]> git.immae.eu Git - github/Chocobozzz/PeerTube.git/blame_incremental - client/src/locale/player.gd.json
Translated using Weblate (Finnish)
[github/Chocobozzz/PeerTube.git] / client / src / locale / player.gd.json
... / ...
2 "Quality": "Càileachd",
3 "Auto": "Fèin-obrachail",
4 "Speed": "Luaths",
5 "Subtitles/CC": "Fo-thiotalan",
6 "peers": "seisean",
7 "peer": "seise",
8 "Go to the video page": "Tadhail air duilleag a’ video",
9 "Settings": "Roghainnean",
10 "Watching this video may reveal your IP address to others.": "Ma choimheadas tu air a’ video seo, dh’fhaoidte gum faic càch an seòladh IP agad.",
11 "Copy the video URL": "Dèan lethbhreac de URL a’ video",
12 "Copy the video URL at the current time": "Dèan lethbhreac de URL a’ video aig an ùine làithreach",
13 "Copy embed code": "Dèan lethbhreac dhen chòd leabachaidh",
14 "Copy magnet URI": "Dèan lethbhreac dhen URI magnet",
15 "Total downloaded: ": "Luchdaidhean a-nuas iomlan: ",
16 "Total uploaded: ": "Luchdaidhean suas iomlan: ",
17 "From servers: ": "O fhrithealaichean: ",
18 "From peers: ": "O sheisean: ",
19 "Normal mode": "Normal mode",
20 "Stats for nerds": "Stats do ghìogaichean",
21 "Theater mode": "Modh taigh-chluich",
22 "Video UUID": "UUID a’ video",
23 "Viewport / Frames": "Raon-seallaidh / Frèamaichean",
24 "Resolution": "Dùmhlachd-bhreacaidh",
25 "Volume": "Volume",
26 "Codecs": "Codecs",
27 "Color": "Color",
28 "Connection Speed": "Luaths a’ cheangail",
29 "Network Activity": "Gnìomhachd an lìonraidh",
30 "Total Transfered": "Air a thar-chur gu h-iomlan",
31 "Download Breakdown": "Mion-fhiosrachadh nan luchdaidhean a-nuas",
32 "Buffer Progress": "Buffer Progress",
33 "Buffer State": "Staid a’ bhufair",
34 "Live Latency": "Foillidheachd bheò",
35 "P2P": "P2P",
36 "{1} seconds": "{1} diog(an)",
37 "enabled": "an comas",
38 "Playlist: {1}": "Playlist: {1}",
39 "disabled": "à comas",
40 " off": " dheth",
41 "Player mode": "Player mode",
42 "The video failed to play, will try to fast forward.": "The video failed to play, will try to fast forward.",
43 "Audio Player": "Cluicheadair fuaime",
44 "Video Player": "Cluicheadair video",
45 "Play": "Cluich",
46 "Pause": "Cuir ’na stad",
47 "Replay": "Cluich a-rithist",
48 "Current Time": "An ùine làithreach",
49 "Duration": "Faide",
50 "Remaining Time": "An ùine air fhàgail",
51 "Stream Type": "Seòrsa an t-sruthaidh",
52 "LIVE": "BEÒ",
53 "Loaded": "Air a luchdadh",
54 "Progress": "Adhartas",
55 "Progress Bar": "Bàr adhartais",
56 "progress bar timing: currentTime={1} duration={2}": "{1} à {2}",
57 "Fullscreen": "Làn-sgrìn",
58 "Non-Fullscreen": "Fàg modh làn-sgrìn",
59 "Mute": "Mùch",
60 "Unmute": "Dì-mhùch",
61 "Playback Rate": "Reat na cluiche",
62 "Subtitles": "Fo-thiotalan",
63 "subtitles off": "fo-thiotalan dheth",
64 "Captions": "Fo-thiotalan",
65 "captions off": "fo-thiotalan dheth",
66 "Chapters": "Caibideil",
67 "Descriptions": "Tuairisgeulan",
68 "descriptions off": "tuairisgeulan dheth",
69 "Audio Track": "Traca fuaime",
70 "Volume Level": "Àirde na fuaime",
71 "You aborted the media playback": "Sguir thu de chluich a’ mheadhain",
72 "A network error caused the media download to fail part-way.": "Cha deach leinn an còrr dhen mheadhan a luchdadh a-nuas ri linn mearachd lìonraidh.",
