]> git.immae.eu Git - github/fretlink/edi-parser.git/blame - specification/references/D96A/simples/7161.txt
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[github/fretlink/edi-parser.git] / specification / references / D96A / simples / 7161.txt
2* 7161 Special services, coded\r
4 Desc: Code identifying a special service.\r
6 Repr: an..3\r
8 AA Advertising allowance\r
9 Description to be provided.\r
10 AAA Telecommunication charges\r
11 Self-explanatory.\r
12 AAB Returned goods charges\r
13 Self-explanatory.\r
14 AAC Modification costs\r
15 Costs for technical modifications to a product.\r
16 AAD Job-order production\r
17 Costs of job-order production; only used in invoices.\r
18 AAE Outlays\r
19 Outlays incurred in the company's interest for an\r
20 installation order.\r
21 AAF Off-premises surcharge\r
22 Expenses on top of service-rates for non-local\r
23 activities.\r
24 AAG Gold surcharge\r
25 Difference between current price and basic value\r
26 contained in product price.\r
27 AAH Processing surcharge\r
28 Charging for increased processing costs.\r
29 AAI Attestation fee\r
30 Outlays incurred by official attestation (by public\r
31 authorities).\r
32 AAJ Copper surcharge\r
33 Difference between current price and basic value\r
34 contained in product price.\r
35 AAK Energy surcharge\r
36 Surcharge for energy costs.\r
37 AAL Deduction for missing parts\r
38 Deduction for missing parts.\r
39 AAM Rubber surcharge\r
40 Difference between current price and basic value\r
41 contained in product price.\r
42 AAN Brass surcharge\r
43 Difference between current price and basic value\r
44 contained in product price.\r
45 AAO Material surcharge/deduction\r
46 Percentage-based surcharge/deduction, calculated for\r
47 higher/ lower material's consumption.\r
48 AAP Lead surcharge\r
49 Difference between current price and basic value\r
50 contained in product price.\r
51 AAQ Price index surcharge\r
52 Higher/lower price, resulting from change in costs\r
53 between the times of making offer and delivery.\r
54 AAR Platinum surcharge\r
55 Difference between current price and basic value\r
56 contained in product price.\r
57 AAS Acceptance cost\r
58 Charge for testing.\r
59 AAT Rush delivery\r
60 Charge for increased delivery speed.\r
61 AAU Selenium surcharge\r
62 Difference between current price and basic value\r
63 contained in product price.\r
64 AAV Special construction charge\r
65 Charge for costs incurred as result of special\r
66 constructions.\r
67 AAW Deduction for delayed return\r
68 Deduction for delayed return of goods.\r
69 AAX Wolfram surcharge\r
70 Difference between current price and basic value\r
71 contained in product price.\r
72 AAY Airport fee\r
73 Charge associated with usage of airport facilities.\r
74 AAZ Concession fee\r
75 Fee imposed by an airport to allow used of that facility.\r
76 ABA Compulsory storage fee\r
77 Fee levied to cover the cost of carrying a certain amount\r
78 of compulsory inventory (set by regulatory agency).\r
79 ABB Defuel\r
80 Remove or off-load fuel from vehicle, vessel or craft.\r
81 ABC Into plane fee\r
82 Charge associated with providing goods delivered to an\r
83 aircraft from local storage.\r
84 ABD Overtime\r
85 Fee charge for service rendered beyond the established\r
86 limit of working hours.\r
87 ABE Reservicing charge\r
88 Fee for services provided after initial service.\r
89 ABF Tooling cost\r
90 Item or service relates to tooling, not direct provision\r
91 of goods.\r
92 ABG Tooling charge\r
93 Item or service relates to tooling charges, not direct\r
94 provision of goods.\r
95 ABH Throughput allowance\r
96 Allowance for reaching or exceeding an agreed throughput\r
97 threshold.\r
98 ABI Superfund fee\r
99 Fee imposed for superfund, a US-government fund created\r
100 for the clean-up or eradication of sites at which toxic\r
101 waste, hazardous to the environment, has been dumped.\r
102 ABJ Airport system fee\r
103 Fee associated with the use of the hydrant and storage\r
104 system at an airport.\r
105 ABK Miscellaneous\r
106 The service provided for the stated charge is not\r
107 defined.\r
108 ABL Packaging surcharge\r
109 Additional charge for packaging of items.\r
