]> git.immae.eu Git - github/fretlink/purs-loader.git/blame - index.js
Implementation of the loader
[github/fretlink/purs-loader.git] / index.js
a42f24b8 1var cp = require('child_process')
2 , path = require('path')
3 , fs = require('fs')
4 , glob = require('glob')
5 , lodash = require('lodash')
6 , chalk = require('chalk')
7 , lu = require('loader-utils')
8 , cwd = process.cwd()
9 , PSC_MAKE = 'psc-make'
10 , OUTPUT = 'output'
11 , OPTIONS = {
12 'no-prelude': '--no-prelude',
13 'no-opts': '--no-opts',
14 'no-magic-do': '--no-magic-do',
15 'no-tco': '--no-tco',
16 'runtime-type-checks': '--runtime-type-checks',
17 'verbose-errors': '--verbose-errors',
18 'output': '--output'
19 }
22module.exports = function(source){
23 var callback = this.async()
24 , request = lu.getRemainingRequest(this)
25 , root = path.dirname(path.relative(cwd, request))
26 , query = lu.parseQuery(this.query)
27 , opts = lodash.foldl(lodash.keys(query), function(acc, k){
28 var h = function(v){return acc.concat(query[k] && OPTIONS[k] ? [v] : []);}
29 if (k === OUTPUT) return h(OPTIONS[k] + '=' + query[k]);
30 else return h(OPTIONS[k]);
31 }, [])
32 ;
33 glob(path.join(root, '**', '*.purs'), function(e, files){
34 if (e !== null) callback(e);
35 else {
36 var cmd = cp.spawn(PSC_MAKE, opts.concat(files));
37 cmd.on('close', function(e){
38 if (e) callback(e);
39 else {
40 var module = path.basename(request, '.purs');
41 fs.readFile(path.join(opts[OPTIONS[OUTPUT]] || OUTPUT, module, 'index.js'), 'utf-8', function(e, output){
42 if (e) callback(e);
43 else callback(e, output);
44 });
45 }
46 });
47 cmd.stdout.on('data', function(stdout){
48 console.log('Stdout from \'' + chalk.cyan(PSC_MAKE) + '\'\n' + chalk.magenta(stdout));
49 });
50 cmd.stderr.on('data', function(stderr){
51 console.log('Stderr from \'' + chalk.cyan(PSC_MAKE) + '\'\n' + chalk.magenta(stderr));
52 });
53 }
54 });