoExternalAttributes(video, videoObject, options.syncParam)
401 return video
402 } catch (err) {
403 logger.warn('Cannot refresh video %s.', options.video.url, { err })
404 return video
405 }
406 }
408 async function videoActivityObjectToDBAttributes (
409 videoChannel: VideoChannelModel,
410 videoObject: VideoTorrentObject,
411 to: string[] = []
412 ) {
413 const privacy = to.indexOf(ACTIVITY_PUB.PUBLIC) !== -1 ? VideoPrivacy.PUBLIC : VideoPrivacy.UNLISTED
414 const duration = videoObject.duration.replace(/[^\d]+/, '')
416 let language: string | undefined
417 if (videoObject.language) {
418 language = videoObject.language.identifier
419 }
421 let category: number | undefined
422 if (videoObject.category) {
423 category = parseInt(videoObject.category.identifier, 10)
424 }
426 let licence: number | undefined
427 if (videoObject.licence) {
428 licence = parseInt(videoObject.licence.identifier, 10)
429 }
431 const description = videoObject.content || null
432 const support = videoObject.support || null
434 return {
435 name: videoObject.name,
436 uuid: videoObject.uuid,
437 url: videoObject.id,
438 category,
439 licence,
440 language,
441 description,
442 support,
443 nsfw: videoObject.sensitive,
444 commentsEnabled: videoObject.commentsEnabled,
445 waitTranscoding: videoObject.waitTranscoding,
446 state: videoObject.state,
447 channelId: videoChannel.id,
448 duration: parseInt(duration, 10),
449 createdAt: new Date(videoObject.published),
450 publishedAt: new Date(videoObject.published),
451 // FIXME: updatedAt does not seems to be considered by Sequelize
452 updatedAt: new Date(videoObject.updated),
453 views: videoObject.views,
454 likes: 0,
455 dislikes: 0,
456 remote: true,
457 privacy
458 }
459 }
461 function videoFileActivityUrlToDBAttributes (video: VideoModel, videoObject: VideoTorrentObject) {
462 const fileUrls = videoObject.url.filter(u => isActivityVideoUrlObject(u)) as ActivityVideoUrlObject[]
464 if (fileUrls.length === 0) {
465 throw new Error('Cannot find video files for ' + video.url)
466 }
468 const attributes: VideoFileModel[] = []
469 for (const fileUrl of fileUrls) {
470 // Fetch associated magnet uri
471 const magnet = videoObject.url.find(u => {
472 const mediaType = u.mediaType || u.mimeType
473 return mediaType === 'application/x-bittorrent;x-scheme-handler/magnet' && (u as any).height === fileUrl.height
474 })
476 if (!magnet) throw new Error('Cannot find associated magnet uri for file ' + fileUrl.href)
478 const parsed = magnetUtil.decode(magnet.href)
479 if (!parsed || isVideoFileInfoHashValid(parsed.infoHash) === false) {
480 throw new Error('Cannot parse magnet URI ' + magnet.href)
481 }
483 const mediaType = fileUrl.mediaType || fileUrl.mimeType
484 const attribute = {
485 extname: VIDEO_MIMETYPE_EXT[ mediaType ],
486 infoHash: parsed.infoHash,
487 resolution: fileUrl.height,
488 size: fileUrl.size,
489 videoId: video.id,
490 fps: fileUrl.fps || -1
491 } as VideoFileModel
492 attributes.push(attribute)
493 }
495 return attributes
496 }