]> git.immae.eu Git - github/wallabag/wallabag.git/blame_incremental - app/config/config.yml
Move related event things in Event folder
[github/wallabag/wallabag.git] / app / config / config.yml
... / ...
2 - { resource: parameters.yml }
3 - { resource: security.yml }
4 - { resource: services.yml }
7 #esi: ~
8 translator:
9 enabled: true
10 fallback: "%locale%"
11 secret: "%secret%"
12 router:
13 resource: "%kernel.root_dir%/config/routing.yml"
14 strict_requirements: ~
15 form: ~
16 csrf_protection: ~
17 validation:
18 enable_annotations: true
19 templating:
20 engines: ['twig']
21 default_locale: "%locale%"
22 trusted_hosts: ~
23 trusted_proxies: ~
24 session:
25 # handler_id set to null will use default session handler from php.ini
26 handler_id: session.handler.native_file
27 save_path: "%kernel.root_dir%/../var/sessions/%kernel.environment%"
28 fragments: ~
29 http_method_override: true
30 assets: ~
33 version: 2.1.3-dev
34 paypal_url: "https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=9UBA65LG3FX9Y&lc=gb"
35 languages:
36 en: 'English'
37 fr: 'Français'
38 de: 'Deutsch'
39 tr: 'Türkçe'
40 fa: 'فارسی'
41 ro: 'Română'
42 pl: 'Polish'
43 da: 'Dansk'
44 es: 'Español'
45 oc: 'Occitan'
46 it: 'Italiano'
47 items_on_page: 12
48 theme: material
49 language: '%locale%'
50 rss_limit: 50
51 reading_speed: 1
52 cache_lifetime: 10
53 fetching_error_message: "wallabag can't retrieve contents for this article. Please report this issue to us."
56 registration_enabled: "%fosuser_registration%"
59 allow_mimetypes: ['application/octet-stream', 'application/json', 'text/plain', 'text/csv']
60 resource_dir: "%kernel.root_dir%/../web/uploads/import"
62# Twig Configuration
64 debug: "%kernel.debug%"
65 strict_variables: "%kernel.debug%"
66 form_themes:
67 - "LexikFormFilterBundle:Form:form_div_layout.html.twig"
68 exception_controller: wallabag_core.exception_controller:showAction
70# Doctrine Configuration
72 dbal:
73 driver: "%database_driver%"
74 host: "%database_host%"
75 port: "%database_port%"
76 dbname: "%database_name%"
77 user: "%database_user%"
78 password: "%database_password%"
79 charset: "%database_charset%"
80 path: "%database_path%"
81 unix_socket: "%database_socket%"
82 server_version: 5.6
84 orm:
85 auto_generate_proxy_classes: "%kernel.debug%"
86 entity_managers:
87 default:
88 auto_mapping: true
91 default_locale: "%locale%"
92 translation_fallback: true
93 orm:
94 default:
95 tree: true
96 sluggable: true
99 dir_name: "%kernel.root_dir%/DoctrineMigrations"
100 namespace: Application\Migrations
101 table_name: migration_versions
102 name: Application Migrations
104# Swiftmailer Configuration
106 transport: "%mailer_transport%"
107 host: "%mailer_host%"
108 username: "%mailer_user%"
109 password: "%mailer_password%"
110 spool:
111 type: memory
114 param_fetcher_listener: true
115 body_listener: true
116 view:
117 mime_types:
118 csv:
119 - 'text/csv'
120 - 'text/plain'
121 pdf:
122 - 'application/pdf'
123 epub:
124 - 'application/epub+zip'
125 mobi:
126 - 'application/x-mobipocket-ebook'
127 view_response_listener: 'force'
128 formats:
129 xml: true
130 json: true
131 txt: true
132 csv: true
133 pdf: true
134 epub: true
135 mobi: true
136 templating_formats:
137 html: true
138 force_redirects:
139 html: true
140 failed_validation: HTTP_BAD_REQUEST
141 default_engine: twig
142 routing_loader:
143 default_format: json
144 format_listener:
145 enabled: true
146 rules:
147 - { path: "^/api/entries/([0-9]+)/export.(.*)", priorities: ['epub', 'mobi', 'pdf', 'txt', 'csv'], fallback_format: false, prefer_extension: false }
148 - { path: "^/api", priorities: ['json', 'xml'], fallback_format: false, prefer_extension: false }
149 - { path: "^/annotations", priorities: ['json', 'xml'], fallback_format: false, prefer_extension: false }
150 # for an unknown reason, EACH REQUEST goes to FOS\RestBundle\EventListener\FormatListener
151 # so we need to add custom rule for custom api export but also for all other routes of the application...
152 - { path: '^/', priorities: ['text/html', '*/*'], fallback_format: html, prefer_extension: false }
155 sandbox:
156 enabled: false
157 cache:
158 enabled: true
159 name: wallabag API documentation
162 defaults:
163 allow_credentials: false
164 allow_origin: []
165 allow_headers: []
166 allow_methods: []
167 expose_headers: []
168 max_age: 0
169 hosts: []
170 #origin_regex: false
171 paths:
172 '^/api/':
173 allow_origin: ['*']
174 allow_headers: ['X-Custom-Auth']
175 allow_methods: ['POST', 'PUT', 'PATCH','GET', 'DELETE']
176 max_age: 3600
177 '^/oauth/':
178 allow_origin: ['*']
179 allow_headers: ['X-Custom-Auth']
180 allow_methods: ['POST', 'PUT', 'GET', 'DELETE']
181 max_age: 3600
182 '^/':
183 #origin_regex: true
184 allow_origin: ['^http://localhost:[0-9]+']
185 allow_headers: ['X-Custom-Auth']
186 allow_methods: ['POST', 'PUT', 'GET', 'DELETE']
187 max_age: 3600
188 hosts: ['^api\.']
