Commit | Line | Data |
1 | { | |
2 | "Music": "Música", | |
3 | "Films": "Películas", | |
4 | "Vehicles": "Transporte", | |
5 | "Art": "Arte", | |
6 | "Sports": "Deportes", | |
7 | "Travels": "Viajes", | |
8 | "Gaming": "Juegos", | |
9 | "People": "Personalidades", | |
10 | "Comedy": "Comedia", | |
11 | "Entertainment": "Entretenimiento", | |
12 | "News & Politics": "Noticias y política", | |
13 | "How To": "Tutorial", | |
14 | "Education": "Educación", | |
15 | "Activism": "Activismo", | |
16 | "Science & Technology": "Ciencia & Tecnología", | |
17 | "Animals": "Animales", | |
18 | "Kids": "Niños", | |
19 | "Food": "Cocina", | |
20 | "Attribution": "Atribución", | |
21 | "Attribution - Share Alike": "Atribución - Compartir Igual", | |
22 | "Attribution - No Derivatives": "Atribución - No Derivadas", | |
23 | "Attribution - Non Commercial": "Atribución - No Comercial", | |
24 | "Attribution - Non Commercial - Share Alike": "Atribución - No Comercial - Compartir Igual", | |
25 | "Attribution - Non Commercial - No Derivatives": "Atribución - No Comercial - No Derivadas", | |
26 | "Public Domain Dedication": "Dominio Público", | |
27 | "Public": "Público", | |
28 | "Unlisted": "Sin listar", | |
29 | "Private": "Privado", | |
30 | "Published": "Publicados", | |
31 | "To transcode": "Para codificar", | |
32 | "To import": "Para importar", | |
33 | "Pending": "Pendientes", | |
34 | "Success": "Subidos con éxito", | |
35 | "Failed": "Fallidos", | |
36 | "Regular": "Ordinario", | |
37 | "Watch later": "Ver más tarde", | |
38 | "This video does not exist.": "Este vídeo no existe.", | |
39 | "We cannot fetch the video. Please try again later.": "No podemos traer el video. Por favor, inténtelo de nuevo más tarde.", | |
40 | "Sorry": "Lo siento", | |
41 | "This video is not available because the remote instance is not responding.": "Este vídeo no esta disponible porque la instancia remota no responde.", | |
42 | "Misc": "Miscelánea", | |
43 | "Unknown": "Desconocido", | |
44 | "Afar": "Afar", | |
45 | "Abkhazian": "Abjasio", | |
46 | "Afrikaans": "Afrikáans", | |
47 | "Akan": "Acano", | |
48 | "Amharic": "Amhárico", | |
49 | "Arabic": "Árabe", | |
50 | "Aragonese": "Aragonés", | |
51 | "American Sign Language": "Lenguaje de signos americano", | |
52 | "Assamese": "Asamés", | |
53 | "Avaric": "Avar", | |
54 | "Kotava": "Kotava", | |
55 | "Aymara": "Aimara", | |
56 | "Azerbaijani": "Azerí", | |
57 | "Bashkir": "Baskir", | |
58 | "Bambara": "Bambara", | |
59 | "Belarusian": "Bielorruso", | |
60 | "Bengali": "Bengalí", | |
61 | "British Sign Language": "Lenguaje de signos británico", | |
62 | "Bislama": "Bislama", | |
63 | "Tibetan": "Tibetano", | |
64 | "Bosnian": "Bosnio", | |
65 | "Breton": "Bretón", | |
66 | "Bulgarian": "Búlgaro", | |
67 | "Brazilian Sign Language": "Lenguaje de signos brasileño", | |
68 | "Catalan": "Catalán", | |
69 | "Czech": "Checo", | |
