]> git.immae.eu Git - github/fretlink/purs-loader.git/blob - README.md
Version 3.3.2
[github/fretlink/purs-loader.git] / README.md
1 # purs-loader
3 > [PureScript](http://www.purescript.org) loader for [webpack](http://webpack.github.io)
5 - Supports hot-reloading and rebuilding of single source files
6 - Dead code elimination using the `bundle` option
7 - Colorized build output using `purescript-psa` and the `psc: "psa"` option
9 ## Install
11 Install with [npm](https://npmjs.org/package/purs-loader).
13 ```
14 npm install --save-dev fretlink/purs-loader#latest
15 ```
17 ## Example
19 ```javascript
20 const webpackConfig = {
21 // ...
22 loaders: [
23 // ...
24 {
25 test: /\.purs$/,
26 loader: 'purs-loader',
27 exclude: /node_modules/,
28 query: {
29 psc: 'psa',
30 src: ['bower_components/purescript-*/src/**/*.purs', 'src/**/*.purs']
31 }
32 }
33 // ...
34 ]
35 // ...
36 }
37 ```
39 Refer to the [purescript-webpack-example](https://github.com/ethul/purescript-webpack-example) for a more detailed example.
41 ### Options
43 Default options:
45 ```javascript
46 const loaderConfig = {
47 psc: null, // purs compile
48 pscArgs: {},
49 pscBundle: null, // purs bundle
50 pscBundleArgs: {},
51 pscIde: false, // instant rebuilds using psc-ide-server (experimental)
52 pscIdeClient: null, // purs ide client
53 pscIdeClientArgs: {}, // for example, to use different port {port: 4088}
54 pscIdeServer: null, // purs ide server
55 pscIdeServerArgs: {}, // for example, to change the port { port: 4088 }
56 pscIdeColors: false, // defaults to true if psc === 'psa'
57 pscPackage: false,
58 bundleOutput: 'output/bundle.js',
59 bundleNamespace: 'PS',
60 bundle: false,
61 warnings: true,
62 watch: false, // indicates if webpack is in watch mode
63 output: 'output',
64 src: [
65 path.join('src', '**', '*.purs'),
66 // if pscPackage = false
67 path.join('bower_components', 'purescript-*', 'src', '**', '*.purs')
68 // if pscPackage = true
69 // source paths reported by `psc-package sources`
70 ]
71 }
72 ```
74 ### `psc-ide` support (experimental)
76 Experimental support for instant rebuilds using `psc-ide-server` can be enabled
77 via the `pscIde: true` option.
78 You can use an already running `psc-ide-server` instance by specifying the port in `pscIdeArgs`,
79 if there is no server running this loader will start one for you.
81 ### `psc-package` support (experimental)
83 Set `pscPackage` query parameter to `true` to enable `psc-package` support. The `psc-package`-supplied source paths
84 will be appended to `src` parameter.
86 ### Troubleshooting
88 #### Slower webpack startup after enabling psc-ide support?
90 By default, the psc-ide-server will be passed the globs from query.src, this is
91 helpful for other tools using psc-ide-server (for example IDE plugins), however
92 it might result in a slower initial webpack startup time (rebuilds are not
93 affected). To override the default behaviour, add:
94 `pscIdeServerArgs: { "_": ['your/*globs/here'] }` to the loader config
96 #### Errors not being displayed in watch mode?
98 When the `watch` option is set to `true`, psc errors are appended to
99 webpack's compilation instance errors array and not passed back as an
100 error to the loader's callback. This may result in the error not being
101 reported by webpack. To display errors, the following plugin may be added
102 to the webpack config.
104 ```javascript
105 const webpackConfig = {
106 // ...
107 plugins: [
108 function(){
109 this.plugin('done', function(stats){
110 process.stderr.write(stats.toString('errors-only'));
111 });
112 }
113 ]
114 // ...
115 }
116 ```
118 #### Error `spawn ENOENT`
120 This is caused when the loader tries to spawn a binary that does not exists
121 (`file or directory not found`). If you call webpack like `webpack` or
122 `webpack --watch`, then ensure that all required binaries that the
123 loader depends on are available in your `$PATH`.
125 If you run webpack through an npm script (e.g., npm run or npm start) on NixOS,
126 then it will first attempt to find binaries in `node_packages/.bin`.
127 If you have the compiler installed through `npm` and it finds it there, this will
128 cause `ENOENT`on Nix, because [the binary needs to be patched first, but npm will
129 install the binary that is linked with /lib64/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2 - a file that
130 will not exist at that path in NixOS](https://github.com/ethul/purescript-webpack-example/issues/5#issuecomment-282492131).
131 The solution is to simply use the compiler from `haskellPackages.purescript` and
132 make sure that it's available in `$PATH`. For more information about how to make
133 it work on Nix, see [Purescript Webpack Example](https://github.com/ethul/purescript-webpack-example#using-globally-installed-binaries)