]> git.immae.eu Git - github/shaarli/Shaarli.git/blob - application/netscape/NetscapeBookmarkUtils.php
Merge pull request #1661 from shaarli/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/ini-1.3.7
[github/shaarli/Shaarli.git] / application / netscape / NetscapeBookmarkUtils.php
1 <?php
3 namespace Shaarli\Netscape;
5 use DateTime;
6 use DateTimeZone;
7 use Exception;
8 use Katzgrau\KLogger\Logger;
9 use Psr\Http\Message\UploadedFileInterface;
10 use Psr\Log\LogLevel;
11 use Shaarli\Bookmark\Bookmark;
12 use Shaarli\Bookmark\BookmarkServiceInterface;
13 use Shaarli\Config\ConfigManager;
14 use Shaarli\Formatter\BookmarkFormatter;
15 use Shaarli\History;
16 use Shaarli\NetscapeBookmarkParser\NetscapeBookmarkParser;
18 /**
19 * Utilities to import and export bookmarks using the Netscape format
20 */
21 class NetscapeBookmarkUtils
22 {
23 /** @var BookmarkServiceInterface */
24 protected $bookmarkService;
26 /** @var ConfigManager */
27 protected $conf;
29 /** @var History */
30 protected $history;
32 public function __construct(BookmarkServiceInterface $bookmarkService, ConfigManager $conf, History $history)
33 {
34 $this->bookmarkService = $bookmarkService;
35 $this->conf = $conf;
36 $this->history = $history;
37 }
39 /**
40 * Filters bookmarks and adds Netscape-formatted fields
41 *
42 * Added fields:
43 * - timestamp link addition date, using the Unix epoch format
44 * - taglist comma-separated tag list
45 *
46 * @param BookmarkFormatter $formatter instance
47 * @param string $selection Which bookmarks to export: (all|private|public)
48 * @param bool $prependNoteUrl Prepend note permalinks with the server's URL
49 * @param string $indexUrl Absolute URL of the Shaarli index page
50 *
51 * @return array The bookmarks to be exported, with additional fields
52 *
53 * @throws Exception Invalid export selection
54 */
55 public function filterAndFormat(
56 $formatter,
57 $selection,
58 $prependNoteUrl,
59 $indexUrl
60 ) {
61 // see tpl/export.html for possible values
62 if (!in_array($selection, ['all', 'public', 'private'])) {
63 throw new Exception(t('Invalid export selection:') . ' "' . $selection . '"');
64 }
66 $bookmarkLinks = [];
67 foreach ($this->bookmarkService->search([], $selection) as $bookmark) {
68 $link = $formatter->format($bookmark);
69 $link['taglist'] = implode(',', $bookmark->getTags());
70 if ($bookmark->isNote() && $prependNoteUrl) {
71 $link['url'] = rtrim($indexUrl, '/') . '/' . ltrim($link['url'], '/');
72 }
74 $bookmarkLinks[] = $link;
75 }
77 return $bookmarkLinks;
78 }
80 /**
81 * Imports Web bookmarks from an uploaded Netscape bookmark dump
82 *
83 * @param array $post Server $_POST parameters
84 * @param UploadedFileInterface $file File in PSR-7 object format
85 *
86 * @return string Summary of the bookmark import status
87 */
88 public function import($post, UploadedFileInterface $file)
89 {
90 $start = time();
91 $filename = $file->getClientFilename();
92 $filesize = $file->getSize();
93 $data = (string) $file->getStream();
95 if (preg_match('/<!DOCTYPE NETSCAPE-Bookmark-file-1>/i', $data) === 0) {
96 return $this->importStatus($filename, $filesize);
97 }
99 // Overwrite existing bookmarks?
100 $overwrite = !empty($post['overwrite']);
102 // Add tags to all imported bookmarks?
