]> git.immae.eu Git - github/fretlink/terraform-provider-statuscake.git/blob - r/test.html.markdown
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[github/fretlink/terraform-provider-statuscake.git] / r / test.html.markdown
1 ---
2 layout: "statuscake"
3 page_title: "StatusCake: statuscake_test"
4 sidebar_current: "docs-statuscake-test"
5 description: |-
6 The statuscake_test resource allows StatusCake tests to be managed by Terraform.
7 ---
9 # statuscake\_test
11 The test resource allows StatusCake tests to be managed by Terraform.
13 ## Example Usage
15 ```hcl
16 resource "statuscake_test" "google" {
17 website_name = "google.com"
18 website_url = "www.google.com"
19 test_type = "HTTP"
20 check_rate = 300
21 contact_id = 12345
22 }
23 ```
25 ## Argument Reference
27 The following arguments are supported:
29 * `website_name` - (Required) This is the name of the test and the website to be monitored.
30 * `website_url` - (Required) The URL of the website to be monitored
31 * `check_rate` - (Optional) Test check rate in seconds. Defaults to 300
32 * `contact_id` - (Optional) The id of the contact group to be add to the test. Each test can have only one.
33 * `test_type` - (Required) The type of Test. Either HTTP or TCP
34 * `paused` - (Optional) Whether or not the test is paused. Defaults to false.
35 * `timeout` - (Optional) The timeout of the test in seconds.
36 * `confirmations` - (Optional) The number of confirmation servers to use in order to detect downtime. Defaults to 0.
37 * `port` - (Optional) The port to use when specifying a TCP test.
38 * `trigger_rate` - (Optional) The number of minutes to wait before sending an alert. Default is `5`.
41 ## Attributes Reference
43 The following attribute is exported:
45 * `test_id` - A unique identifier for the test.