]> git.immae.eu Git - github/fretlink/edi-parser.git/blob - core/src/Text/Edifact/Parsing/Commons.hs
[github/fretlink/edi-parser.git] / core / src / Text / Edifact / Parsing / Commons.hs
1 module Text.Edifact.Parsing.Commons
2 ( -- * Parsing context
3 Parser
4 , Context(..)
5 , CurrentPosition(..)
6 , defaultContext
8 -- * State combinators
9 , updateSyntax
10 , setCurrentPosition
11 , resetCurrentPosition
13 -- * Syntax helpers
14 -- ** Parsing combinators
15 , parseCompositeSeparator
16 , parseElementSeparator
17 , parseSegmentSeparator
18 , parseEscape
20 -- ** State accessors
21 -- | Shortcuts to the syntax in current state. Doesn't alter input stream.
22 , getCompositeSeparator
23 , getElementSeparator
24 , getSegmentSeparator
25 , getDecimalSign
27 -- * Context aware failure helpers
28 , failWithPosition
29 , (<??>)
31 -- * Parsec extras
32 , tries
34 -- * Technical combinators
35 , notYetImplemented
36 ) where
38 import Text.Edifact.Types (Position, Syntax (..), defaultSyntax)
40 import Data.Text (Text)
41 import Text.Parsec (Parsec, char, choice, endOfLine, getState,
42 modifyState, try, updateState, (<?>))
44 -- | Defines our "Text.Parsec" context.
45 type Parser = Parsec Text Context
47 data Context =
48 Context
49 { parsingSyntax :: Syntax -- ^ State of the syntax. To be updated on the encounter of the @UNA@ segment.
50 , currentPosition :: CurrentPosition -- ^ Pointer for current position in the parser. Used for enriched parsing error messages.
51 }
53 defaultContext :: Context
54 defaultContext = Context defaultSyntax Undefined
56 -- | Current position in the parser.
57 --
58 -- For now it only stores the current position in a message, a segment group,
59 -- a segment, or a composite.
60 --
61 -- Future version could store the whole path to improve debugging.
62 data CurrentPosition = Undefined
63 | Defined Position
64 deriving Show
66 getSyntax :: Parser Syntax
67 getSyntax = parsingSyntax <$> getState
69 -- | Get current charactor for decimal sign.
70 -- It doesn't parse nor consume input.
71 getDecimalSign :: Parser Char
72 getDecimalSign = decimalSign <$> getSyntax
74 -- | Get current charactor for segment separator.
75 -- It doesn't parse nor consume input.
76 getSegmentSeparator :: Parser Char
77 getSegmentSeparator = segmentSeparator <$> getSyntax
79 -- | Get current charactor for element separator.
80 -- It doesn't parse nor consume input.
81 getElementSeparator :: Parser Char
82 getElementSeparator = elementSeparator <$> getSyntax
84 -- | Get current charactor for composite separator.
85 -- It doesn't parse nor consume input.
86 getCompositeSeparator :: Parser Char
87 getCompositeSeparator = compositeSeparator <$> getSyntax
89 -- | This let change the operators used in the parsing. This is designed for the @UNA@ segment.
90 updateSyntax :: Syntax -> Parser ()
91 updateSyntax s = updateState (\ c -> c { parsingSyntax = s })
93 -- | Read the parser state to extract current position.
94 -- It doesn't parse nor consume input.
95 getCurrentPosition :: Parser CurrentPosition
96 getCurrentPosition = currentPosition <$> getState
98 -- | Write the parser state to update current position.
99 -- It doesn't parse nor consume input.
100 setCurrentPosition :: Position -> Parser ()
101 setCurrentPosition = updateCurrentPosition . Defined
103 -- | Write the parser state to reset current position.
104 -- It doesn't parse nor consume input.
105 resetCurrentPosition :: Parser ()
106 resetCurrentPosition = updateCurrentPosition Undefined
108 updateCurrentPosition :: CurrentPosition -> Parser ()
109 updateCurrentPosition pos = modifyState (\s -> s { currentPosition = pos })
111 -- | Parse current charactor for element separator.
112 -- It does parse and consume input.
113 parseElementSeparator :: Parser Char
114 parseElementSeparator = parseSpecialChar "element separator" elementSeparator
116 -- | Parse current charactor for composite separator.
117 -- It does parse and consume input.
118 parseCompositeSeparator :: Parser Char
119 parseCompositeSeparator = parseSpecialChar "composite separator" compositeSeparator
121 -- | Parse current charactor for escape separator.
122 -- It does parse and consume input.
123 parseEscape :: Parser Char
124 parseEscape = parseSpecialChar "escape character" escape
126 -- | Parse current charactor for segment separator.
127 -- It does parse and consume input.
128 --
129 -- It also tries consuming end of line after segment separator if any.
130 parseSegmentSeparator :: Parser Char
131 parseSegmentSeparator = tries [ parseSpecialChar "segment separator" segmentSeparator <* endOfLine
132 , parseSpecialChar "segment separator" segmentSeparator
133 ]
135 parseSpecialChar :: String -> (Syntax -> Char) -> Parser Char
136 parseSpecialChar description reader = do
137 c <- reader <$> getSyntax
138 let escape' '\"' = "\\\""
139 escape' c' = [c']
140 comment = description <> " (\"" <> escape' c <> "\")"
141 char c <?> comment
143 -- | Let you try various parsers, not consuming until success.
144 tries :: [Parser a] -> Parser a
145 tries = choice . map try
147 -- | Like 'fail', this operator let you annotate a parser if it were to fail.
148 -- The difference with the standard "Text.Parsec" operator is that it appends
149 -- the current position if any.
150 failWithPosition :: String -> Parser a
151 failWithPosition = withPosition fail
153 -- | Like '<?>', this operator let you annotate a parser if it were to fail.
154 -- The difference with the standard "Text.Parsec" operator is that it appends
155 -- the current position if any.
156 (<??>) :: Parser a -> String -> Parser a
157 (<??>) = withPosition . (<?>)
159 -- Same priority as <?> from Text.Parsec
160 infix 0 <??>
162 withPosition :: (String -> Parser a) -> String -> Parser a
163 withPosition continuation msg =
164 let mkMessage Undefined = msg
165 mkMessage (Defined d) = msg <> " at position " <> show d
166 getMessage = mkMessage <$> getCurrentPosition
167 in getMessage >>= continuation
169 -- | Alias to 'failWithPosition' to convey semantics of work-in-progress when
170 -- writing a parser. This might be useful if you want to partially support a
171 -- message.
172 notYetImplemented :: String -> Parser a
173 notYetImplemented = failWithPosition