]> git.immae.eu Git - github/shaarli/Shaarli.git/blob - application/helper/FileUtils.php
Vintage theme: support async metadata retrieval
[github/shaarli/Shaarli.git] / application / helper / FileUtils.php
1 <?php
3 namespace Shaarli\Helper;
5 use Shaarli\Exceptions\IOException;
7 /**
8 * Class FileUtils
9 *
10 * Utility class for file manipulation.
11 */
12 class FileUtils
13 {
14 /**
15 * @var string
16 */
17 protected static $phpPrefix = '<?php /* ';
19 /**
20 * @var string
21 */
22 protected static $phpSuffix = ' */ ?>';
24 /**
25 * Write data into a file (Shaarli database format).
26 * The data is stored in a PHP file, as a comment, in compressed base64 format.
27 *
28 * The file will be created if it doesn't exist.
29 *
30 * @param string $file File path.
31 * @param mixed $content Content to write.
32 *
33 * @return int|bool Number of bytes written or false if it fails.
34 *
35 * @throws IOException The destination file can't be written.
36 */
37 public static function writeFlatDB($file, $content)
38 {
39 if (is_file($file) && !is_writeable($file)) {
40 // The datastore exists but is not writeable
41 throw new IOException($file);
42 } elseif (!is_file($file) && !is_writeable(dirname($file))) {
43 // The datastore does not exist and its parent directory is not writeable
44 throw new IOException(dirname($file));
45 }
47 return file_put_contents(
48 $file,
49 self::$phpPrefix . base64_encode(gzdeflate(serialize($content))) . self::$phpSuffix
50 );
51 }
53 /**
54 * Read data from a file containing Shaarli database format content.
55 *
56 * If the file isn't readable or doesn't exist, default data will be returned.
57 *
58 * @param string $file File path.
59 * @param mixed $default The default value to return if the file isn't readable.
60 *
61 * @return mixed The content unserialized, or default if the file isn't readable, or false if it fails.
62 */
63 public static function readFlatDB($file, $default = null)
64 {
65 // Note that gzinflate is faster than gzuncompress.
66 // See: http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.gzdeflate.php#96439
67 if (!is_readable($file)) {
68 return $default;
69 }
71 $data = file_get_contents($file);
72 if ($data == '') {
73 return $default;
74 }
76 return unserialize(
77 gzinflate(
78 base64_decode(
79 substr($data, strlen(self::$phpPrefix), -strlen(self::$phpSuffix))
80 )
81 )
82 );
83 }
85 /**
86 * Recursively deletes a folder content, and deletes itself optionally.
87 * If an excluded file is found, folders won't be deleted.
88 *
89 * Additional security: raise an exception if it tries to delete a folder outside of Shaarli directory.
90 *
91 * @param string $path
92 * @param bool $selfDelete Delete the provided folder if true, only its content if false.
93 * @param array $exclude
94 */
95 public static function clearFolder(string $path, bool $selfDelete, array $exclude = []): bool
96 {
97 $skipped = false;
99 if (!is_dir($path)) {
100 throw new IOException(t('Provided path is not a directory.'));
101 }
103 if (!static::isPathInShaarliFolder($path)) {
104 throw new IOException(t('Trying to delete a folder outside of Shaarli path.'));
105 }
107 foreach (new \DirectoryIterator($path) as $file) {
108 if($file->isDot()) {
109 continue;
110 }
112 if (in_array($file->getBasename(), $exclude, true)) {
113 $skipped = true;
114 continue;
115 }
117 if ($file->isFile()) {
118 unlink($file->getPathname());
119 } elseif($file->isDir()) {
120 $skipped = static::clearFolder($file->getRealPath(), true, $exclude) || $skipped;
121 }
122 }
124 if ($selfDelete && !$skipped) {
125 rmdir($path);
126 }
128 return $skipped;
129 }
131 /**
132 * Checks that the given path is inside Shaarli directory.
133 */
134 public static function isPathInShaarliFolder(string $path): bool
135 {
136 $rootDirectory = dirname(dirname(dirname(__FILE__)));
138 return strpos(realpath($path), $rootDirectory) !== false;
139 }
140 }