191 load_controllers: false
192 themes:
193 - baggy
194 - material
195 autodetect_theme: wallabag_core.helper.detect_active_theme
197 path_patterns:
198 bundle_resource:
199 - "%%bundle_path%%/Resources/views/themes/%%current_theme%%/%%template%%"
202 db_driver: orm
203 firewall_name: secured_area
204 user_class: Wallabag\UserBundle\Entity\User
205 registration:
206 confirmation:
207 enabled: "%fosuser_confirmation%"
208 from_email:
209 address: "%from_email%"
210 sender_name: wallabag
212 db_driver: orm
213 client_class: Wallabag\ApiBundle\Entity\Client
214 access_token_class: Wallabag\ApiBundle\Entity\AccessToken
215 refresh_token_class: Wallabag\ApiBundle\Entity\RefreshToken
216 auth_code_class: Wallabag\ApiBundle\Entity\AuthCode
217 service:
218 user_provider: fos_user.user_manager
221 trusted_computer:
222 enabled: true
223 cookie_name: wllbg_trusted_computer
224 cookie_lifetime: 2592000
226 email:
227 enabled: "%twofactor_auth%"
228 sender_email: "%twofactor_sender%"
229 digits: 6
230 template: WallabagUserBundle:Authentication:form.html.twig
231 mailer: wallabag_user.auth_code_mailer
234 executors:
235 doctrine: true
238 authorized:
239 ips: ['']
240 driver:
241 ttl: 3600
242 class: 'Lexik\Bundle\MaintenanceBundle\Drivers\DatabaseDriver'
243 response:
244 code: 503
245 status: "wallabag Service Temporarily Unavailable"
248 connections:
249 default:
250 host: "%rabbitmq_host%"
251 port: "%rabbitmq_port%"
252 user: "%rabbitmq_user%"
253 password: "%rabbitmq_password%"
254 vhost: /
255 lazy: true
256 producers:
257 import_pocket:
258 connection: default
259 exchange_options:
260 name: 'wallabag.import.pocket'
261 type: topic
262 import_readability:
263 connection: default
264 exchange_options:
265 name: 'wallabag.import.readability'
266 type: topic
267 import_instapaper:
268 connection: default
269 exchange_options:
270 name: 'wallabag.import.instapaper'
271 type: topic
272 import_wallabag_v1:
273 connection: default
274 exchange_options:
275 name: 'wallabag.import.wallabag_v1'
276 type: topic
277 import_wallabag_v2:
278 connection: default
279 exchange_options:
280 name: 'wallabag.import.wallabag_v2'
281 type: topic
282 import_firefox:
283 connection: default
284 exchange_options:
285 name: 'wallabag.import.firefox'
286 type: topic
287 import_chrome:
288 connection: default
289 exchange_options:
290 name: 'wallabag.import.chrome'
291 type: topic
292 consumers:
293 import_pocket:
294 connection: default
295 exchange_options:
296 name: 'wallabag.import.pocket'
297 type: topic
298 queue_options:
299 name: 'wallabag.import.pocket'
300 callback: wallabag_import.consumer.amqp.pocket
301 import_readability:
302 connection: default
303 exchange_options:
304 name: 'wallabag.import.readability'
305 type: topic
306 queue_options:
307 name: 'wallabag.import.readability'
308 callback: wallabag_import.consumer.amqp.readability
309 import_instapaper:
310 connection: default
311 exchange_options:
312 name: 'wallabag.import.instapaper'
313 type: topic
314 queue_options:
315 name: 'wallabag.import.instapaper'
316 callback: wallabag_import.consumer.amqp.instapaper
317 import_wallabag_v1:
318 connection: default
319 exchange_options:
320 name: 'wallabag.import.wallabag_v1'
321 type: topic
322 queue_options:
323 name: 'wallabag.import.wallabag_v1'
324 callback: wallabag_import.consumer.amqp.wallabag_v1
325 import_wallabag_v2:
326 connection: default
327 exchange_options:
328 name: 'wallabag.import.wallabag_v2'
329 type: topic
330 queue_options:
331 name: 'wallabag.import.wallabag_v2'
332 callback: wallabag_import.consumer.amqp.wallabag_v2
333 import_firefox:
334 connection: default
335 exchange_options:
336 name: 'wallabag.import.firefox'
337 type: topic
338 queue_options:
339 name: 'wallabag.import.firefox'
340 callback: wallabag_import.consumer.amqp.firefox
341 import_chrome:
342 connection: default
343 exchange_options:
344 name: 'wallabag.import.chrome'
345 type: topic
346 queue_options:
347 name: 'wallabag.import.chrome'
348 callback: wallabag_import.consumer.amqp.chrome