]> git.immae.eu Git - github/shaarli/Shaarli.git/blame_incremental - application/LinkDB.php
Merge pull request #734 from ArthurHoaro/hotfix/api-install-error
[github/shaarli/Shaarli.git] / application / LinkDB.php
... / ...
3 * Data storage for links.
4 *
5 * This object behaves like an associative array.
6 *
7 * Example:
8 * $myLinks = new LinkDB();
9 * echo $myLinks[350]['title'];
10 * foreach ($myLinks as $link)
11 * echo $link['title'].' at url '.$link['url'].'; description:'.$link['description'];
12 *
13 * Available keys:
14 * - id: primary key, incremental integer identifier (persistent)
15 * - description: description of the entry
16 * - created: creation date of this entry, DateTime object.
17 * - updated: last modification date of this entry, DateTime object.
18 * - private: Is this link private? 0=no, other value=yes
19 * - tags: tags attached to this entry (separated by spaces)
20 * - title Title of the link
21 * - url URL of the link. Used for displayable links (no redirector, relative, etc.).
22 * Can be absolute or relative.
23 * Relative URLs are permalinks (e.g.'?m-ukcw')
24 * - real_url Absolute processed URL.
25 * - shorturl Permalink smallhash
26 *
27 * Implements 3 interfaces:
28 * - ArrayAccess: behaves like an associative array;
29 * - Countable: there is a count() method;
30 * - Iterator: usable in foreach () loops.
31 *
32 * ID mechanism:
33 * ArrayAccess is implemented in a way that will allow to access a link
34 * with the unique identifier ID directly with $link[ID].
35 * Note that it's not the real key of the link array attribute.
36 * This mechanism is in place to have persistent link IDs,
37 * even though the internal array is reordered by date.
38 * Example:
39 * - DB: link #1 (2010-01-01) link #2 (2016-01-01)
40 * - Order: #2 #1
41 * - Import links containing: link #3 (2013-01-01)
42 * - New DB: link #1 (2010-01-01) link #2 (2016-01-01) link #3 (2013-01-01)
43 * - Real order: #2 #3 #1
44 */
45class LinkDB implements Iterator, Countable, ArrayAccess
47 // Links are stored as a PHP serialized string
48 private $datastore;
50 // Link date storage format
51 const LINK_DATE_FORMAT = 'Ymd_His';
53 // Datastore PHP prefix
54 protected static $phpPrefix = '<?php /* ';
56 // Datastore PHP suffix
57 protected static $phpSuffix = ' */ ?>';
59 // List of links (associative array)
60 // - key: link date (e.g. "20110823_124546"),
61 // - value: associative array (keys: title, description...)
62 private $links;
64 // List of all recorded URLs (key=url, value=link offset)
65 // for fast reserve search (url-->link offset)
66 private $urls;
68 /**
69 * @var array List of all links IDS mapped with their array offset.
70 * Map: id->offset.
71 */
72 protected $ids;
74 // List of offset keys (for the Iterator interface implementation)
75 private $keys;
77 // Position in the $this->keys array (for the Iterator interface)
78 private $position;
80 // Is the user logged in? (used to filter private links)
81 private $loggedIn;
83 // Hide public links
84 private $hidePublicLinks;
86 // link redirector set in user settings.
87 private $redirector;
89 /**
90 * Set this to `true` to urlencode link behind redirector link, `false` to leave it untouched.
91 *
92 * Example:
93 * anonym.to needs clean URL while dereferer.org needs urlencoded URL.
94 *
95 * @var boolean $redirectorEncode parameter: true or false
96 */
97 private $redirectorEncode;
99 /**
100 * Creates a new LinkDB
101 *
102 * Checks if the datastore exists; else, attempts to create a dummy one.
103 *
104 * @param string $datastore datastore file path.
105 * @param boolean $isLoggedIn is the user logged in?
106 * @param boolean $hidePublicLinks if true all links are private.
107 * @param string $redirector link redirector set in user settings.
108 * @param boolean $redirectorEncode Enable urlencode on redirected urls (default: true).