70 | "Chamorro": "Chamorro", | |
71 | "Chechen": "Checheno", | |
72 | "Chuvash": "Chuvasio", | |
73 | "Cornish": "Córnico", | |
74 | "Corsican": "Corso", | |
75 | "Cree": "Cree", | |
76 | "Czech Sign Language": "Lenguaje de signos checo", | |
77 | "Chinese Sign Language": "Lenguaje de signos chino", | |
78 | "Welsh": "Gaélico", | |
79 | "Danish": "Danés", | |
80 | "German": "Alemán", | |
81 | "Dhivehi": "Maldivo", | |
82 | "Danish Sign Language": "Lenguaje de signos danés", | |
83 | "Dzongkha": "Dzongkha", | |
84 | "Greek": "Griego", | |
85 | "English": "Inglés", | |
86 | "Esperanto": "Esperanto", | |
87 | "Estonian": "Estonio", | |
88 | "Basque": "Euskera", | |
89 | "Ewe": "Ewé", | |
90 | "Faroese": "Feroés", | |
91 | "Persian": "Persa", | |
92 | "Fijian": "Fiyiano", | |
93 | "Finnish": "Finés", | |
94 | "French": "Francés", | |
95 | "Western Frisian": "Frisón occidental", | |
96 | "French Sign Language": "Lenguaje de signos francés", | |
97 | "Fulah": "Fula", | |
98 | "Scottish Gaelic": "Gaélico escocés", | |
99 | "Irish": "Irlandés", | |
100 | "Galician": "Gallego", | |
101 | "Manx": "Manés", | |
102 | "Guarani": "Guaraní", | |
103 | "German Sign Language": "Lenguaje de signos alemán", | |
104 | "Gujarati": "Gujaratí", | |
105 | "Haitian": "Haitiano", | |
106 | "Hausa": "Hausa", | |
107 | "Serbo-Croatian": "Serbocroata", | |
108 | "Hebrew": "Hebreo", | |
109 | "Herero": "Herero", | |
110 | "Hindi": "Hindi", | |
111 | "Hiri Motu": "Hiri motu", | |
112 | "Croatian": "Croata", | |
113 | "Hungarian": "Húngaro", | |
114 | "Armenian": "Armenio", | |
115 | "Igbo": "Igbo", | |
116 | "Sichuan Yi": "Nuosu", | |
117 | "Inuktitut": "Inuit", | |
118 | "Indonesian": "Indonesio", | |
119 | "Inupiaq": "Iñupiaq", | |
120 | "Icelandic": "Islandés", | |
121 | "Italian": "Italiano", | |
122 | "Javanese": "Javanés", | |
123 | "Lojban": "Lojban", | |
124 | "Japanese": "Japonés", | |
125 | "Japanese Sign Language": "Lenguaje de signos japonés", | |
126 | "Kalaallisut": "Kalaallisut", | |
127 | "Kannada": "Canarés", | |
128 | "Kashmiri": "Cachemir", | |
129 | "Georgian": "Georgiano", | |
130 | "Kanuri": "Kanurí", | |
131 | "Kazakh": "Kazajo", | |
132 | "Khmer": "Camboyano", | |
133 | "Kikuyu": "Kikuyú", | |
134 | "Kinyarwanda": "Kiñaruanda", | |
135 | "Kirghiz": "Kirguís", | |
136 | "Komi": "Komi", | |
137 | "Kongo": "Kongo", | |
138 | "Korean": "Coreano", | |
139 | "Kuanyama": "Kuanyama", | |
140 | "Kurdish": "Kurdo", | |
141 | "Lao": "Lao", | |
142 | "Latvian": "Letón", | |
143 | "Limburgan": "Limburgués", | |
144 | "Lingala": "Lingala", | |
145 | "Lithuanian": "Lituano", | |
146 | "Luxembourgish": "Luxemburgués", | |
147 | "Luba-Katanga": "Luba oriental", | |
148 | "Ganda": "Luganda", | |
149 | "Marshallese": "Mashalés", | |
150 | "Malayalam": "Malabar", | |
151 | "Marathi": "Maratí", | |
152 | "Macedonian": "Macedonio", | |
153 | "Malagasy": "Malgache", | |
