]> git.immae.eu Git - perso/Immae/Config/Nix.git/blob - nixops/modules/websites/tools/diaspora.nix
Move spip and chloe website to pkgs
[perso/Immae/Config/Nix.git] / nixops / modules / websites / tools / diaspora.nix
1 { lib, pkgs, config, myconfig, mylibs, ... }:
2 let
3 env = myconfig.env.tools.diaspora;
4 root = "/run/current-system/webapps/tools_diaspora";
5 cfg = config.services.myWebsites.tools.diaspora;
6 dcfg = config.services.diaspora;
7 in {
8 options.services.myWebsites.tools.diaspora = {
9 enable = lib.mkEnableOption "enable diaspora's website";
10 };
12 config = lib.mkIf cfg.enable {
13 users.users.diaspora.extraGroups = [ "keys" ];
15 secrets.keys = [
16 {
17 dest = "webapps/diaspora/diaspora.yml";
18 user = "diaspora";
19 group = "diaspora";
20 permissions = "0400";
21 text = ''
22 configuration:
23 environment:
24 url: "https://diaspora.immae.eu/"
25 certificate_authorities: '${pkgs.cacert}/etc/ssl/certs/ca-bundle.crt'
26 redis: '${env.redis_url}'
27 sidekiq:
28 s3:
29 assets:
30 logging:
31 logrotate:
32 debug:
33 server:
34 listen: '${dcfg.sockets.rails}'
35 rails_environment: 'production'
36 chat:
37 server:
38 bosh:
39 log:
40 map:
41 mapbox:
42 privacy:
43 piwik:
44 statistics:
45 camo:
46 settings:
47 enable_registrations: false
48 welcome_message:
49 invitations:
50 open: false
51 paypal_donations:
52 community_spotlight:
53 captcha:
54 enable: false
55 terms:
56 maintenance:
57 remove_old_users:
58 default_metas:
59 csp:
60 services:
61 twitter:
62 tumblr:
63 wordpress:
64 mail:
65 enable: true
66 sender_address: 'diaspora@tools.immae.eu'
67 method: 'sendmail'
68 smtp:
69 sendmail:
70 location: '/run/wrappers/bin/sendmail'
71 admins:
72 account: "ismael"
73 podmin_email: 'diaspora@tools.immae.eu'
74 relay:
75 outbound:
76 inbound:
77 ldap:
78 enable: true
79 host: ldap.immae.eu
80 port: 636
81 only_ldap: true
82 mail_attribute: mail
83 skip_email_confirmation: true
84 use_bind_dn: true
85 bind_dn: "cn=diaspora,ou=services,dc=immae,dc=eu"
86 bind_pw: "${env.ldap.password}"
87 search_base: "dc=immae,dc=eu"
88 search_filter: "(&(memberOf=cn=users,cn=diaspora,ou=services,dc=immae,dc=eu)(uid=%{username}))"
89 production:
90 environment:
91 development:
92 environment:
93 '';
94 }
95 {
96 dest = "webapps/diaspora/database.yml";
97 user = "diaspora";
98 group = "diaspora";
99 permissions = "0400";
100 text = ''
101 postgresql: &postgresql
102 adapter: postgresql
103 host: "${env.postgresql.socket}"
104 port: "${env.postgresql.port}"
105 username: "${env.postgresql.user}"
106 password: "${env.postgresql.password}"
107 encoding: unicode
108 common: &common
109 <<: *postgresql
110 combined: &combined
111 <<: *common
112 development:
113 <<: *combined
114 database: diaspora_development
115 production:
116 <<: *combined
117 database: ${env.postgresql.database}
118 test:
119 <<: *combined
120 database: "diaspora_test"
121 integration1:
122 <<: *combined
123 database: diaspora_integration1
124 integration2:
125 <<: *combined
126 database: diaspora_integration2
127 '';
128 }
129 {
130 dest = "webapps/diaspora/secret_token.rb";
131 user = "diaspora";
132 group = "diaspora";
133 permissions = "0400";
134 text = ''
135 Diaspora::Application.config.secret_key_base = '${env.secret_token}'
136 '';
137 }
138 ];
140 services.diaspora = {
141 enable = true;
142 package = pkgs.webapps.diaspora.override { ldap = true; };
143 dataDir = "/var/lib/diaspora_immae";
144 adminEmail = "diaspora@tools.immae.eu";
145 configDir = "/var/secrets/webapps/diaspora";
146 };
148 services.myWebsites.tools.modules = [
149 "headers" "proxy" "proxy_http"
150 ];
151 security.acme.certs."eldiron".extraDomains."diaspora.immae.eu" = null;
152 system.extraSystemBuilderCmds = ''
153 mkdir -p $out/webapps
154 ln -s ${dcfg.workdir}/public/ $out/webapps/tools_diaspora
155 '';
156 services.myWebsites.tools.vhostConfs.diaspora = {
157 certName = "eldiron";
158 hosts = [ "diaspora.immae.eu" ];
159 root = root;
160 extraConfig = [ ''
161 RewriteEngine On
163 RewriteRule ^/(.*)$ unix://${dcfg.sockets.rails}|http://diaspora.immae.eu/%{REQUEST_URI} [P,NE,QSA,L]
165 ProxyRequests Off
166 ProxyVia On
167 ProxyPreserveHost On
168 RequestHeader set X_FORWARDED_PROTO https
170 <Proxy *>
171 Require all granted
172 </Proxy>
174 <Directory ${root}>
175 Require all granted
176 Options -MultiViews
177 </Directory>
178 '' ];
179 };
180 };
181 }