110 ABM Scrap surcharge\r
111 Additional charge on an item's price for the cost of\r
112 constituent scrap.\r
113| ABN Dunnage charge\r
114 A charge incurred to cover the costs of the additional\r
115 padding materials and labour required to secure and\r
116 protect a cargo within a shipping container.\r
117 ABO Air freight transportation\r
118 Additional charge on an item's price for air freight\r
119 transportation.\r
120 ABP Carriage charge\r
121 Additional charge on an item's price for the carriage.\r
122 ABQ Tonnage rebate\r
123 Rebate based on the weight of the goods.\r
124 ABR Containerisation\r
125 Additional charge on an item's price for\r
126 containerisation.\r
127 ABS Carton packing\r
128 Additional charge on an item's price for carton packing.\r
129 ABT Hessian wrapped\r
130 Additional charge on an item's price for hessian\r
131 wrapping.\r
132 ABU Polyethylene wrap packing\r
133 Additional charge on an item's price for polyethylene\r
134 wrap packing.\r
135 ABV Miscellaneous customs charge\r
136 Non-defined customs charge.\r
137 ABW Customs duty charge\r
138 Additional charge on an item's price for customs duty.\r
139 ABX Miscellaneous special tooling charge\r
140 Non-defined additional charge on an item's price for\r
141 special tooling.\r
142 ABY Tooling amortisation\r
143 Additional charge on an item's price for tooling\r
144 amortisation.\r
145 ABZ Miscellaneous rebate or discount\r
146 Non-defined rebate or discount.\r
147 ACA Allowance\r
148 Non-defined allowance.\r
149 ACB Future discount off retail\r
150 Expected future discount off retail.\r
151 ACC Miscellaneous setting costs (tooling)\r
152 Non-defined additional charge on an item's price for\r
153 tooling costs.\r
154 ACD Minimum amount costs for quantity based surcharges\r
155 The minimum amount for surcharges that are related to the\r
156 quantity referred to.\r
157 ACE Below schedule quantity after quantity-based surcharge\r
158 An adjustment made since the quantity was below the\r
159 quantity-based surcharge.\r
160 ACF Miscellaneous treatment\r
161 Non-defined additional charge on an item's price for\r
162 treatment.\r
163 ACG Enamelling treatment\r
164 Additional charge on an item's price for enamelling\r
165 treatment.\r
166 ACH Heat treatment\r
167 Additional charge on an item's price for heat treatment.\r
168 ACI Plating treatment\r
169 Additional charge on an item's price for plating\r
170 treatment.\r
171 ACJ Painting\r
172 Additional charge on an item's price for painting.\r
173 ACK Polishing\r
174 Additional charge on an item's price for polishing.\r
175 ACL Priming\r
176 Additional charge on an item's price for priming.\r
177 ACM Preservation treatment\r
178 Additional charge on an item's price for preservation\r
179 treatment.\r
180 ACN Miscellaneous other surcharges\r
181 Non-defined surcharges.\r
182 ACO Alloy surcharge\r
183 Additional charge on an item's price for alloy.\r
184 ACP Coke surcharge\r
185 Additional charge on an item's price for coke.\r
186 ACQ Royalty surcharge\r
187 Additional charge on an item's price for royalty.\r
188 ACR Wheel handling charge\r
189 Additional charge on an item's price for wheel handling.\r
190 ACS Fitting surcharge\r
191 Additional charge on an item's price for fitting.\r
192 ACT Non-standard surcharge\r
193 The surcharge is a non-standard charge.\r
194 ACU Standard surcharge\r
195 The surcharge is a standard charge.\r
196 ACV Wheel surcharge\r
197 Additional charge on an item's price for wheels.\r
198 ACW Washer surcharge\r
199 Additional charge on an item's price for washers.\r
200 ACX Ocean freight charge\r
201 The transportation charge relating to the ocean segment\r
202 of a international journey.\r
203 ACY Container deposit charge\r
204 The charge relating to the packaging of a product in a\r
205 container when the container is expected to be returned\r
206 and has value when empty.\r
207 ACZ Damaged merchandise\r
208 The charge or credit relating to the circumstance of\r
209 product being damaged and not saleable.\r
210 ADA Bopsheet charge\r
211 A charge relating to securing a stack of product on a\r
212 bopsheet.\r
213 ADB Drum deposit\r
214 Deposit paid on a returnable drum.\r
