]> git.immae.eu Git - github/bastienwirtz/homer.git/blob - docs/customservices.md
Add scope and start_url to PWA manifest
[github/bastienwirtz/homer.git] / docs / customservices.md
1 # Custom Services
3 Some service can use a specific a component that provides some extra features by adding a `type` key to the service yaml
4 configuration and, where applicable, an apikey. Note that config.yml is exposed at /assets/config.yml via HTTP and any
5 apikey included in the configuration file is exposed to anyone who can access the homer instance. Only include an apikey
6 if your homer instance is secured behind some form of authentication or access restriction.
8 Available services are in `src/components/`. Here is an overview of all custom services that are available
9 within Homer:
11 - [Custom Services](#custom-services)
12 - [Common options](#common-options)
13 - [PiHole](#pihole)
14 - [OpenWeatherMap](#openweathermap)
15 - [Medusa](#medusa)
16 - [Lidarr, Prowlarr, Sonarr and Radarr](#lidarr-prowlarr-sonarr-and-radarr)
17 - [PaperlessNG](#paperlessng)
18 - [Ping](#ping)
19 - [Prometheus](#prometheus)
20 - [AdGuard Home](#adguard-home)
21 - [Portainer](#portainer)
22 - [Emby / Jellyfin](#emby--jellyfin)
23 - [Uptime Kuma](#uptime-kuma)
24 - [Tautulli](#tautulli)
25 - [Mealie](#mealie)
26 - [Healthchecks](#healthchecks)
27 - [Proxmox](#proxmox)
28 - [rTorrent](#rtorrent)
29 - [qBittorrent](#qbittorrent)
30 - [CopyToClipboard](#copy-to-clipboard)
31 - [Speedtest Tracker](#SpeedtestTracker)
32 - [What's Up Docker](#whats-up-docker)
34 If you experiencing any issue, please have a look to the [troubleshooting](troubleshooting.md) page.
36 ## Common options
38 ```yaml
39 - name: "My Service"
40 logo: "assets/tools/sample.png"
41 url: "http://my-service-link"
42 endpoint: "http://my-service-endpoint" # Optional: alternative base URL used to fetch service data is necessary.
43 useCredentials: false # Optional: Override global proxy.useCredentials configuration.
44 type: "<type>"
45 ```
47 ## PiHole
49 Using the PiHole service you can display info about your local PiHole instance right on your Homer dashboard.
51 The following configuration is available for the PiHole service.
53 ```yaml
54 - name: "Pi-hole"
55 logo: "assets/tools/sample.png"
56 # subtitle: "Network-wide Ad Blocking" # optional, if no subtitle is defined, PiHole statistics will be shown
57 url: ""
58 type: "PiHole"
59 ```
61 ## OpenWeatherMap
63 Using the OpenWeatherMap service you can display weather information about a given location.
64 The following configuration is available for the OpenWeatherMap service:
66 ```yaml
67 - name: "Weather"
68 location: "Amsterdam" # your location.
69 locationId: "2759794" # Optional: Specify OpenWeatherMap city ID for better accuracy
70 apikey: "<---insert-api-key-here--->" # insert your own API key here. Request one from https://openweathermap.org/api.
71 units: "metric" # units to display temperature. Can be one of: metric, imperial, kelvin. Defaults to kelvin.
72 background: "square" # choose which type of background you want behind the image. Can be one of: square, circle, none. Defaults to none.
73 type: "OpenWeather"
74 ```
76 **Remarks:**
77 If for some reason your city can't be found by entering the name in the `location` property, you could also try to configure the OWM city ID in the `locationId` property. To retrieve your specific City ID, go to the [OWM website](https://openweathermap.org), search for your city and retrieve the ID from the URL (for example, the City ID of Amsterdam is 2759794).
79 ## Medusa
81 This service displays News (grey), Warning (orange) or Error (red) notifications bubbles from the Medusa application.
82 Two lines are needed in the config.yml :
84 ```yaml
85 type: "Medusa"
86 apikey: "01234deb70424befb1f4ef6a23456789"
87 ```
89 The url must be the root url of Medusa application.
90 The Medusa API key can be found in General configuration > Interface. It is needed to access Medusa API.
92 ## Lidarr, Prowlarr, Sonarr and Radarr
94 This service displays Activity (blue), Warning (orange) or Error (red) notifications bubbles from the Lidarr, Radarr or Sonarr application.