103 if (empty($post['default_tags'])) {
104 $defaultTags = [];
105 } else {
106 $defaultTags = tags_str2array(
107 escape($post['default_tags']),
108 $this->conf->get('general.tags_separator', ' ')
109 );
110 }
112 // bookmarks are imported as public by default
113 $defaultPrivacy = 0;
115 $parser = new NetscapeBookmarkParser(
116 true, // nested tag support
117 $defaultTags, // additional user-specified tags
118 strval(1 - $defaultPrivacy), // defaultPub = 1 - defaultPrivacy
119 $this->conf->get('resource.data_dir') // log path, will be overridden
120 );
121 $logger = new Logger(
122 $this->conf->get('resource.data_dir'),
123 !$this->conf->get('dev.debug') ? LogLevel::INFO : LogLevel::DEBUG,
124 [
125 'prefix' => 'import.',
126 'extension' => 'log',
127 ]
128 );
129 $parser->setLogger($logger);
130 $bookmarks = $parser->parseString($data);
132 $importCount = 0;
133 $overwriteCount = 0;
134 $skipCount = 0;
136 foreach ($bookmarks as $bkm) {
137 $private = $defaultPrivacy;
138 if (empty($post['privacy']) || $post['privacy'] == 'default') {
139 // use value from the imported file
140 $private = $bkm['pub'] == '1' ? 0 : 1;
141 } elseif ($post['privacy'] == 'private') {
142 // all imported bookmarks are private
143 $private = 1;
144 } elseif ($post['privacy'] == 'public') {
145 // all imported bookmarks are public
146 $private = 0;
147 }
149 $link = $this->bookmarkService->findByUrl($bkm['uri']);
150 $existingLink = $link !== null;
151 if (! $existingLink) {
152 $link = new Bookmark();
153 }
155 if ($existingLink !== false) {
156 if ($overwrite === false) {
157 // Do not overwrite an existing link
158 $skipCount++;
159 continue;
160 }
162 $link->setUpdated(new DateTime());
163 $overwriteCount++;
164 } else {
165 $newLinkDate = new DateTime('@' . strval($bkm['time']));
166 $newLinkDate->setTimezone(new DateTimeZone(date_default_timezone_get()));
167 $link->setCreated($newLinkDate);
168 }
170 $link->setTitle($bkm['title']);
171 $link->setUrl($bkm['uri'], $this->conf->get('security.allowed_protocols'));
172 $link->setDescription($bkm['note']);
173 $link->setPrivate($private);
174 $link->setTags($bkm['tags']);
176 $this->bookmarkService->addOrSet($link, false);
177 $importCount++;
178 }
180 $this->bookmarkService->save();
181 $this->history->importLinks();
183 $duration = time() - $start;
185 return $this->importStatus(
186 $filename,
187 $filesize,
188 $importCount,
189 $overwriteCount,
190 $skipCount,
191 $duration
192 );
193 }
195 /**
196 * Generates an import status summary
197 *
198 * @param string $filename name of the file to import
199 * @param int $filesize size of the file to import
200 * @param int $importCount how many bookmarks were imported
201 * @param int $overwriteCount how many bookmarks were overwritten
202 * @param int $skipCount how many bookmarks were skipped
203 * @param int $duration how many seconds did the import take
204 *
205 * @return string Summary of the bookmark import status
206 */
207 protected function importStatus(
208 $filename,
209 $filesize,
210 $importCount = 0,
211 $overwriteCount = 0,
212 $skipCount = 0,
213 $duration = 0
214 ) {
215 $status = sprintf(t('File %s (%d bytes) '), $filename, $filesize);
216 if ($importCount == 0 && $overwriteCount == 0 && $skipCount == 0) {
217 $status .= t('has an unknown file format. Nothing was imported.');
218 } else {
219 $status .= vsprintf(
220 t(
221 'was successfully processed in %d seconds: '
222 . '%d bookmarks imported, %d bookmarks overwritten, %d bookmarks skipped.'
223 ),
224 [$duration, $importCount, $overwriteCount, $skipCount]
225 );
226 }
227 return $status;
228 }
229 }