215 ADC Consolidation\r
216 The charge relating to additional services for\r
217 consolidating multiple consignments into one shipment.\r
218 ADD Inland transportation\r
219 The transportation charge related to the inland segment\r
220 of a journey.\r
221 ADE Bill of lading charge\r
222 The charge relating to the service of providing bill of\r
223 lading document.\r
224 ADF Excise tax-destination\r
225 The excise tax applied to a product by the country of\r
226 destination.\r
227 ADG Customs bond charge\r
228 Place of destination Customs department charge for\r
229 processing a request to have goods brought into the\r
230 country without paying the appropriate duties and taxes\r
231 upon entry.\r
232 ADH Per pound charge\r
233 A charge that is directly related to the weight in pounds\r
234 of the product being sold and/or delivered.\r
235 ADI Royalties\r
236 A share of the sales charge reversed by the grantor.\r
237 ADJ Airbag charge\r
238 A charge for surrounding a product with an air bag.\r
239 ADK Transfer charge\r
240 A charge relating to the additional transfer of goods and\r
241 services from one entity to another.\r
242 ADL Slipsheet charge\r
243 A charge relating to securing a stack of product on a\r
244 slipsheet.\r
245+ ADM Binding services\r
246 A code indicating binding services.\r
247+ ADN Repair or replacement of broken returnable package\r
248 The repair or replacement of a broken returnable package.\r
249+ ADO Efficient logistics\r
250 A code indicating efficient logistics services.\r
251+ ADP Merchandising\r
252 A code indicating that merchandising services are in\r
253 operation.\r
254+ ADQ Product mix\r
255 A code indicating that product mixing services are in\r
256 operation.\r
257+ ADR Other services\r
258 A code indicating that other non-specific services are in\r
259 operation.\r
260+ ADS Full pallet ordering\r
261 Ordering of a full pallet of a product.\r
262+ ADT Pick-up\r
263 For the pick-up or collection of goods.\r
264 AG Silver surcharge\r
265 Difference between current price and basic value\r
266 contained in product price.\r
267 AJ Adjustments\r
268 Description to be provided.\r
269 AL Aluminium surcharge\r
270 Difference between current price and basic value\r
271 contained in product price.\r
272 AM Additional material\r
273 Surcharge for material additionally needed in the\r
274 production of the item.\r
275 AU Authentication charge\r
276 Charge to cover authentication costs and fees.\r
277 CA Cataloguing services\r
278 Description to be provided.\r
279 CAA Cancellation charge\r
280 Charge incurring with cancellation.\r
281 CAB Cartage\r
282 Self-explanatory.\r
283 CAC Cash discount\r
284 Discount incurring with cash payment.\r
285 CAD Certification fee\r
286 Fee raised for certification services.\r
287 CAE Certificate of conformance\r
288 Description to be provided.\r
289 CAF Certificate of origin\r
290 Charge concerning certificate of origin.\r
291 CAG Competitive allowance\r
292 Price adjustment allowed for market conditions or\r
293 factors.\r
294 CAH Competitive auto allowance\r
295 Description to be provided.\r
296 CAI Cutting charge\r
297 Description to be provided.\r
298 CAJ Consular costs\r
299 Charge to cover consular costs.\r
300 CAK Customer collection rebate\r
301 Description to be provided.\r
302 CB Commission\r
303 Description to be provided.\r
304 CD Car loading\r
305 Costs incurred with car loading.\r
306 CG Cleaning charge\r
307 Charge for cleaning an item.\r
308 CK COD charge\r
309 Description to be provided.\r
310 CL Contract allowance\r
311 Description to be provided.\r
312 CO Cents off\r
313 Description to be provided.\r
314 CP Competitive price\r
315 Description to be provided.\r
316 CS Cigarette stamping\r
317 Description to be provided.\r
318 CT Count and recount\r
319 Description to be provided.\r
320 CW Container allowance\r
321 Description to be provided.\r
322 DA Defective allowance\r
323 Description to be provided.\r
324 DAA Deficit freight\r
325 Description to be provided.\r
326 DAB Layout/design\r
327 Description to be provided.\r
328 DAD Driver assigned unloading\r
329 Charges to cover handling costs for unloading by driver.\r