73 "The media could not be loaded, either because the server or network failed or because the format is not supported.": "Cha b’ urrainn dhuinn am meadhan a luchdadh – dh’fhaoidte gun do dh’fhàillig leis an fhrithealaiche no an lìonra no nach cuir sinn taic ris an fhòrmat.",
74 "The media playback was aborted due to a corruption problem or because the media used features your browser did not support.": "Sguir sinn de chluich a’ mheadhain – dh’fhaoidte gu bheil e coirbte no gu bheil gleus aig a’ mheadhan nach cuir am brabhsair taic ris.",
75 "No compatible source was found for this media.": "Cha ceach tùs co-chòrdail a lorg airson a’ mheadhain seo.",
76 "The media is encrypted and we do not have the keys to decrypt it.": "Tha am meadhan crioptaichte ’s chan eil iuchair dì-chrioptachaidh againn dha.",
77 "Play Video": "Cluich video",
78 "Close": "Dùin",
79 "Close Modal Dialog": "Dùin an còmhradh",
80 "Modal Window": "Uinneag mòdach",
81 "This is a modal window": "Seo uinneag mòdach",
82 "This modal can be closed by pressing the Escape key or activating the close button.": "’S urrainn dhut seo a dhùnadh leis an iuchair Escape no leis a’ phutan dùnaidh.",
83 ", opens captions settings dialog": ", fosglaidh e còmhradh roghainnean nam fo-thiotalan",
84 ", opens subtitles settings dialog": ", fosglaidh e còmhradh nam fo-thiotalan",
85 ", opens descriptions settings dialog": ", fosglaidh e còmhradh roghainnean nan tuairisgeulan",
86 ", selected": ", air a thaghadh",
87 "captions settings": "roghainnean nam fo-thiotalan",
88 "subtitles settings": "roghainnean nam fo-thiotalan",
89 "descriptions settings": "roghainnean nan tuairisgeulan",
90 "Text": "Teacsa",
91 "White": "Geal",
92 "Black": "Dubh",
93 "Red": "Dearg",
94 "Green": "Uaine",
95 "Blue": "Gorm",
96 "Yellow": "Buidhe",
97 "Magenta": "Magenta",
98 "Cyan": "Saidhean",
99 "Background": "Cùlaibh",
100 "Window": "Uinneag",
101 "Transparent": "Trìd-shoilleir",
102 "Semi-Transparent": "Leth-thrìd-shoilleir",
103 "Opaque": "Trìd-dhoilleir",
104 "Font Size": "Meud a’ chrutha-chlò",
105 "Text Edge Style": "Stoidhle oir an teacsa",
106 "None": "Chan eil gin",
107 "Raised": "Àrdaichte",
108 "Depressed": "Air a bhrùthadh",
109 "Uniform": "Cunbhalach",
110 "Dropshadow": "Sgàil",
111 "Font Family": "Teaghlach a’ chrutha-chlò",
112 "Proportional Sans-Serif": "Sans-serif co-rèireach",
113 "Monospace Sans-Serif": "Sans-serif aon-leud",
114 "Proportional Serif": "Serif co-rèireach",
115 "Monospace Serif": "Serif aon-leud",
116 "Casual": "Fuasgailte",
117 "Script": "Sgriobt",
118 "Small Caps": "Ceann-litrichean beaga",
119 "Reset": "Ath-shuidhich",
120 "restore all settings to the default values": "till dhan a h-uile bun-roghainn",
121 "Done": "Deiseil",
122 "Caption Settings Dialog": "Còmhradh roghainnean nam fo-thiotalan",
123 "Beginning of dialog window. Escape will cancel and close the window.": "Toiseach uinneag còmhraidh. Sguiridh Escape dheth ’s dùinidh e an uinneag.",
124 "End of dialog window.": "Deireadh uinneag còmhraidh.",
125 "{1} is loading.": "Tha {1} ’ga luchdadh.",
126 "Uses P2P, others may know you are watching this video.": "Cleachdaidh e P2P, dh’fhaoidte gum bi fios aig càch gu bheil thu a’ coimhead air a’ video seo."