154 | "Maltese": "Maltés", | |
155 | "Mongolian": "Mongol", | |
156 | "Maori": "Maorí", | |
157 | "Malay (macrolanguage)": "Malayo", | |
158 | "Burmese": "Birmano", | |
159 | "Nauru": "Nauruano", | |
160 | "Navajo": "Navajo", | |
161 | "South Ndebele": "Ndebele del sur", | |
162 | "North Ndebele": "Ndebele del norte", | |
163 | "Ndonga": "Ndonga", | |
164 | "Nepali (macrolanguage)": "Nepalí", | |
165 | "Dutch": "Neerlandés", | |
166 | "Norwegian Nynorsk": "Nynorsk", | |
167 | "Norwegian Bokmål": "Bokmål", | |
168 | "Norwegian": "Noruego", | |
169 | "Nyanja": "Chichewa", | |
170 | "Occitan": "Occitano", | |
171 | "Ojibwa": "Ojibwa", | |
172 | "Oriya (macrolanguage)": "Oriya", | |
173 | "Oromo": "Oromo", | |
174 | "Ossetian": "Osetio", | |
175 | "Panjabi": "Panyabí", | |
176 | "Pakistan Sign Language": "Lenguaje de signos pakistaní", | |
177 | "Polish": "Polaco", | |
178 | "Portuguese": "Portugués", | |
179 | "Pushto": "Pastún", | |
180 | "Quechua": "Quechua", | |
181 | "Romansh": "Romanche", | |
182 | "Romanian": "Rumano", | |
183 | "Russian Sign Language": "Lenguaje de signos ruso", | |
184 | "Rundi": "Kirundí", | |
185 | "Russian": "Ruso", | |
186 | "Sango": "Sango", | |
187 | "Saudi Arabian Sign Language": "Lenguaje de signos saudí", | |
188 | "South African Sign Language": "Lenguaje de signos sudafricana", | |
189 | "Sinhala": "Cingalés", | |
190 | "Slovak": "Eslovaco", | |
191 | "Slovenian": "Esloveno", | |
192 | "Northern Sami": "Sami septentrional", | |
193 | "Samoan": "Samoano", | |
194 | "Shona": "Shona", | |
195 | "Sindhi": "Sindi", | |
196 | "Somali": "Somalí", | |
197 | "Southern Sotho": "Soto meridional", | |
198 | "Spanish": "Español", | |
199 | "Albanian": "Albano", | |
200 | "Sardinian": "Sardo", | |
201 | "Serbian": "Serbio", | |
202 | "Swati": "Suazi", | |
203 | "Sundanese": "Sudanés", | |
204 | "Swahili (macrolanguage)": "Suajili", | |
205 | "Swedish": "Sueco", | |
206 | "Swedish Sign Language": "Lenguaje de signos sueca", | |
207 | "Tahitian": "Tahitiano", | |
208 | "Tamil": "Támil", | |
209 | "Tatar": "Tártaro", | |
210 | "Telugu": "Télugu", | |
211 | "Tajik": "Tayiko", | |
212 | "Tagalog": "Tagalo", | |
213 | "Thai": "Tailandés", | |
214 | "Tigrinya": "Tigriña", | |
215 | "Klingon": "Klingon", | |
216 | "Tonga (Tonga Islands)": "Tongano", | |
217 | "Tswana": "Setsuana", | |
218 | "Tsonga": "Tsonga", | |
219 | "Turkmen": "Turcomano", | |
220 | "Turkish": "Turco", | |
221 | "Twi": "Twi", | |
222 | "Uighur": "Uigur", | |
223 | "Ukrainian": "Ucraniano", | |
224 | "Urdu": "Urdu", | |
225 | "Uzbek": "Uzbeko", | |
226 | "Venda": "Venda", | |
227 | "Vietnamese": "Vietnamita", | |
228 | "Walloon": "Valón", | |
229 | "Wolof": "Wólof", | |
230 | "Xhosa": "Xhosa", | |
231 | "Yiddish": "Yidis", | |
232 | "Yoruba": "Yoruba", | |
233 | "Zhuang": "Chuang", | |
234 | "Chinese": "Chino", | |
235 | "Zulu": "Zulú" | |
236 | } |