95 Two lines are needed in the config.yml :
97 ```yaml
98 type: "Lidarr", "Prowlarr", "Radarr" or "Sonarr"
99 apikey: "01234deb70424befb1f4ef6a23456789"
100 ```
102 The url must be the root url of Lidarr, Prowlarr, Radarr or Sonarr application.
103 The Lidarr, Prowlarr, Radarr or Sonarr API key can be found in Settings > General. It is needed to access the API.
104 If you are using an older version of Radarr or Sonarr which don't support the new V3 api endpoints, add the following line to your service config "legacyApi: true", example:
106 ```yaml
107 - name: "Radarr"
108 type: "Radarr"
109 url: "http://localhost:7878/"
111 target: "_blank"
112 legacyApi: true
113 ```
115 ## PaperlessNG
117 This service displays total number of documents stored. Two lines are required:
119 ```yaml
120 type: "PaperlessNG"
121 apikey: "0123456789abcdef123456789abcdef"
122 ```
124 API key can be generated in Settings > Administration > Auth Tokens
126 ## Ping
128 For Ping you need to set the type to Ping and provide a url. By default the HEAD method is used but it can be configured to use GET using the optional `method` property.
130 ```yaml
131 - name: "Awesome app"
132 type: Ping
133 logo: "assets/tools/sample.png"
134 subtitle: "Bookmark example"
135 tag: "app"
136 url: "https://www.reddit.com/r/selfhosted/"
137 method: "head"
138 ```
140 ## Prometheus
142 For Prometheus you need to set the type to Prometheus and provide a url.
144 ```yaml
145 - name: "Prometheus"
146 type: Prometheus
147 logo: "assets/tools/sample.png"
148 url: ""
149 # subtitle: "Monitor data server"
150 ```
152 ## AdGuard Home
153 For AdGuard Home you need to set the type to AdGuard, if you have somes issues as 403 responses on requests you need to provide authentification in headers for locations needed as below.
155 ```yaml
156 - name: "Adguard"
157 logo: "assets/tools/adguardhome.png"
158 url: "https://adguard.exemple.com"
159 target: "_blank"
160 type: "AdGuardHome"
161 ```
163 ## Portainer
165 This service displays info about the total number of containers managed by your Portainer instance.
166 In order to use it, you must be using Portainer version 1.11 or later. Generate an access token from the UI and pass
167 it to the apikey field.
168 By default, every connected environments will be checked. To select specific ones,add an "environments" entry which can be a simple string or an array containing all the selected environments name.
170 See https://docs.portainer.io/v/ce-2.11/user/account-settings#access-tokens
172 ```yaml
173 - name: "Portainer"
174 logo: "assets/tools/sample.png"
175 url: ""
176 type: "Portainer"
178 # environments:
179 # - "raspberry"
180 # - "local"
181 ```
183 ## Emby / Jellyfin
185 You need to set the type to Emby, provide an api key and choose which stats to show if the subtitle is disabled.
187 ```yaml
188 - name: "Emby"
189 logo: "assets/tools/sample.png"
190 url: ""
191 type: "Emby"
193 libraryType: "music" #Choose which stats to show. Can be one of: music, series or movies.
194 ```
196 ## Uptime Kuma
198 Using the Uptime Kuma service you can display info about your instance uptime right on your Homer dashboard.
200 The following configuration is available for the UptimeKuma service. Needs v1.13.1 or later because of the change in APIs due to [multiple status pages support](https://github.com/louislam/uptime-kuma/releases/tag/1.13.1).
202 ```yaml
203 - name: "Uptime Kuma"
204 logo: "assets/tools/sample.png"
205 # subtitle: "A fancy self-hosted monitoring tool" # optional, if no subtitle is defined, Uptime Kuma incidents, if any, will be shown
206 url: ""
207 slug: "myCustomDashboard" # Defaults to "default" if not provided.
208 type: "UptimeKuma"
209 ```
211 ## Tautulli
213 The Tautulli service can allow you to show the number of currently active
214 streams on you Plex instance. An API key is required, and can be obtained from
215 the "Web Interface" section of settings on the Tautulli web UI.
217 ```yaml
218 - name: "Tautulli"
219 logo: "assets/tools/sample.png"
220 url: ""
221 type: "Tautulli"
223 ```
225 Because the service type and link don't necessarily have to match, you could
226 even make the service type Tautulli on your Plex card and provide a separate
227 endpoint pointing to Tautulli!
229 ```yaml
230 - name: "Plex"
231 logo: "assets/tools/sample.png"
232 url: "" # Plex
233 endpoint: "" # Tautulli
234 type: "Tautulli"
236 ```
238 ## Mealie
240 First off make sure to remove an existing `subtitle` as it will take precedence if set.
241 Setting `type: "Mealie"` will then show the number of recipes Mealie is keeping organized or the planned meal for today if one is planned. You will have to set an API key in the field `apikey` which can be created in your Mealie installation.
243 ## Healthchecks
245 This service displays information about the configured status checks from the Healthchecks application.
246 Two lines are needed in the config.yml :
248 ```yaml
249 type: "Healthchecks"
250 apikey: "01234deb70424befb1f4ef6a23456789"
251 ```
253 The url must be the root url of the Healthchecks application.
254 The Healthchecks API key can be found in Settings > API Access > API key (read-only). The key is needed to access Healthchecks API.
