]> git.immae.eu Git - github/wallabag/wallabag.git/blob - docs/en/User/save_your_first_article.rst
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[github/wallabag/wallabag.git] / docs / en / User / save_your_first_article.rst
1 .. _`Save your first article`:
3 Save your first article
4 =======================
6 Once connected on wallabag, you have many ways to save an article.
8 From the web application
9 ------------------------
11 Let’s see first how to do from the web application. In the menu, you
12 have a link **save a link**. Clicking on it, a form shows up: you simply
13 have to type the web adress of the article you want to save.
15 Confirm to store the content of the article.
17 By default, only the text is saved. If you want to store a copy of the
18 images on your server, you have to enable the setting
19 *DOWNLOAD\_PICTURES*. Read the chapter on hidden options for more
20 information.
22 From the bookmarklet
23 --------------------
25 From `Wikipedia’s definition`_
27 A bookmarklet is a `bookmark`_ stored in a `web browser`_ that
28 contains `JavaScript`_\ commands to extend the browser’s
29 functionality.
31 Bookmarklets are unobtrusive scripts stored as the URL of a bookmark
32 in a web browser or as a hyperlink on a web page.
34 When clicked, a bookmarklet performs some function, one of a wide
35 variety such as a search query or data extraction. Bookmarklets are
36 usually `JavaScript programs`_.
38 From the wallabag’s menu, click on **settings**. On the first part of
39 this page, we have listed all the ways to save an article. You’ll find
40 the bookmarklet (it’s the ``Bag it!`` link) to drag and drop in the
41 bookmarks bar of your web browser. From now on, when you want to save
42 the article you are browsing, you just have to click on this bookmarklet
43 and the article will be automatically saved.
45 From your smartphone
46 --------------------
48 Above all else
49 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
51 To use a smartphone application, you have to enable RSS feeds from the
52 settings panel of wallabag. Then some information will be displayed,
53 like your security token. Read the chapter on RSS feeds for more
54 information.
56 Android
57 ~~~~~~~
59 Installation and configuration
60 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
62 You can download the android application from the `Google Play Store`_
63 and from `F-droid`_. It’s the exact same application on those two
64 stores.
66 Once installed, start the application, go to the **settings** part et
67 fill in the **URL (complete address of your wallabag installation or
68 your Framabag account)** and **User ID (in most cases, you’ll have to
69 put 1)** fields. If you have created multiple accounts from wallabag,
70 you will have to to fill the user account you want to connect to your
71 application and your security **Token** (enter properly all the token’s
72 letters as seen in the settings part of wallabag).
74 Saving of an article
75 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
77 Now that everything is correctly set up, as soon as you browse on your
78 smartphone’s web browser, you can share an article in wallabag at any
79 time from the **Share** menu: you’ll find a **Bag it!** entry which will
80 add your article in wallabag.
82 Reading
83 ^^^^^^^
85 When you open the application, click on Synchronize: your recently saved
86 articles will be downloaded on your smartphone.
88 You don’t need an internet connection anymore: click on **List
89 articles** to start your reading.
91 At the end of each article, a **Mark as read** button allows you to
92 archive the article.
94 To date, the synchronisation occurs in one direction (from wallabag to
95 the application), thus preventing mark as read an article on wallabag
96 from your smartphone.
98 iOS
99 ~~~
101 Installation and configuration
102 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
104 You can download the iOS application from the `AppStore`_.
106 Once installed, configure the app by filling following fields inside the
107 settings: the **URL (complete address of your wallabag installation or
108 your Framabag account)** and **User ID (in most cases, you’ll have to
109 put 1)** field. If you have created multiple accounts from wallabag, you
110 will have to to fill the user account you want to connect to your
111 application and your security **Token** (enter properly all the token’s
112 letters as seen in the settings part of wallabag).
114 Usage
115 ^^^^^
117 If the app is configured correctly, the app will automatically download
118 the articles from your wallabag (use **pull-to-refresh** to trigger this
119 update manually). Once an article is downloaded, it’ll be available
120 offline from your app.
122 Unfortunately you can only locally mark an article as read (it will not
123 synchronise to your online wallabag).
