]> git.immae.eu Git - github/fretlink/text-pipes.git/blob - Pipes/Text/Parse.hs
[github/fretlink/text-pipes.git] / Pipes / Text / Parse.hs
1 -- | Parsing utilities for texts, in the style of @pipes-parse@ and @Pipes.ByteString.Parse@
3 module Pipes.Text.Parse (
4 -- * Parsers
5 nextChar,
6 drawChar,
7 unDrawChar,
8 peekChar,
9 isEndOfChars,
10 take,
11 takeWhile
12 ) where
14 import Control.Monad.Trans.State.Strict (StateT, modify)
15 import qualified Data.Text as T
16 import Data.Text (Text)
18 import Pipes
19 import qualified Pipes.Parse as PP
21 import Prelude hiding (take, takeWhile)
23 {-| Consume the first character from a 'Text' stream
25 'next' either fails with a 'Left' if the 'Producer' has no more characters or
26 succeeds with a 'Right' providing the next character and the remainder of the
27 'Producer'.
28 -}
29 nextChar
30 :: (Monad m)
31 => Producer Text m r
32 -> m (Either r (Char, Producer Text m r))
33 nextChar = go
34 where
35 go p = do
36 x <- next p
37 case x of
38 Left r -> return (Left r)
39 Right (txt, p') -> case (T.uncons txt) of
40 Nothing -> go p'
41 Just (c, txt') -> return (Right (c, yield txt' >> p'))
42 {-# INLINABLE nextChar #-}
44 {-| Draw one 'Char' from the underlying 'Producer', returning 'Nothing' if the
45 'Producer' is empty
46 -}
47 drawChar :: (Monad m) => StateT (Producer Text m r) m (Maybe Char)
48 drawChar = do
49 x <- PP.draw
50 case x of
51 Nothing -> return Nothing
52 Just txt -> case (T.uncons txt) of
53 Nothing -> drawChar
54 Just (c, txt') -> do
55 PP.unDraw txt'
56 return (Just c)
57 {-# INLINABLE drawChar #-}
59 -- | Push back a 'Char' onto the underlying 'Producer'
60 unDrawChar :: (Monad m) => Char -> StateT (Producer Text m r) m ()
61 unDrawChar c = modify (yield (T.singleton c) >>)
62 {-# INLINABLE unDrawChar #-}
64 {-| 'peekChar' checks the first 'Char' in the stream, but uses 'unDrawChar' to
65 push the 'Char' back
67 > peekChar = do
68 > x <- drawChar
69 > case x of
70 > Left _ -> return ()
71 > Right c -> unDrawChar c
72 > return x
73 -}
74 peekChar :: (Monad m) => StateT (Producer Text m r) m (Maybe Char)
75 peekChar = do
76 x <- drawChar
77 case x of
78 Nothing -> return ()
79 Just c -> unDrawChar c
80 return x
81 {-# INLINABLE peekChar #-}
83 {-| Check if the underlying 'Producer' has no more characters
85 Note that this will skip over empty 'Text' chunks, unlike
86 'PP.isEndOfInput' from @pipes-parse@.
88 > isEndOfChars = liftM isLeft peekChar
89 -}
90 isEndOfChars :: (Monad m) => StateT (Producer Text m r) m Bool
91 isEndOfChars = do
92 x <- peekChar
93 return (case x of
94 Nothing -> True
95 Just _-> False )
96 {-# INLINABLE isEndOfChars #-}
98 {-| @(take n)@ only allows @n@ characters to pass
100 Unlike 'take', this 'PP.unDraw's unused characters
101 -}
102 take :: (Monad m, Integral a) => a -> Pipe Text Text (StateT (Producer Text m r) m) ()
103 take n0 = go n0 where
104 go n
105 | n <= 0 = return ()
106 | otherwise = do
107 txt <- await
108 let len = fromIntegral (T.length txt)
109 if (len > n)
110 then do
111 let n' = fromIntegral n
112 lift . PP.unDraw $ T.drop n' txt
113 yield $ T.take n' txt
114 else do
115 yield txt
116 go (n - len)
117 {-# INLINABLE take #-}
119 {-| Take characters until they fail the predicate
121 Unlike 'takeWhile', this 'PP.unDraw's unused characters
122 -}
123 takeWhile
124 :: (Monad m)
125 => (Char -> Bool)
126 -> Pipe Text Text (StateT (Producer Text m r) m) ()
127 takeWhile predicate = go
128 where
129 go = do
130 txt <- await
131 let (prefix, suffix) = T.span predicate txt
132 if (T.null suffix)
133 then do
134 yield txt
135 go
136 else do
137 lift $ PP.unDraw suffix
138 yield prefix
139 {-# INLINABLE takeWhile #-}