330 DAE Distributor discount/allowance\r
331 Specific discount/allowance for distributors.\r
332 DI Discount\r
333 A reduction from a usual or list price.\r
334 DL Delivery\r
335 Description to be provided.\r
336 DM Demurrage\r
337 The compensation payable to a carrier or freight whose\r
338 vehicle or vessel is delayed, as by failure to load or\r
339 unload the freight within the time allowed.\r
340 EAA Early buy allowance\r
341 Allowance granted to customers buying early.\r
342 EAB Early payment allowance\r
343 Allowance granted to customers paying early.\r
344 EG Engraving\r
345 Description to be provided.\r
346 EP Expediting premium\r
347 Description to be provided.\r
348 ER Exchange rate guarantee charge\r
349 Description to be provided.\r
350 EX Export shipping charge\r
351 Description to be provided.\r
352 FA Freight allowance\r
353 Description to be provided.\r
354 FAA Fabrication charge\r
355 Description to be provided.\r
356 FAB Freight equalization\r
357 Description to be provided.\r
358 FAC Freight surcharge\r
359 Charge on shipment for extraordinary handling.\r
360 FC Freight charge\r
361 Amount to be paid for moving goods, by whatever means,\r
362 from one place to another, inclusive discounts,\r
363 allowances, rebates, adjustment factors and additional\r
364 cost relating to freight costs (UN/ECE Recommendation no\r
365 23).\r
366 FG Free goods\r
367 Allowance or rebate granted by delivery of goods free of\r
368 charge.\r
369 FH Filling/handling charge\r
370 Description to be provided.\r
371 FI Finance charge\r
372 Description to be provided.\r
373 FN Special finish charge\r
374 Description to be provided.\r
375 FR Flat rate\r
376 Description to be provided.\r
377 GAA Grinding\r
378 Description to be provided.\r
379 HAA Hose charge\r
380 Description to be provided.\r
381 HD Handling\r
382 Charge for handling of the item.\r
383 HH Hoisting and hauling\r
384 Description to be provided.\r
385 IA Invoice adjustment\r
386 Description to be provided.\r
387 IAA Installation\r
388 Costs incurred for installation.\r
389 IAB Installation and warranty\r
390 Description to be provided.\r
391 ID Inside delivery charge\r
392 Description to be provided.\r
393 IF Inspection fee\r
394 Fee raised for inspection.\r
395 IN Insurance\r
396 Charge for insurance.\r
397 IR Installation and training\r
398 Description to be provided.\r
399 IS Invoice services\r
400 Description to be provided.\r
401 KO Koshering\r
402 Description to be provided.\r
403 L1 Shipper load, carrier count\r
404 Description to be provided.\r
405 LA Labelling\r
406 Description to be provided.\r
407 LAA Labour charge\r
408 Charge raised for labour services.\r
409 LAB Labor (repair and return orders)\r
410 Description to be provided.\r
411 LAC License fee\r
412 Description to be provided.\r
413 LF Legalisation fee\r
414 Self explanatory.\r
415 LS Local sales tax\r
416 (All applicable sales taxes by authorities below the\r
417 state level).\r
418 MA Material allowance (special materials)\r
419 Description to be provided.\r
420 MAA Mileage or travel\r
421 Description to be provided.\r
422 MAB Mileage fee (for repair and return)\r
423 Description to be provided.\r
424 MAC Minimum order/minimum billing charge\r
425 Description to be provided.\r
426 MAD Monthly rental\r
427 Description to be provided.\r
428 MAE Mounting\r
429 Description to be provided.\r
430 MC Material surcharge (special materials)\r
431 Description to be provided.\r
432 MI Mail invoice\r
433 Description to be provided.\r
434 ML Mail invoice to each location\r
435 Description to be provided.\r
436 NAA Non-returnable containers\r
437 Description to be provided.\r
438 OA Outside cable connectors\r
439 Description to be provided.\r
440 OAA Overtime loading\r
441 Description to be provided.\r
442 PA Pack invoice with shipment\r
443 Description to be provided.\r
444 PAA Phosphatizing (steel treatment)\r
445 Description to be provided.\r
446 PAB Postage charge\r
447 Description to be provided.\r
448 PAC Premium charge\r
449 Description to be provided.\r
450 PAD Promotional allowance\r
451 Description to be provided.\r
452 PAE Promotional discount\r
453 Description to be provided.\r
454 PC Packing\r
455 Charge for packing.\r
