]> git.immae.eu Git - github/bastienwirtz/homer.git/blob - README.md
Merge pull request #69 from sergeifilippov/patch-2
[github/bastienwirtz/homer.git] / README.md
1 # Homer
3 A dead simple static **HOM**epage for your serv**ER** to keep your services on hand, from a simple `yaml` configuration file.
5 **Check out the live demo [here](https://homer-demo.netlify.app).**
7 It supports keyboard shortcuts:
9 - `/` Start searching.
10 - `Escape` Stop searching.
11 - `Enter` Open the first matching result (respects the bookmark's `_target` property).
12 - `Alt`/`Option` + `Enter` Open the first matching result in a new tab.
14 If you need authentication support, you're on your own (it can be secured using a web server auth module or exposing it only through a VPN network / SSH tunnel, ...)
16 ![screenshot](https://raw.github.com/bastienwirtz/homer/master/screenshot.png)
18 ## Roadmap
20 - [ ] Add more themes.
21 - [ ] Add support for custom service card (add custom feature to some service / app link)
22 - [x] Colors / theme customization
23 - [x] Enable PWA support (making possible to "install" - add to homescreen - it)
24 - [x] Improve maintainability (external library import & service workers cached file list.)
26 ## Usage
28 ### Using docker
30 ```sh
31 docker run -p 8080:8080 -v /your/local/config.yml:/www/config.yml -v /your/local/assets/:/www/assets b4bz/homer:latest
32 ```
34 ### Manually
36 Homer is a static page that need to be generated from the source in this repository.
37 Use the folowing command to build the project:
39 ```sh
40 # Using yarn (recommended)
41 yarn install
42 yarn build
44 # **OR** Using npm
45 npm install
46 npm run build
47 ```
49 Then your dashboard is ready to use in the `/dist` directory.
50 The `dist` directory is meant to be served by an HTTP server, so **it will not work if you open dist/index.html directly over file:// protocol**.
52 Use it like any static HTML content (use a webserver or open the html index directly).
54 ## Development
56 ```sh
57 # Using yarn (recommended)
58 yarn install
59 yarn serve
61 # **OR** Using npm
62 npm install
63 npm run serve
64 ```
66 ### Themes
68 Themes are meant to be simple customization (written in [scss](https://sass-lang.com/documentation/syntax)).
69 To addd a new theme, just add a file in the theme directory, and put all style in the `body #app.theme-<name>` scope. Then import it in the main style file.
71 ```scss
72 // `src/assets/themes/my-awesome-theme.scss`
73 body #app.theme-my-awesome-theme. { ... }
74 ```
76 ```scss
77 // `src/assets/app.scss`
78 // Themes import
79 @import "./themes/sui.scss";
80 ...
81 @import "./themes/my-awesome-theme.scss";
82 ```
84 ## Configuration
86 Title, icons, links, colors, and services can be configured in the `config.yml` file (located in project root directory once built, or in the `public/` directory in developement mode), using [yaml](http://yaml.org/) format.
88 ```yaml
89 ---
90 # Homepage configuration
91 # See https://fontawesome.com/icons for icons options
93 title: "App dashboard"
94 subtitle: "Homer"
95 logo: "assets/homer.png"
96 # Alternatively a fa icon can be provided:
97 # icon: "fas fa-skull-crossbones"
99 header: true # Set to false to hide the header
100 footer: '<p>Created with <span class="has-text-danger">❤️</span> with <a href="https://bulma.io/">bulma</a>, <a href="https://vuejs.org/">vuejs</a> & <a href="https://fontawesome.com/">font awesome</a> // Fork me on <a href="https://github.com/bastienwirtz/homer"><i class="fab fa-github-alt"></i></a></p>' # set false if you want to hide it.header:
102 # Optional theming
103 theme: default # 'default' or one of the theme available in 'src/assets/themes'.
105 # Here is the exaustive list of customization parameters
106 # However all value are optional and will fallback to default if not set.
107 # if you want to change only some of the colors, feel free to remove all unused key.