109 */
110 public function __construct(
111 $datastore,
112 $isLoggedIn,
113 $hidePublicLinks,
114 $redirector = '',
115 $redirectorEncode = true
116 )
117 {
118 $this->datastore = $datastore;
119 $this->loggedIn = $isLoggedIn;
120 $this->hidePublicLinks = $hidePublicLinks;
121 $this->redirector = $redirector;
122 $this->redirectorEncode = $redirectorEncode === true;
123 $this->check();
124 $this->read();
125 }
127 /**
128 * Countable - Counts elements of an object
129 */
130 public function count()
131 {
132 return count($this->links);
133 }
135 /**
136 * ArrayAccess - Assigns a value to the specified offset
137 */
138 public function offsetSet($offset, $value)
139 {
140 // TODO: use exceptions instead of "die"
141 if (!$this->loggedIn) {
142 die('You are not authorized to add a link.');
143 }
144 if (!isset($value['id']) || empty($value['url'])) {
145 die('Internal Error: A link should always have an id and URL.');
146 }
147 if ((! empty($offset) && ! is_int($offset)) || ! is_int($value['id'])) {
148 die('You must specify an integer as a key.');
149 }
150 if (! empty($offset) && $offset !== $value['id']) {
151 die('Array offset and link ID must be equal.');
152 }
154 // If the link exists, we reuse the real offset, otherwise new entry
155 $existing = $this->getLinkOffset($offset);
156 if ($existing !== null) {
157 $offset = $existing;
158 } else {
159 $offset = count($this->links);
160 }
161 $this->links[$offset] = $value;
162 $this->urls[$value['url']] = $offset;
163 $this->ids[$value['id']] = $offset;
164 }
166 /**
167 * ArrayAccess - Whether or not an offset exists
168 */
169 public function offsetExists($offset)
170 {
171 return array_key_exists($this->getLinkOffset($offset), $this->links);
172 }
174 /**
175 * ArrayAccess - Unsets an offset
176 */
177 public function offsetUnset($offset)
178 {
179 if (!$this->loggedIn) {
180 // TODO: raise an exception
181 die('You are not authorized to delete a link.');
182 }
183 $realOffset = $this->getLinkOffset($offset);
184 $url = $this->links[$realOffset]['url'];
185 unset($this->urls[$url]);
186 unset($this->ids[$realOffset]);
187 unset($this->links[$realOffset]);
188 }
190 /**
191 * ArrayAccess - Returns the value at specified offset
192 */
193 public function offsetGet($offset)
194 {
195 $realOffset = $this->getLinkOffset($offset);
196 return isset($this->links[$realOffset]) ? $this->links[$realOffset] : null;
197 }
199 /**
200 * Iterator - Returns the current element
201 */
202 public function current()
203 {
204 return $this[$this->keys[$this->position]];
205 }
207 /**
208 * Iterator - Returns the key of the current element
209 */
210 public function key()
211 {
212 return $this->keys[$this->position];
213 }
215 /**
216 * Iterator - Moves forward to next element
217 */
218 public function next()
219 {
220 ++$this->position;
221 }
223 /**
224 * Iterator - Rewinds the Iterator to the first element
225 *
226 * Entries are sorted by date (latest first)
227 */
228 public function rewind()
229 {
230 $this->keys = array_keys($this->ids);
231 $this->position = 0;
232 }
234 /**
235 * Iterator - Checks if current position is valid
236 */
237 public function valid()
238 {
239 return isset($this->keys[$this->position]);
240 }
242 /**
243 * Checks if the DB directory and file exist
244 *
245 * If no DB file is found, creates a dummy DB.
246 */
247 private function check()
248 {
249 if (file_exists($this->datastore)) {
250 return;
251 }
253 // Create a dummy database for example
254 $this->links = array();
255 $link = array(
256 'id' => 1,
257 'title'=>' Shaarli: the personal, minimalist, super-fast, no-database delicious clone',
258 'url'=>'https://github.com/shaarli/Shaarli/wiki',
259 'description'=>'Welcome to Shaarli! This is your first public bookmark. To edit or delete me, you must first login.
261To learn how to use Shaarli, consult the link "Help/documentation" at the bottom of this page.
263You use the community supported version of the original Shaarli project, by Sebastien Sauvage.',
264 'private'=>0,
265 'created'=> new DateTime(),
266 'tags'=>'opensource software'
267 );
268 $link['shorturl'] = link_small_hash($link['created'], $link['id']);
269 $this->links[1] = $link;
271 $link = array(
272 'id' => 0,
273 'title'=>'My secret stuff... - Pastebin.com',
274 'url'=>'http://sebsauvage.net/paste/?8434b27936c09649#bR7XsXhoTiLcqCpQbmOpBi3rq2zzQUC5hBI7ZT1O3x8=',
275 'description'=>'Shhhh! I\'m a private link only YOU can see. You can delete me too.',
276 'private'=>1,
277 'created'=> new DateTime('1 minute ago'),
278 'tags'=>'secretstuff',
279 );
280 $link['shorturl'] = link_small_hash($link['created'], $link['id']);
281 $this->links[0] = $link;
283 // Write database to disk
284 $this->write();
285 }
287 /**
288 * Reads database from disk to memory
289 */
290 private function read()
291 {
292 // Public links are hidden and user not logged in => nothing to show
293 if ($this->hidePublicLinks && !$this->loggedIn) {
294 $this->links = array();
295 return;
296 }
298 // Read data
299 // Note that gzinflate is faster than gzuncompress.