125 Saving articles
126 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
128 If you’re browsing a website and want to add the current article to your
129 wallabag, simply tap the **Share**-button and select **Bag it!** (if you
130 don’t find the wallabag icon, have a look in the **more**-menu). If
131 everything is set up correctly, your article will be saved (you may have
132 to login from time to time).
134 Windows Phone
135 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
137 Installation and configuration
138 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
140 You can download the Windows Phone application from the `Windows Store`_
141 or directly from your smartphone’s Store.
143 Once installed, the application will show you a notification on the
144 first launch, asking the configuration of your wallabag server. Go to
145 the **Settings** part of the application by pressing the three dots menu
146 at the bottom of the screen, then fill in the **URL (complete address of
147 your wallabag installation or your Framabag account)** and **User ID (in
148 most cases, you’ll have to put 1)** fields.
150 If you have created multiple accounts from wallabag, you will have to to
151 fill the user account you want to connect to your application and your
152 security **Token** (enter properly all the token’s letters as seen in
153 the setting part of wallabag).
155 From your web browser
156 ---------------------
158 Firefox Classic Add-on
159 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
161 Download the Firefox add-on at `addons.mozilla.org`_ and install it like
162 any other Firefox add-on.
164 In the add-on’s settings, fill the complete URL of your installation of
165 wallabag or your Framabag account.
167 Personalize the Firefox toolbar to add wallabag (**W** icon). When you
168 find an article you want to save, click on this icon: a new window will
169 open to add the article and will close itself automatically.
171 Firefox Social API Service
172 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
174 *Available from wallabag v1.9.1 only*
176 You will need an https connection to use this. It’s a Firefox
177 `requirement`_, sorry.
179 With Firefox 29+ versions, your browser comes with an integrated
180 interface to share things to multiple social services directly from your
181 browser. In the Firefox interface, it is shown a paper plane-like icon
182 that you will use to share a page, which means here, save an article.
183 You can add the service by going into the Config page of wallabag, then
184 click on Mozilla Services Social API Extension. You must also accept to
185 use Firefox Services.
187 Chrome
188 ~~~~~~
190 Download the Chrome add-on `on the dedicated website`_ and install it
191 like any other Chrome add-on.
193 In the add-on’s settings, fill the complete URL of your installation of
194 wallabag or your Framabag account.
196 During the addon’s installation, a new icon appear in Chrome toolbar (a
197 **W** icon). When you find an article you want to save, click on this
198 icon: a popup will appear to confirm that your article has been saved.
200 Opera
201 ~~~~~
203 The recent versions of Opera (15+) allow to install add-ons compatible
204 with Chrome.
206 First, install the add-on named `Download Chrome Extensions`_ which will
207 allow you to install add-ons from the Chrome Web Store. Then, go `to to
208 Google site`_ and get the Chrome add-on by clicking on *Add to Opera*. A
209 message will invite you to confirm this action because this add-on is
210 not coming from a certified source. The behavior will be the same as for
211 Chrome (see above).
213 .. _Wikipedia’s definition: http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bookmarklet
214 .. _bookmark: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet_bookmark
215 .. _web browser: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Web_browser
216 .. _JavaScript: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/JavaScript
217 .. _JavaScript programs: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Computer_program
218 .. _Google Play Store: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=fr.gaulupeau.apps.InThePoche
219 .. _F-droid: https://f-droid.org/app/fr.gaulupeau.apps.InThePoche
220 .. _AppStore: https://itunes.apple.com/app/id828331015
221 .. _Windows Store: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/store/apps/wallabag/9nblggh11646
222 .. _addons.mozilla.org: https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/addon/wallabag/
223 .. _requirement: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Projects/Social_API/Manifest#Manifest_Contents
224 .. _on the dedicated website: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/wallabag/bepdcjnnkglfjehplaogpoonpffbdcdj
225 .. _Download Chrome Extensions: https://addons.opera.com/en/extensions/details/download-chrome-extension-9/
226 .. _to to Google site: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/wallabag/bepdcjnnkglfjehplaogpoonpffbdcdj