]> git.immae.eu Git - github/shaarli/Shaarli.git/blob - README.md
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[github/shaarli/Shaarli.git] / README.md
1 ![Shaarli logo](doc/images/doc-logo.png)
3 The personal, minimalist, super-fast, database free, bookmarking service.
5 _Do you want to share the links you discover?_
6 _Shaarli is a minimalist delicious clone that you can install on your own server._
7 _It is designed to be personal (single-user), fast and handy._
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17 ## Quickstart
18 - [Wiki/documentation](https://github.com/shaarli/Shaarli/wiki)
19 - [Bugs/Feature requests/Discussion](https://github.com/shaarli/Shaarli/issues/)
21 ### Demo
22 You can use this [public demo instance of Shaarli](http://shaarlidemo.tuxfamily.org/Shaarli).
23 It runs the latest development version of Shaarli and is updated/reset daily.
25 Login: `demo`; Password: `demo`
27 ### Installation & upgrade
28 - [Download and installation](https://github.com/shaarli/Shaarli/wiki/Download-and-Installation)
29 - [Upgrade and migration](https://github.com/shaarli/Shaarli/wiki/Upgrade-and-migration)
30 - [Server requirements](https://github.com/shaarli/Shaarli/wiki/Server-requirements)
31 - [Server configuration](https://github.com/shaarli/Shaarli/wiki/Server-configuration)
32 - [Shaarli configuration](https://github.com/shaarli/Shaarli/wiki/Shaarli-configuration)
34 ## Features
35 ### Interface
36 - minimalist design (simple is beautiful)
37 - FAST
38 - ATOM and RSS feeds
39 - views:
40 - paginated link list
41 - tag cloud
42 - picture wall: image and video thumbnails
43 - daily: newspaper-like daily digest
44 - daily RSS feed
45 - permalinks for easy reference
46 - links can be public or private
47 - extensible through [plugins](https://github.com/shaarli/Shaarli/wiki/Plugins#plugin-usage)
49 ### Tag, view and search your links!
50 - add a custom title and description to archived links
51 - add tags to classify and search links
52 - features tag autocompletion, renaming, merging and deletion
53 - full-text and tag search
55 ### Easy setup
56 - dead-simple installation: drop the files, open the page
57 - links are stored in a file
58 - compact storage
59 - no database required
60 - easy backup: simply copy the datastore file
61 - import and export links as Netscape bookmarks
63 ### Accessibility
64 - Firefox bookmarlet to share links in one click
65 - support for mobile browsers
66 - works with Javascript disabled
67 - easy page customization through HTML/CSS/RainTPL
69 ### Security
70 - bruteforce-proof login form
71 - protected against [XSRF](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cross-site_request_forgery)
72 and session cookie hijacking
74 ### Goodies
75 - thumbnail generation for images and video services:
76 dailymotion, flickr, imageshack, imgur, vimeo, xkcd, youtube...
77 - lazy-loading with [bLazy](http://dinbror.dk/blazy/)
78 - [PubSubHubbub](https://code.google.com/p/pubsubhubbub/) protocol support
79 - URL cleanup: automatic removal of `?utm_source=...`, `fb=...`
80 - discreet pop-up notification when a new release is available
82 ### Other usages
83 Though Shaarli is primarily a bookmarking application, it can serve other purposes
84 (see [usage examples](https://github.com/shaarli/Shaarli/wiki#usage-examples)):
85 - micro-blogging
86 - pastebin
87 - online notepad
88 - snippet archive
90 ## About
91 ### Shaarli community fork
92 This friendly fork is maintained by the Shaarli community at https://github.com/shaarli/Shaarli
94 This is a community fork of the original [Shaarli](https://github.com/sebsauvage/Shaarli/) project by [Sébastien Sauvage](http://sebsauvage.net/).
96 The original project is currently unmaintained, and the developer [has informed us](https://github.com/sebsauvage/Shaarli/issues/191)
97 that he would have no time to work on Shaarli in the near future.
98 The Shaarli community has carried on the work to provide
99 [many patches](https://github.com/shaarli/Shaarli/compare/sebsauvage:master...master)
100 for [bug fixes and enhancements](https://github.com/shaarli/Shaarli/issues?q=is%3Aclosed+)
101 in this repository, and will keep maintaining the project for the foreseeable future, while keeping Shaarli simple and efficient.
103 ### Contributing
104 If you'd like to help, please:
105 - have a look at the open [issues](https://github.com/shaarli/Shaarli/issues)
106 and [pull requests](https://github.com/shaarli/Shaarli/pulls)
107 - feel free to report bugs (feedback is much appreciated)
108 - suggest new features and improvements to both code and [documentation](https://github.com/shaarli/Shaarli/wiki)
109 - propose solutions to existing problems
110 - submit pull requests :-)
113 ### License
114 Shaarli is [Free Software](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Free_software). See [COPYING](COPYING) for a detail of the contributors and licenses for each individual component.