256 ## rTorrent
258 This service displays the global upload and download rates, as well as the number of torrents
259 listed in rTorrent. The service communicates with the rTorrent XML-RPC interface which needs
260 to be accessible from the browser. Please consult
261 [the instructions](https://github.com/rakshasa/rtorrent-doc/blob/master/RPC-Setup-XMLRPC.md)
262 for setting up rTorrent and make sure the correct CORS-settings are applied. Examples for various
263 servers can be found at https://enable-cors.org/server.html.
265 ```yaml
266 - name: "rTorrent"
267 logo: "assets/tools/sample.png"
268 url: "" # Your rTorrent web UI, f.e. ruTorrent or Flood.
269 xmlrpc: "" # Reverse proxy for rTorrent's XML-RPC.
270 type: "Rtorrent"
271 rateInterval: 5000 # Interval for updating the download and upload rates.
272 torrentInterval: 60000 # Interval for updating the torrent count.
273 username: "username" # Username for logging into rTorrent (if applicable).
274 password: "password" # Password for logging into rTorrent (if applicable).
277 ## Proxmox
279 This service displays status information of a Proxmox node (VMs running and disk, memory and cpu used). It uses the proxmox API and [API Tokens](https://pve.proxmox.com/pve-docs/pveum-plain.html) for authorization so you need to generate one to set in the yaml config. You can set it up in Proxmox under Permissions > API Tokens. You also need to know the realm the user of the API Token is assigned to (by default pam).
281 The API Token (or the user asigned to that token if not separated permissions is checked) are this:
283 | Path | Permission | Comments |
284 |--------------------|------------|-------------------------------------------------------------------|
285 | /nodes/<your-node> | Sys.Audit | |
286 | /vms/<id-vm> | VM.Audit | You need to have this permission on any VM you want to be counted |
288 It is highly recommended that you create and API Token with only these permissions on a read-only mode.
290 If you get errors, they will be shown on browser's dev console. Main issues tend to be CORS related as Proxmox does not include CORS headers and you have to deploy it behind a reverse proxy and make the proxy add this headers.
292 Configuration example:
294 ```yaml
295 - name: "Proxmox - Node"
296 logo: "https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Fgithub.com%2FandOTP%2FandOTP%2Fissues%2F337&psig=AOvVaw2YKVuEUIBeTUikr7kAjm8D&ust=1665323538747000&source=images&cd=vfe&ved=0CAkQjRxqFwoTCPCTruLj0PoCFQAAAAAdAAAAABAN"
297 type: "Proxmox"
298 url: "https://your.proxmox.server"
299 node: "your-node-name"
300 warning_value: 50
301 danger_value: 80
302 api_token: "PVEAPIToken=root@pam!your-api-token-name=your-api-token-key"
303 # values below this line are optional (default value are false/empty):
304 hide_decimals: true # removes decimals from stats values.
305 hide: ["vms", "vms_total", "lxcs", "lxcs_total", "disk", "mem", "cpu"] # hides values included in the array
306 small_font_on_small_screens: true # uses small font on small screens (like mobile)
307 small_font_on_desktop: true # uses small font on desktops (just in case you're showing much info)
308 ```
310 ## qBittorrent
312 This service displays the global upload and download rates, as well as the number of torrents
313 listed. The service communicates with the qBittorrent API interface which needs
314 to be accessible from the browser. Please consult
315 [the instructions](https://github.com/qbittorrent/qBittorrent/pull/12579)
316 for setting up qBittorrent and make sure the correct CORS-settings are applied. Examples for various
317 servers can be found at [enable-cors.org](https://enable-cors.org/server.html).
319 ```yaml
320 - name: "qBittorrent"
321 logo: "assets/tools/sample.png"
322 url: "" # Your rTorrent web UI, f.e. ruTorrent or Flood.
323 type: "qBittorrent"
324 rateInterval: 2000 # Interval for updating the download and upload rates.
325 torrentInterval: 5000 # Interval for updating the torrent count.
326 target: "_blank" # optional html a tag target attribute
327 ```
329 ## Copy to Clipboard
331 This service displays the same information of a generic one, but shows an icon button on the indicator place (right side) you can click to get the content of the `clipboard` field copied to your clipboard.
333 You can still provide an `url` that would be open when clicked anywhere but on the icon button.
335 Configuration example:
337 ```yaml
338 - name: "Copy me!"
339 logo: "assets/tools/sample.png"
340 subtitle: "Subtitle text goes here"
341 url: "#"
342 type: "CopyToClipboard"
343 clipboard: "this text will be copied to your clipboard"
344 ```
346 ## SpeedtestTracker
348 For the SpeedtestTracker service you just need to define a entry with type `SpeedtestTracker`.
350 ## What's up Docker
352 What's up Docker allow to display info about the number of container running and the number for which an update is available on your Homer dashboard.
354 The following configuration is available for the WUD service.
356 ```yaml
357 - name: "What's Up Docker"
358 logo: "assets/tools/sample.png"
359 subtitle: "Docker image update notifier"
360 url: ""
361 type: "WUD"
362 ```