300 // See: http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.gzdeflate.php#96439
301 $this->links = array();
303 if (file_exists($this->datastore)) {
304 $this->links = unserialize(gzinflate(base64_decode(
305 substr(file_get_contents($this->datastore),
306 strlen(self::$phpPrefix), -strlen(self::$phpSuffix)))));
307 }
309 $toremove = array();
310 foreach ($this->links as $key => &$link) {
311 if (! $this->loggedIn && $link['private'] != 0) {
312 // Transition for not upgraded databases.
313 $toremove[] = $key;
314 continue;
315 }
317 // Sanitize data fields.
318 sanitizeLink($link);
320 // Remove private tags if the user is not logged in.
321 if (! $this->loggedIn) {
322 $link['tags'] = preg_replace('/(^|\s+)\.[^($|\s)]+\s*/', ' ', $link['tags']);
323 }
325 // Do not use the redirector for internal links (Shaarli note URL starting with a '?').
326 if (!empty($this->redirector) && !startsWith($link['url'], '?')) {
327 $link['real_url'] = $this->redirector;
328 if ($this->redirectorEncode) {
329 $link['real_url'] .= urlencode(unescape($link['url']));
330 } else {
331 $link['real_url'] .= $link['url'];
332 }
333 }
334 else {
335 $link['real_url'] = $link['url'];
336 }
338 // To be able to load links before running the update, and prepare the update
339 if (! isset($link['created'])) {
340 $link['id'] = $link['linkdate'];
341 $link['created'] = DateTime::createFromFormat(self::LINK_DATE_FORMAT, $link['linkdate']);
342 if (! empty($link['updated'])) {
343 $link['updated'] = DateTime::createFromFormat(self::LINK_DATE_FORMAT, $link['updated']);
344 }
345 $link['shorturl'] = smallHash($link['linkdate']);
346 }
347 }
349 // If user is not logged in, filter private links.
350 foreach ($toremove as $offset) {
351 unset($this->links[$offset]);
352 }
354 $this->reorder();
355 }
357 /**
358 * Saves the database from memory to disk
359 *
360 * @throws IOException the datastore is not writable
361 */
362 private function write()
363 {
364 if (is_file($this->datastore) && !is_writeable($this->datastore)) {
365 // The datastore exists but is not writeable
366 throw new IOException($this->datastore);
367 } else if (!is_file($this->datastore) && !is_writeable(dirname($this->datastore))) {
368 // The datastore does not exist and its parent directory is not writeable
369 throw new IOException(dirname($this->datastore));
370 }
372 file_put_contents(
373 $this->datastore,
374 self::$phpPrefix.base64_encode(gzdeflate(serialize($this->links))).self::$phpSuffix
375 );
377 }
379 /**
380 * Saves the database from memory to disk
381 *
382 * @param string $pageCacheDir page cache directory
383 */
384 public function save($pageCacheDir)
385 {
386 if (!$this->loggedIn) {
387 // TODO: raise an Exception instead
388 die('You are not authorized to change the database.');
389 }
391 $this->write();
393 invalidateCaches($pageCacheDir);
394 }
396 /**
397 * Returns the link for a given URL, or False if it does not exist.
398 *
399 * @param string $url URL to search for
400 *
401 * @return mixed the existing link if it exists, else 'false'
402 */
403 public function getLinkFromUrl($url)
404 {
405 if (isset($this->urls[$url])) {
406 return $this->links[$this->urls[$url]];
407 }
408 return false;
409 }
411 /**
412 * Returns the shaare corresponding to a smallHash.
413 *
414 * @param string $request QUERY_STRING server parameter.
415 *
416 * @return array $filtered array containing permalink data.
417 *
418 * @throws LinkNotFoundException if the smallhash is malformed or doesn't match any link.
419 */
420 public function filterHash($request)
421 {
422 $request = substr($request, 0, 6);
423 $linkFilter = new LinkFilter($this->links);
424 return $linkFilter->filter(LinkFilter::$FILTER_HASH, $request);
425 }
427 /**
428 * Returns the list of articles for a given day.