456 PD Palladium surcharge\r
457 Difference between current price and basic value\r
458 contained in product price.\r
459 PI Pick-up allowance\r
460 Description to be provided.\r
461 PL Palletizing\r
462 Description to be provided.\r
463 PN Pallet charge\r
464 Description to be provided.\r
465 PO Per order charge\r
466 Description to be provided.\r
467 QAA Quantity surcharge\r
468 Fee associated with providing goods outside "normal"\r
469 quantity limits.\r
470 QD Quantity discount\r
471 Description to be provided.\r
472 RAA Rebate\r
473 Description to be provided.\r
474 RAB Repack charge\r
475 Description to be provided.\r
476 RAC Repair\r
477 Description to be provided.\r
478 RAD Returnable container\r
479 Description to be provided.\r
480 RAE Resellers discount\r
481 Description to be provided.\r
482 RAF Restocking charge\r
483 Description to be provided.\r
484 RAG Roll rebate\r
485 Description to be provided.\r
486 RAH Road/rail tanker rebate\r
487 Description to be provided.\r
488 RE Re-delivery charge\r
489 Description to be provided.\r
490 RF Refurbishing charge\r
491 Description to be provided.\r
492 RH Rail wagon hire\r
493 Description to be provided.\r
494 RO Roe allowance/charge\r
495 Description to be provided.\r
496 RP Repair charge\r
497 Description to be provided.\r
498 RV Freight charge/costs of loading\r
499 Description to be provided.\r
500 SA Salvage\r
501 Description to be provided.\r
502 SAA Shipping and handling\r
503 Description to be provided.\r
504 SAB Special allowance\r
505 Description to be provided.\r
506 SAC Special credit\r
507 Description to be provided.\r
508 SAD Special packaging\r
509 Description to be provided.\r
510 SAE Stamping\r
511 Description to be provided.\r
512 SAF Supplemental items\r
513 Description to be provided.\r
514 SAG Surcharge (dollar value)\r
515 An additional amount added to the usual charge, expressed\r
516 in a dollar, or monetary, value.\r
517 SAH Surcharge (percentage)\r
518 An additional amount added to the usual charge, expressed\r
519 in a percentage.\r
520 SAI Shipper load, consignee unload\r
521 Description to be provided.\r
522 SAJ Small packages charge\r
523 Description to be provided.\r
524 SC Surcharge\r
525 An additional amount added to the usual charge.\r
526 SD Shrinkage allowance\r
527 Description to be provided.\r
528 SF Special rebate\r
529 A return of part of an amount paid for goods or services,\r
530 serving as a reduction or discount.\r
531 SG Shrink-wrap charge\r
532 Description to be provided.\r
533 SH Special handling service\r
534 Description to be provided.\r
535 SM Special finish\r
536 Description to be provided.\r
537 ST Stamp duties\r
538 Self explanatory.\r
539 SU Set-up\r
540 Description to be provided.\r
541 SZ Steel surcharge\r
542 Description to be provided.\r
543 TAA Telephone charge\r
544 Description to be provided.\r
545 TAB Tank rental\r
546 Description to be provided.\r
547 TAC Testing charge\r
548 Description to be provided.\r
549 TAD Testing allowance\r
550 Description to be provided.\r
551 TAE Truckload discount\r
552 Description to be provided.\r
553 TD Trade discount\r
554 Description to be provided.\r
555 TS State tax\r
556 All applicable taxes by authorities at the state or\r
557 provincial level, below national level.\r
558 TT Transportation - third party billing\r
559 Description to be provided.\r
560 TV Transportation - vendor provided\r
561 Description to be provided.\r
562 TX Tax\r
563 Contribution levied by an authority.\r
564 TZ Temporary allowance\r
565 Description to be provided.\r
566 UM Unsaleable merchandise allowance\r
567 Description to be provided.\r
568 V1 Drop yard\r
569 Description to be provided.\r
570 V2 Drop dock\r
571 Description to be provided.\r
572 VAA Vendor freight\r
573 Description to be provided.\r
574 VAB Volume discount\r
575 Discount offered based on the amount of purchase.\r
576 VL Vehicle load allowance\r
577 Description to be provided.\r
578 WH Warehousing\r
579 Costs for storage and handling.\r
580 XAA Combine all same day shipment\r
581 Description to be provided.\r
582 YY Split pickup\r
583 Description to be provided.\r
584 ZZZ Mutually defined\r
585 Self explanatory.\r