]> git.immae.eu Git - github/bastienwirtz/homer.git/blob - mkdocs.yml
Added open props, changed lots of styles, scrapped home page
[github/bastienwirtz/homer.git] / mkdocs.yml
1 # Project information
2 site_name: Homer
3 site_url: https://bastienwirtz.github.io/
5 # Repository
6 repo_name: bastienwirtz/homer
7 repo_url: https://github.com/bastienwirtz/homer
8 edit_uri: ""
10 # Custom CSS
11 extra_css:
12 - stylesheets/open-props.1.3.16.min.css
13 - stylesheets/styles.css
15 # Theme
16 theme:
17 favicon: images/logo.png
18 logo: images/logo.png
19 name: material
20 # custom_dir: docs/overrides/
21 icon:
22 repo: fontawesome/brands/github
23 language: en
24 palette:
25 - media: "(prefers-color-scheme: light)"
26 scheme: default
27 toggle:
28 icon: fontawesome/solid/sun
29 name: Switch to dark mode
30 - media: "(prefers-color-scheme: dark)"
31 scheme: slate
32 toggle:
33 icon: fontawesome/solid/moon
34 name: Switch to light mode
35 features:
36 - content.code.annotate
37 - navigation.indexes
38 - navigation.sections
39 - navigation.top
40 - navigation.tracking
41 - search.highlight
42 - search.share
43 - search.suggest
44 - toc.follow
45 # Don't include MkDocs' JavaScript
46 include_search_page: false
47 search_index_only: true
49 # Copyright - name for footer text
50 copyright: Homer
52 # Socials
53 extra:
54 social:
55 - icon: fontawesome/brands/github
56 link: https://github.com/bastienwirtz/homer
57 - icon: fontawesome/brands/gitter
58 link: https://gitter.im/homer-dashboard/community
59 - icon: fontawesome/brands/docker
60 link: https://hub.docker.com/r/b4bz/homer
62 # Extensions
63 markdown_extensions:
64 - abbr
65 - admonition
66 - attr_list
67 - def_list
68 - footnotes
69 - meta
70 - md_in_html
71 - toc:
72 permalink: true
73 - pymdownx.highlight:
74 anchor_linenums: true
75 - pymdownx.inlinehilite
76 - pymdownx.snippets
77 - pymdownx.superfences
79 # Page tree
80 nav:
81 - What is Homer: index.md
82 - Getting started: getting_started.md
83 - Configuration: configuration.md
84 - Custom services: customservices.md
85 - Tips & tricks: tips-and-tricks.md
86 - Development: development.md
87 - Troubleshooting: troubleshooting.md