]> git.immae.eu Git - github/shaarli/Shaarli.git/blame_incremental - tpl/feed.atom.html
Add a persistent 'shorturl' key to all links
[github/shaarli/Shaarli.git] / tpl / feed.atom.html
... / ...
1<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
2<feed xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom">
3 <title>{$pagetitle}</title>
4 <subtitle>Shaared links</subtitle>
5 {if="$show_dates"}
6 <updated>{$last_update}</updated>
7 {/if}
8 <link rel="self" href="{$self_link}#" />
9 {if="!empty($pubsubhub_url)"}
10 <!-- PubSubHubbub Discovery -->
11 <link rel="hub" href="{$pubsubhub_url}#" />
12 <!-- End Of PubSubHubbub Discovery -->
13 {/if}
14 <author>
15 <name>{$index_url}</name>
16 <uri>{$index_url}</uri>
17 </author>
18 <id>{$index_url}</id>
19 <generator>Shaarli</generator>
20 {loop="$links"}
21 <entry>
22 <title>{$value.title}</title>
23 {if="$usepermalinks"}
24 <link href="{$value.guid}#" />
25 {else}
26 <link href="{$value.url}#" />
27 {/if}
28 <id>{$value.guid}</id>
29 {if="$show_dates"}
30 <published>{$value.pub_iso_date}</published>
31 <updated>{$value.up_iso_date}</updated>
32 {/if}
33 <content type="html" xml:lang="{$language}"><![CDATA[{$value.description}]]></content>
34 {loop="$value.taglist"}
35 <category scheme="{$index_url}?searchtags=" term="{$value|strtolower}" label="{$value}" />
36 {/loop}
37 </entry>
38 {/loop}