429 *
430 * @param string $request day to filter. Format: YYYYMMDD.
431 *
432 * @return array list of shaare found.
433 */
434 public function filterDay($request) {
435 $linkFilter = new LinkFilter($this->links);
436 return $linkFilter->filter(LinkFilter::$FILTER_DAY, $request);
437 }
439 /**
440 * Filter links according to search parameters.
441 *
442 * @param array $filterRequest Search request content. Supported keys:
443 * - searchtags: list of tags
444 * - searchterm: term search
445 * @param bool $casesensitive Optional: Perform case sensitive filter
446 * @param bool $privateonly Optional: Returns private links only if true.
447 *
448 * @return array filtered links, all links if no suitable filter was provided.
449 */
450 public function filterSearch($filterRequest = array(), $casesensitive = false, $privateonly = false)
451 {
452 // Filter link database according to parameters.
453 $searchtags = !empty($filterRequest['searchtags']) ? escape($filterRequest['searchtags']) : '';
454 $searchterm = !empty($filterRequest['searchterm']) ? escape($filterRequest['searchterm']) : '';
456 // Search tags + fullsearch.
457 if (! empty($searchtags) && ! empty($searchterm)) {
458 $type = LinkFilter::$FILTER_TAG | LinkFilter::$FILTER_TEXT;
459 $request = array($searchtags, $searchterm);
460 }
461 // Search by tags.
462 elseif (! empty($searchtags)) {
463 $type = LinkFilter::$FILTER_TAG;
464 $request = $searchtags;
465 }
466 // Fulltext search.
467 elseif (! empty($searchterm)) {
468 $type = LinkFilter::$FILTER_TEXT;
469 $request = $searchterm;
470 }
471 // Otherwise, display without filtering.
472 else {
473 $type = '';
474 $request = '';
475 }
477 $linkFilter = new LinkFilter($this);
478 return $linkFilter->filter($type, $request, $casesensitive, $privateonly);
479 }
481 /**
482 * Returns the list of all tags
483 * Output: associative array key=tags, value=0
484 */
485 public function allTags()
486 {
487 $tags = array();
488 $caseMapping = array();
489 foreach ($this->links as $link) {
490 foreach (preg_split('/\s+/', $link['tags'], 0, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY) as $tag) {
491 if (empty($tag)) {
492 continue;
493 }
494 // The first case found will be displayed.
495 if (!isset($caseMapping[strtolower($tag)])) {
496 $caseMapping[strtolower($tag)] = $tag;
497 $tags[$caseMapping[strtolower($tag)]] = 0;
498 }
499 $tags[$caseMapping[strtolower($tag)]]++;
500 }
501 }
502 // Sort tags by usage (most used tag first)
503 arsort($tags);
504 return $tags;
505 }
507 /**
508 * Returns the list of days containing articles (oldest first)
509 * Output: An array containing days (in format YYYYMMDD).
510 */
511 public function days()
512 {
513 $linkDays = array();
514 foreach ($this->links as $link) {
515 $linkDays[$link['created']->format('Ymd')] = 0;
516 }
517 $linkDays = array_keys($linkDays);
518 sort($linkDays);
520 return $linkDays;
521 }
523 /**
524 * Reorder links by creation date (newest first).
525 *
526 * Also update the urls and ids mapping arrays.
527 *
528 * @param string $order ASC|DESC
529 */
530 public function reorder($order = 'DESC')
531 {
532 $order = $order === 'ASC' ? -1 : 1;
533 // Reorder array by dates.
534 usort($this->links, function($a, $b) use ($order) {
535 return $a['created'] < $b['created'] ? 1 * $order : -1 * $order;
536 });
538 $this->urls = array();
539 $this->ids = array();
540 foreach ($this->links as $key => $link) {
541 $this->urls[$link['url']] = $key;
542 $this->ids[$link['id']] = $key;
543 }
544 }
546 /**
547 * Return the next key for link creation.
548 * E.g. If the last ID is 597, the next will be 598.
549 *
550 * @return int next ID.
551 */
552 public function getNextId()
553 {
554 if (!empty($this->ids)) {
555 return max(array_keys($this->ids)) + 1;
556 }
557 return 0;
558 }
560 /**
561 * Returns a link offset in links array from its unique ID.
562 *
563 * @param int $id Persistent ID of a link.
564 *
565 * @return int Real offset in local array, or null if doesn't exist.
566 */
567 protected function getLinkOffset($id)
568 {
569 if (isset($this->ids[$id])) {
570 return $this->ids[$id];
571 }
572 return null;
573 }