]> git.immae.eu Git - github/wallabag/wallabag.git/blob - docs/en/developer/docker.rst
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[github/wallabag/wallabag.git] / docs / en / developer / docker.rst
1 Run wallabag in docker-compose
2 ==============================
4 In order to run your own development instance of wallabag, you may
5 want to use the pre-configured docker compose files.
7 Requirements
8 ------------
10 Make sure to have `Docker
11 <https://docs.docker.com/installation/ubuntulinux/>`__ and `Docker
12 Compose <https://docs.docker.com/compose/install/>`__ availables on
13 your system and up to date.
15 Switch DBMS
16 -----------
18 By default, wallabag will start with a SQLite database.
19 Since wallabag provides support for Postgresql and MySQL, docker
20 containers are also available for these ones.
22 In ``docker-compose.yml``, for the chosen DBMS uncomment:
24 - the container definition (``postgres`` or ``mariadb`` root level
25 block)
26 - the container link in the ``php`` container
27 - the container env file in the ``php`` container
29 In order to keep running Symfony commands on your host (such as
30 ``wallabag:install``), you also should:
32 - source the proper env files on your command line, so variables
33 like ``SYMFONY__ENV__DATABASE_HOST`` will exist.
34 - create a `` rdbms`` on your system ``hosts`` file
36 Run wallabag
37 ------------
39 #. Fork and clone the project
40 #. Edit ``app/config/parameters.yml`` to replace ``database_*``
41 properties with commented ones (with values prefixed by ``env.``)
42 #. ``composer install`` the project dependencies
43 #. ``php app/console wallabag:install`` to create the schema
44 #. ``docker-compose up`` to run the containers
45 #. Finally, browse to http://localhost:8080/ to find your freshly
46 installed wallabag.
48 At various step, you'll probably run into UNIX permission problems,
49 bad paths in generated cache, etc…
50 Operations like removing cache files or changing files owners might
51 be frequently required, so don't be afraid !