108 colors:
109 light:
110 highlight-primary: "#3367d6"
111 highlight-secondary: "#4285f4"
112 highlight-hover: "#5a95f5"
113 background: "#f5f5f5"
114 card-background: "#ffffff"
115 text: "#363636"
116 text-header: "#424242"
117 text-title: "#303030"
118 text-subtitle: "#424242"
119 card-shadow: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1)
120 link-hover: "#363636"
121 dark:
122 highlight-primary: "#3367d6"
123 highlight-secondary: "#4285f4"
124 highlight-hover: "#5a95f5"
125 background: "#131313"
126 card-background: "#2b2b2b"
127 text: "#eaeaea"
128 text-header: "#ffffff"
129 text-title: "#fafafa"
130 text-subtitle: "#f5f5f5"
131 card-shadow: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4)
132 link-hover: "#ffdd57"
134 # Optional message
135 message:
136 # url: "https://<my-api-endpoint>" # Can fetch information from an endpoint to override value below.
137 style: "is-warning"
138 title: "Optional message!"
139 content: "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque risus mi, tempus quis placerat ut, porta nec nulla. Vestibulum rhoncus ac ex sit amet fringilla. Nullam gravida purus diam, et dictum felis venenatis efficitur. Aenean ac eleifend lacus, in mollis lectus. Donec sodales, arcu et sollicitudin porttitor, tortor urna tempor ligula."
141 # Optional navbar
142 # links: [] # Allows for navbar (dark mode, layout, and search) without any links
143 links:
144 - name: "ansible"
145 icon: "fab fa-github"
146 url: "https://github.com/xxxxx/ansible/"
147 target: "_blank" # optional html tag target attribute
148 - name: "Wiki"
149 icon: "fas fa-book"
150 url: "https://wiki.xxxxxx.com/"
152 # Services
153 # First level array represent a group.
154 # Leave only a "items" key if not using group (group name, icon & tagstyle are optional, section separation will not be displayed).
155 services:
156 - name: "DevOps"
157 icon: "fa fa-code-fork"
158 items:
159 - name: "Jenkins"
160 logo: "/assets/tools/jenkins.png"
161 # Alternatively a fa icon can be provided:
162 # icon: "fab fa-jenkins"
163 subtitle: "Continuous integration server"
164 tag: "CI"
165 url: "#"
166 target: "_blank" # optional html tag target attribute
167 - name: "RabbitMQ Management"
168 logo: "/assets/tools/rabbitmq.png"
169 subtitle: "Manage & monitor RabbitMQ server"
170 tag: "haproxy"
171 # Optional tagstyle
172 tagstyle: "is-success"
173 url: "#"
174 - name: "Monitoring"
175 icon: "fas fa-heartbeat"
176 items:
177 - name: "M/Monit"
178 logo: "/assets/tools/monit.png"
179 subtitle: "Monitor & manage all monit enabled hosts"
180 tag: "monit"
181 url: "#"
182 - name: "Grafana"
183 logo: "/assets/tools/grafana.png"
184 subtitle: "Metric analytics & dashboards"
185 url: "#"
186 - name: "Kibana"
187 logo: "/assets/tools/elastic.png"
188 subtitle: "Explore & visualize logs"
189 tag: "elk"
190 url: "#"
191 - name: "Website monitoring"
192 logo: "/assets/tools/pingdom.png"
193 subtitle: "Pingdom public reports overview"
194 tag: "CI"
195 url: "#"
196 ```
198 If you choose to fetch message information from an endpoint, the output format should be:
200 ```json
201 {
202 "style": null,
203 "title": "Lorem ipsum 42",
204 "content": "LA LA LA Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, ....."
205 }
206 ```
208 `null` value or missing keys will be ignored and value from the `config.yml` will be used if available.
209 Empty values (either in `config.yml` or the endpoint data) will hide the element (ex: set `"title": ""` to hide the title bar).
211 ### Style Options
213 Homer uses [bulma CSS](https://bulma.io/), which provides a [modifiers syntax](https://bulma.io/documentation/modifiers/syntax/). You'll notice in the config there is a `tagstyle` option. It can be set to any of the bulma modifiers. You'll probably want to use one of these 4 main colors:
215 - `is-info` (blue)
216 - `is-success` (green)
217 - `is-warning` (yellow)
218 - `is-danger` (red)
220 You can read the [bulma modifiers page](https://bulma.io/documentation/modifiers/syntax/) for other options regarding size, style, or state.