]> git.immae.eu Git - github/fretlink/docker-ansible.git/blob - master-centos6/Dockerfile
[github/fretlink/docker-ansible.git] / master-centos6 / Dockerfile
1 # Dockerfile for building Ansible image from source for CentOS 6, with as few additional software as possible.
2 #
3 # @see http://docs.ansible.com/ansible/intro_installation.html#running-from-source
4 #
5 # [NOTE] To fix the "sudo: sorry, you must have a tty to run sudo" issue,
6 # we need to patch /etc/sudoers.
7 # @see http://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/122616/why-do-i-need-a-tty-to-run-sudo-if-i-can-sudo-without-a-password
8 # @see https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1020147
9 #
10 # Version 1.0
11 #
14 # pull base image
15 FROM centos:centos6
17 MAINTAINER William Yeh <william.pjyeh@gmail.com>
20 RUN echo "===> Installing EPEL..." && \
21 yum -y install epel-release && \
22 yum -y update && \
23 \
24 \
25 echo "===> Installing initscripts to emulate normal OS behavior..." && \
26 yum -y install initscripts && \
27 \
28 \
29 echo "===> Adding Ansible's prerequisites..." && \
30 yum -y install \
31 gcc make \
32 python python-devel python-pip \
33 libxml2 libxml2-devel libxslt libxslt-devel \
34 git sudo curl && \
35 pip install --upgrade pip && \
36 pip install --upgrade \
37 pyyaml jinja2 pycrypto paramiko httplib2 && \
38 \
39 \
40 echo "===> Downloading Ansible's source tree..." && \
41 git clone git://github.com/ansible/ansible.git --recursive && \
42 \
43 \
44 echo "===> Compiling Ansible..." && \
45 cd ansible && \
46 bash -c 'source ./hacking/env-setup' && \
47 \
48 \
49 echo "===> Moving useful Ansible stuff to /opt/ansible ..." && \
50 mkdir -p /opt/ansible && \
51 mv /ansible/bin /opt/ansible/bin && \
52 mv /ansible/lib /opt/ansible/lib && \
53 mv /ansible/docs /opt/ansible/docs && \
54 rm -rf /ansible && \
55 \
56 \
57 echo "===> Disabling sudo 'requiretty' setting..." && \
58 sed -i -e 's/^\(Defaults\s*requiretty\)/#--- \1/' /etc/sudoers && \
59 \
60 \
61 echo "===> Removing unused YUM resources..." && \
62 yum -y remove \
63 epel-release python-devel python-pip gcc git && \
64 yum clean all && \
65 \
66 \
67 echo "===> Adding hosts for convenience..." && \
68 mkdir -p /etc/ansible && \
69 echo -e '[local]\nlocalhost\n' > /etc/ansible/hosts
72 ENV PATH /opt/ansible/bin:$PATH
73 ENV PYTHONPATH /opt/ansible/lib:$PYTHONPATH
74 ENV MANPATH /opt/ansible/docs/man:$MANPATH
77 # default command: display Ansible version
78 CMD [ "ansible-playbook", "--version" ]